"If you want to take my life, then it depends on whether you have the ability to do so." Qin Jiuyang said calmly.

""You are such an arrogant kid who doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is!"

A gloomy middle-aged man's voice sounded.

The next second

""Whoosh whoosh!"

A biting cold wind suddenly blew in the room.


""Bang, bang, bang!"

The doors and windows opened and closed violently.

The people of the Tan family standing outside were frightened by the scene and turned pale and trembled all over.

At this time, in the room, a female ghost in white appeared with many evil ghosts of all sizes. They were full of resentment and stared with copper bell-like eyes, surrounding Qin Jiuyang and Mao Shanming.

Mao Shanming trembled and his body trembled like a sieve.

Qin Jiuyang sat on the stool calmly and did not take this group of evil ghosts seriously at all.

The strongest of this group of evil ghosts was the female ghost in white, who had reached the evil ghost realm and had evil spirits growing on her body.

Evil ghosts grow from weak to strong. , respectively wandering souls, little ghosts, evil ghosts, fierce ghosts, fierce ghosts, evil ghosts, ghost generals, ghost kings...

Evil ghosts are equivalent to Taoist masters who have penetrated the Yin realm.

And he has now reached the realm of entering the underworld, which is one realm higher than the white-clothed female ghost. He is a veritable Taoist powerhouse.

Whether entering the underworld or penetrating the Yin, with his strength, he can easily deal with the white-clothed female ghost.

But for other Taoists, the strength of the white-clothed female ghost is still very strong. This is why in such a large provincial capital, Tan Baiwan can't find someone who can deal with this group of evil ghosts.

He charged Tan Baiwan five thousand yuan, which is reasonable and logical

""Little Taoist priest, you don't take us seriously. Daughter, let's go together and let him know how powerful we are!" said a middle-aged ghost with a beard.

Suddenly, many ghosts attacked Qin Jiuyang in unison.

The female ghost in white was the fastest. With a wave of her hands, an invisible evil spirit, like an arrow from Li Xuan, attacked Qin Jiuyang directly.

This is the evil spirit that grows in the body of the evil ghost after it cultivates into an evil ghost.

Evil spirit is much more powerful than ghost spirit, and ordinary yellow talismans can't do anything about it.

In short, ordinary yellow talismans can't deal with the female ghost in white, and it can break the yellow talisman in an instant.

To deal with this kind of ghost, you have to use white talismans that are more advanced than yellow talismans.

But for Qin Jiuyang, there is no need to use talisman paper to deal with them.

Seeing that the evil spirit was about to hit him.

Qin Jiuyang made seals with his hands like lightning, and a hand seal blasted out.


When his hands touched the evil spirit, golden light burst out, and he easily broke the evil spirit.

Then, he waved his hands, holding the golden sword in his left hand and the peach wood sword in his right hand, stepping on the Yin-Yang Bagua, like a tiger out of a cage, shooting arrows left and right, and forcing the ghosts back in an instant.

Qin Jiuyang jumped up, did a backflip in the air, and waved his right hand.


He threw out a Bagua mirror, which stuck to the wall accurately.

"The divine soldiers of the world, the essence of the Eight Diagrams, chant the true words, the Tian Gang will quickly appear, the Po Jun will hear my order, the gods and ghosts will take on lightning shapes. Command!"

Qin Jiuyang pointed his right hand holding the sword at the Eight Diagrams mirror.

In an instant, the Eight Diagrams mirror shone with golden light, illuminating the entire room.

"Chi Chi Chi!!"

The golden light came into contact with the ghost energy and began to corrode it crazily.


Some weaker ghosts were illuminated by the golden light, their ghost energy evaporated quickly, and they screamed in pain.

"Come here!"

The white-clothed ghost quickly gathered all the ghosts around him, and then used his powerful evil spirit to counter the golden light emitted by the Bagua mirror. The two lights, one gold and one black, collided and corroded fiercely in the air.

