"How did the commander get poisoned?" Mao Shanming asked curiously.

"How would I know how the Marshal got poisoned? I guess even he himself doesn't know. The Gu Master's method of poisoning is extremely strange. Not to mention ordinary people, even people in the Xuanmen can hardly detect it."Qin Jiuyang said solemnly

"So should we wait for Lieutenant Li to bring the things over now?" Qingqing said.


Qin Jiuyang nodded.

He didn't keep everyone waiting for long.

About half an hour later, Lieutenant Li brought what Qin Jiuyang needed.

He took the bowl and poured a bowl of water into it.

Then he put the rooster blood, pot ash, and straw ash in it and mixed them evenly.

Finally, he took out the talisman paper and shook it gently. The talisman paper ignited without fire.

Qin Jiuyang held the burning talisman paper in his right hand, drew circles above the bowl, and muttered something.

Before the talisman paper burned out, Qin Jiuyang threw the burning talisman paper into the bowl, and at the same time, he made a cross with his chopsticks and quickly made seals with his hands on it.

After a while ,


Qin Jiuyang pointed his right hand at the bowl.

Immediately, he picked up the bowl, helped the Marshal up, and moved the bowl around the cross of the chopsticks, letting the Marshal drink four sips.

Instantly, the Marshal's stomach struggled even more violently.

"With a"wow", the Marshal spat out a mouthful of black and sticky liquid with a disgusting smell, just like rotten eggs.

""It stinks!"

Mao Shanming looked disgusted.

Ren Tingting and other girls also pinched their noses.

There was nothing they could do. It was too smelly and disgusting.

As the liquid was spit out, the Marshal's stomach shrank a lot, but it was still very big. Qin Jiuyang asked Marshal Long's wife Michelle to bring a transparent cup.

Then, he took out the yellow talisman and let it burn. Like cupping, he put the burning talisman paper into the cup and covered the Marshal's belly button.


The next second , a thicker black liquid was sucked out from the commander's belly button.

""Eh...what is this? It's so disgusting and smells so bad." Ren Tingting frowned and said

"I know, this is a dead Gu. The water that Junior Brother Jiuyang fed to the Marshal just now is not simple. It is the famous Maoshan Nine Dragons Divine Water.

After this water entered the Marshal's stomach, it melted all the Gu in the Marshal's stomach."Mao Shanming said with a loud voice and a proud face.

He is also a true disciple of Maoshan after all. Although he does not have strong strength, he still knows some superficial knowledge.

"Is he right?"Michelin looked at Qin Jiuyang

"That's right, the big belly Gu has been melted by the Nine Dragons Divine Water. Now we just need to draw out the pus and then cure the blisters and red spots on the Marshal's body, and the Marshal will be cured."Qin Jiuyang nodded and said

"How long will it take? Can he recover within a week?"Michelle asked.

The Marshal almost lost his life this time. In her opinion, if he could recover within a week, it was already a sign of Qin Jiuyang's skill.

"It won't take a week, I'll be cured soon." Qin Jiuyang said. It

's just a poison. It may be difficult for others, but it's very simple for Qin Jiuyang.

"Will it be healed in a moment?"Michelle's pupils shrank, and a hint of shock flashed across her beautiful eyes, as well as a strong sense of excitement.


Mao Shanming on the side curled his lips and whispered:"What will you do if you don't recover later? You are really a young man who dares to say anything."

Qin Jiuyang is strong and has evil means, he admits.

But is it possible to make Marshal Long recover later?

Even if the deacons and elders of their Maoshan take action, it is impossible for Marshal Long to recover in such a short time.

Putting aside other things, Marshal Long has a big belly, which has severely compressed his organs. It is absolutely impossible for him to recover without ten days or half a month of meditation.

"Great, my dad will wake up soon, Brother Jiuyang, thank you." Nianying said excitedly

"You can wake up, but it is absolutely impossible to recover in a short time."Mao Shanming said.

Qin Jiuyang ignored Mao Shanming. Normally, it is impossible to recover so quickly, and it is not certain whether Marshal Long's life can be saved.

But if he takes action, nothing is impossible.

After sucking out the sticky liquid in Marshal Long's body, Qin Jiuyang used silver needles to pass the acupuncture points, combined with the endless spiritual energy in his body, to start healing Marshal Long's injuries.

The next second.

The blisters on Marshal Long's body shrank rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the red spots began to disappear.

Mao Shanming widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief and wonder.

"This... doesn't make sense, how could it recover so quickly?"Mao Shanming was shocked.

"Senior Brother Jiuyang is so amazing. Not only does he have profound skills, powerful methods, and a fast training speed, but his medical skills are also so amazing." Qingqing said in shock and admiration.

Ren Tingting and other girls also looked at him with hearts in their eyes.

Who can not love such an all-round and handsome man?

"All right."

In less than a minute, Qin Jiuyang took back the silver needle and patted Marshal Long's belly, which had returned to normal but still looked greasy, and said,"Marshal, it's time to wake up."

""Who? Who is so bold as to pat my belly? Believe it or not, I will shoot you!"

Marshal Long stood up with an angry look on his face.

Immediately, he looked at the people in the room and seemed to realize something. He quickly touched his body and looked at his belly, and suddenly said excitedly:"It's okay! ? It's really okay!! Hahaha... I'm fine"

"It's amazing, it's really amazing!!"

Li was dumbfounded. He was lying on the bed dying one moment, and the next second he jumped up full of energy, as if nothing had happened. This is even more amazing than a miracle doctor. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes

, I would have never thought that he was a miracle doctor.

���He absolutely couldn't believe it.

Not to mention him, even Mao Shanming couldn't believe it. It was too shocking and unbelievable.

"Dalong, you still don't thank Little Taoist Jiuyang. He came all the way to treat you. If it weren't for him, you would still be lying in bed unconscious."Michelin cried with joy and said to Marshal Long

"Yes, Dad, Brother Jiuyang's medical skills are amazing."Nianying echoed

"Brother Jiuyang, thank you, thank you so much, I knew you would be more promising than your master Dou Shiying.

Marshal Long was grateful and then extended an olive branch to Qin Jiuyang:"Don't leave now that you are in the provincial capital. Stay here and be my military advisor. I will give you fifty dollars a month.

If you don't want to be a military advisor, you can be a military doctor. Your medical skills are so good, it would be a pity if you don't let them shine."

"I'll skip the military advisor and military doctor, but I think I'll have to stay in the Marshal's Mansion for a while.

Although your poison has been removed and your injuries have recovered, the person who poisoned you has not been found, so you are always in danger."Qin Jiuyang said seriously.

"That's great, with you here, little brother Jiuyang, I can rest assured."

At this point, Marshal Long handed his command order to Qin Jiuyang,"This is my command order, which can mobilize tens of thousands of troops in the military region.

With this command order, within the territory of Xishan Province, you can let any local organization and my soldiers assist you unconditionally, and you have the power of life and death. Those who violate the order can be killed on the spot."

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