Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 171: The Fall of the Divine City

Luo Yikong looked at the sun that had risen in the sky and smiled...

"He's dead, shouldn't you be sad?" Xuanyuan Luoying asked in confusion. Although she had a bad relationship with Lao Hui, Luo Yikong and Lao Hui were close friends. Now that Lao Hui was dead, Luo Yikong was not sad, but laughed.

"Sad? No... He left with a smile, why should I be sad? The moment life is born is a process of constantly moving towards death, and in that process, he found what he wanted in the end. That thing is not fame, nor is it power... but... the road..." Luo Yikong said thoughtfully, leaving Xuanyuan Luoying with a puzzled look.

"There are thousands of ordinary people in the world, but how many people can find their own way? Most people can't find it, and can only spend their lives in confusion. How many people fall down and give up on their own way, and only a few people unswervingly finish their own way... and I am a witness to the end of his road. It's just a pity that Lao Hui found his own way and walked to the end, while I am still wandering and confused." Luo Yikong smiled bitterly, some of which was pity for himself, and more of it was yearning for his old friend Luo Hui who walked his life without regrets...

"Is this the scenery you see?"

"Yes." Luo Yikong nodded. The higher the mountain climbed, the different the scenery you saw.

Luo Yikong's communicator began to vibrate, and Luo Yikong quickly connected it. Soon, Bai Shuoyue's projection appeared in front of Luo Yikong...

"The City of God has fallen..."

Hearing Bai Shuoyue's words, Luo Yikong was not surprised. After all, Lao Hui swung that sword with his own life, it was impossible for him to just solve a drop of water. Luo Yikong knew Lao Hui, and he would definitely try his best to drag the City of God into the water.

Luo Yikong raised his head and saw a huge "meteorite" with blazing flames falling into the distance, cutting through the sky and leaving a long tail of fire along the way...


"The God City is damaged by 65%... The power system is seriously damaged... The weapon system is seriously damaged..."

The God City passed through the atmosphere, burning with blazing flames, and the God City was in complete panic. Only the God King was still sitting on his throne, watching everything coldly...

He also lost the second move, and severely damaged his most important weapon "God City", just because he ignored a person... Luo Hui!

Because in the past 20 years, the Spark Base has been hiding, and even made the God City think that the entire planet's human beings have been extinct. If it weren't for the appearance of the players to expose the Spark Base in advance, the God City would not know that this base still exists. Even the Spark Base didn't know its existence, let alone Lao Hui.

In the eyes of the God City, Luo Hui, the human with abnormal combat power, should have died in the human gene war 20 years ago.

The failure of the God City this time was due to their arrogance and intelligence, because they disdained to set foot on the barren land after the disaster. Their spies were just the eyes of the gods who were high above, and how could those eyes of the gods enter the crowd?

The power of the twelve swords directly distorted the rules of this world. Not only did it dissolve the "water drop" that was enough to destroy all life on the surface, but the remaining power also caused severe damage to the God City. If it had not been consumed by most of the "water drop", I am afraid that the God City would have been split in two...


A loud noise came from the sky and the high God City fell from the sky...



Death and Dr. Halley watched the scene of the God City falling, and both of them had smiles on their faces, because the God City was once a shadow that oppressed each of them and was their number one enemy.

But now, the God City has fallen. Although those people in the God City are still alive, they are just birds with broken wings in their eyes and have lost their greatest support. Now, all the God City can rely on are some fighter planes that have not been destroyed, and biological weapons.

"I didn't expect that God City hides such weapons, and I didn't expect Luo Hui to hide such strength. Although he is dead, it should have been left to Jiuyan!" Dr. Halley looked at the picture transmitted by the hidden satellite, and his mouth curled up slightly. In his opinion, this ending couldn't be better.

"It's just a pity... This person's ideas run counter to ours, but he is also a person worthy of admiration. The strongest human in the past actually has such strength, which I can't reach. But thanks to him, the two biggest threats to Jiuyan have been eliminated, and now we are the strongest side." The God of Death smiled faintly. The Spark Base and the players have Luo Hui, and those high-ranking guys have God City. Now the two biggest threats are gone, and Jiuyan is unstoppable.

"Release the Nine Nightmares?"

"No, let them fight first!"


"Yes! Got the order! Fire now!!!"

In a command room, a soldier received the order and pressed the button. A missile more than ten meters high shot up from the missile silo with a long tail of fire. The target of the missile was the God City that had already fallen to the ground...

At the Spark Base, a group of new senior executives stared at the screen of the God City falling area. In a few minutes, they all learned the news of Lao Hui's sacrifice, but they had no time to grieve. Now that the God City had fallen from a high altitude, it was time to beat the fallen dog...

The City of God has been severely damaged and cannot support the opening of the energy defense shield. This is the best opportunity for them to resolve the genetic war that has lasted for more than 20 years!

After waiting for a minute, a missile flew rapidly in the picture. It was not an ordinary missile, but a nuclear bomb with an equivalent enough to destroy the entire city.

The missile was close to the falling area of ​​the City of God and was about to detonate, but it was affected by some unknown force and suddenly changed direction and flew away...

"The other party affected our missiles and seized control of our missiles!" A soldier stared at the data on the screen and reported in a sweat.

"Damn it! Even so, they can still affect our missiles!"

"Can we take back the control authority?"

"No! The other party's research in this area is far beyond ours!"

"TMD! In what aspect of technology is the City of God not far beyond us! Even if it is severely damaged now, it is still like this!" A senior executive slammed the hammer on the table heavily, his heart full of frustration. The gap in technology can often only be exchanged for human lives. If the gap is too large, no matter how many lives are lost, it is useless.

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