It was obvious that the black light was retreating step by step and was no match for the golden light.

This was when Qin Jiuyang did not take action. If he took action at this time, they would all be wiped out.

""Okay, okay, I told you to be so arrogant just now. Now you know how powerful my nephew is." Mao Shanming said with a powerful attitude.


The white-clothed female ghost looked at Mao Shanming fiercely and let out a low roar.

Mao Shanming shrank his neck and quickly closed his mouth.

Although the white-clothed female ghost was suppressed, she might try her best to drag him to death. For safety, it is better to say less.

"In less than a minute, you will all die here. Are you not ready to beg for mercy?" Qin Jiuyang looked at the white-clothed female ghost calmly.

It was just a demon ghost, and it was only in the early stage of the demon ghost. For him, there was no sense of accomplishment.

It was still when he was in the shapeshifting state that he felt a sense of accomplishment when he killed the Watanabe Demon King.

But it was also thanks to the sunlight. If it hadn't appeared at dawn, he wanted to kill the Watanabe Demon King, even if he could restore his spiritual energy infinitely, it would be impossible.

"If we beg for mercy, will you let us go?" The white-clothed female ghost looked at Qin Jiuyang.

"Yeah." Qin Jiuyang nodded and said,"Although you are evil ghosts, you have never harmed anyone. You frightened Tan Baiwan because Tan Baiwan built the Tan Mansion on your family's tomb.

But your ghost energy is too strong, especially you, who is still an evil ghost. Even if you don't kill Tan Baiwan, Tan Baiwan's family will be killed by ghost energy tomorrow at the latest."

"We had asked him to move out, but he refused to leave."The female ghost in white said

"This is the world of the living. It's not him who should go, but you. It's strange to say, why did your whole family become evil spirits? Have you ever thought about seeking revenge on the people who killed you?" Qin Jiuyang couldn't help asking

"We were brutally murdered by a Gu Master, who imprisoned us and used us to test the Gu.

We have been looking for him for years, but we couldn't find him at all. But God has mercy on us, and we finally found some clues recently."

The female ghost in white was full of resentment, gritting her teeth and said,"When we find him, I will make him wish he was dead and alive!!"

"Gu Master? What a coincidence?"

Qin Jiu���His mind suddenly moved, and he immediately became alert, and asked quickly:"Did you find any clues?"

"The Gu Master appeared in the provincial capital again and went to the Marshal's Mansion. We were going to conduct an in-depth investigation tonight, but unfortunately we met you, the Taoist Priest."

At this point, the female ghost in white knelt down and begged,"I was blind and offended you, the Taoist Priest. Please show mercy and spare me and my family.""


Qin Jiuyang grabbed the Bagua mirror with his right hand.

Without the golden light of the Bagua mirror, the white-clothed female ghost and the other evil spirits breathed a sigh of relief.

"After dark, I will investigate with you. Qin Jiuyang said to the female ghost in white

"This... little Taoist priest, you are going too?" The white-clothed female ghost was shocked.

Sparing their lives would be fine, but do you want to help them get revenge?

Among so many Taoist priests, this little Taoist priest was the first one to go his own way.

"What, you don't welcome me?" Qin Jiuyang raised his eyebrows.

"No, no, welcome, welcome. With the young Taoist priest joining us, that Gu Master will definitely not be able to escape!!"The female ghost in white hurriedly said

"In this case, humans and ghosts have different paths. All of you should come to my ghost collection talisman. After you have taken revenge, I will send you back to my master.

Let him save you, resolve your grievances, and help you reincarnate as soon as possible."Qin Jiuyang said.

If evil ghosts want to reincarnate, they must resolve their own grievances, otherwise the underworld will not accept them.

Not all ghosts can resolve grievances, only evil ghosts like the white-clothed female ghost family can do it.

Although they are evil ghosts, they have never harmed innocent people, which shows that they still have consciences and know that every grievance has its perpetrator.

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