The provincial capital.

The Tan family.

In the house of Tan Baiwan.

Qin Jiuyang, who received the order from the Marshal, agreed to help Mao Shanming solve the problem of Tan Baiwan's house being haunted under Mao Shanming's persistent invitation. In

Mao Shanming's words, you are going to investigate the master who cast the spell on the Marshal, but you can't find anything useful in the Marshal's mansion.

Qin Jiuyang thought about it and thought that if he went to exorcise the ghost for Tan Baiwan, he might get some useful information.

"Uncle Ming, Taoist Jiuyang, please come in."

Tan Baiwan, wearing an orange Zhongshan suit, a small round hat, and a big belly, brought his family and made a flattering gesture.

Qin Jiuyang walked in front of Mao Shanming with his hands behind his back, passed a round archway, and entered the inner courtyard of Tan's mansion.

Mao Shanming followed closely behind, and had already figured out how to make a fortune from Tan Baiwan.

Tan Baiwan, who claimed to have a fortune of one million, was a bit exaggerated, but it must be tens of thousands of dollars.

""Jiuyang, how about it? Do you want Dabao and Xiaobao to cooperate with you?" Mao Shanming came to Qin Jiuyang and whispered in his ear.

He didn't believe that Tan Baiwan's house was haunted. If it was really haunted, after such a long time, all the people in the Tan family would have died.

If he wanted to make a fortune from Tan Baiwan, he naturally had to let Tan Baiwan see the real ghost. Otherwise, how could he make a fortune without even seeing the ghost?

"No, there are indeed ghosts in the Tan Mansion, and there are more than one."Qin Jiuyang said very confidently, looking at the thick ghost aura in the house.

In fact, before he came to the Tan Mansion, when Mao Shanming said that he would come to the Tan Mansion to exorcise ghosts, he knew that there were really ghosts in the Tan Mansion.

And they were ghosts of the whole family, such as grandparents, younger brother, husband, etc., all turned into ghosts.

"Is there really a ghost? And there is more than one?"Mao Shanming's pupils shrank, and he was secretly glad that Qin Jiuyang came with him.

If Qin Jiuyang didn't come, he wouldn't be able to solve the problem if he encountered a real ghost.

"Uncle Ming, how is it, can it be solved?" Tan Baiwan came to Mao Shanming and asked flatteringly.

"Yes, definitely. With my nephew here, there is no problem he can't solve."Mao Shanming said in a resounding voice.

"Thank you very much, Taoist Jiuyang." Tan Baiwan clasped his hands together and thanked him.

"You don't have to thank me. I'm not helping you for free. I want to charge you for it." Qin Jiuyang glanced at the fat and big-eared Tan Baiwan and said

"Oh, haha, look at my head. I'm old and my brain doesn't work well. Here are ten taels of silver notes. If it's not enough, I have more."Tan Baiwan immediately took out a handful of silver notes from his sleeves and handed one to Qin Jiuyang.

Qin Jiuyang didn't take it and didn't even look at it.

Mao Shanming, on the other hand, looked at the silver note in Tan Baiwan's hand with his eyes shining, wishing he could snatch it away.

"I say, Brother Tan, it's only ten taels of silver. You look down on my nephew too much." Mao Shanming curled his lips.

"Didn’t I tell you, if it’s not enough, I have more, can I give all of these to you?" Tan Baiwan said.

Just when Mao Shanming was about to agree and said that it was enough, Qin Jiuyang spoke up,"Not enough, it needs five thousand dollars, one dollar less.

I think you should be clear about the situation in your family. If it can be solved simply, you wouldn’t wait for us to deal with it."

With Tan Baiwan’s status and being in the provincial capital, what kind of masters can’t he invite?

But why did he invite Mao Shanming? Needless to say, all the masters in the provincial capital can’t solve the problem, so they can only pin their hopes on Mao Shanming, a liar who uses the name of Maoshan.

After all, Tan Baiwan didn’t know that he was a liar, he only knew that he was a disciple of Maoshan.

Five thousand dollars, he really didn’t ask for a lot.

His life is almost gone, what’s the use of having money? It’s worth it to be able to use five thousand dollars to exchange for the lives of his entire family.

"Five... five thousand dollars?"

Mao Shanming's eyes widened, and he couldn't help wondering if he had heard it wrong.

Five thousand, this is five thousand dollars!

He thought he had a big appetite, but in front of Qin Jiuyang, it was nothing.

This was not just a ruthless slaughter of Tan Baiwan, but eating and squeezing him dry, and sucking his blood.

"Little Taoist Jiuyang, are you kidding me?" Tan Baiwan was shocked.

"Let's go."

Qin Jiuyang took Mao Shanming and turned to leave.

He didn't have to make this money. Since Tan Baiwan didn't agree, he just left.

""No, Junior Brother Jiuyang, five thousand is indeed too much, five hundred is also fine, if you say five hundred, he will definitely agree." Mao Shanming said anxiously.

Such a big deal is not something you can come across casually, let alone five thousand dollars, even five hundred dollars is enough for them to live a life of ease.

"Wait a minute!"

Tan Baiwan hurriedly called Qin Jiuyang and gritted his teeth and said,"Okay, I agree, five thousand is five thousand, but you have to solve the problem immediately."

There was no other way. He had to make an emergency decision. He had asked a master before, but the master was injured by a ghost and said that if the problem was not solved within seven days, the entire Tan family would be ruined.

There was still one day left before the seven days, which was tomorrow. Otherwise, let alone five thousand dollars, he would not agree even to five hundred.

"This... agreed?"

Mao Shanming stood there as if struck by lightning, with an incredible look on his face.

"Uncle Ming, we are rich."

"Yes, remember to change us into new clothes, Uncle Ming."

Dabao and Xiaobao, who were put into the talisman umbrella, said excitedly.

They are ghosts, and the people of the Tan family did not hear their voices. The talisman umbrella is not to seal them, but a container for them to settle down.

They can sense the changes in the outside world and hear all the sounds of the outside world in the talisman umbrella.

"Don't worry, you will get what you want."Mao Shanming patted the umbrella and said.

Five thousand dollars, he didn't know how to spend it.

On the other side, after Qin Jiuyang asked Tan Baiwan to prepare the dollars, he went straight to the house in the inner courtyard.

Seeing this, Mao Shanming hurried to follow.

He was a little scared at first, but with the courage of five thousand dollars, he was no longer afraid. This is why there must be brave men under a big reward.

Enter one of the rooms.

I don't know if the evil ghost has noticed Qin Jiuyang's ability and is too scared to come out, or is hiding in the dark, ready to wait for an opportunity to move. The room is quiet and there is no movement.

However, even Mao Shanming can feel the creepy chill coming from the room. There is indeed a ghost here, and its strength is not weak.

Qin Jiuyang came to the table next to him, sat down directly, poured himself a cup of tea, and said lightly:"Come out, don't hide in front of me.

You should know that if I really want to find you, you can't hide. Since you can't hide, why not show up and see me openly."

""Hmph, damn little Taoist priest, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, or I'll kill you!"

Suddenly, a cold and sharp voice rang out.

The voice was powerful but breathless, and it was extremely penetrating, making people's eardrums ache and scalps numb.

Mao Shanming was frightened and turned pale, and he leaned towards Qin Jiuyang involuntarily.

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