
A loud noise resounded through the heavens and the earth, and a dazzling light rose from the horizon. It was not the sun, but the scene produced by the explosion of a nuclear bomb...

The terrifying energy carried high temperature and impacted everything around. All flesh and blood in this world would be reduced to ashes in the impact of the high temperature...

The target of the nuclear bomb controlled by the City of God was a large player shelter called the Chiluan Shelter. Logically speaking, under this devastating power, the large shelter with two million players should be reduced to ashes between heaven and earth, but the fact is that this large shelter survived intact.

Luo Yikong built all the shelters together to form a joint surface defense network. If any shelter was attacked, the energy of other shelters would be drawn to form protection. Unless the attack was so strong that the energy of all surface shelters could not be maintained, it could not be captured.

This joint defense system originated from the shelter technology and belongs to the level of first-level civilization technology. However, the number of shelters is large and the scale is huge. The energy stored is more than that of the "Eye of God", which makes it look much more powerful than the "Eye of God". However, this joint defense system is mainly based on surface defense. Although it also has attack means and powerful power, the attack distance is very limited.

Although the Chiluan Shelter blocked the bombing of the nuclear bomb, many players in the shelter were blinded because they looked directly at the dazzling light of the nuclear bomb explosion, but this is already a blessing in disguise.

Luo Yikong was in a wilderness. The breeze rolled up small sand and stones and hit Luo Yikong. The surroundings looked desolate at a glance…

Luo Yikong's authority has been offset by the one in the God City. Only by completely killing each other can they obtain the full authority of this world, and this is the final test of this world.

Luo Yikong won the first two moves. For the third move, Luo Yikong had already guessed how the other party would play. After all, one of the things that Shencheng is best at is biological weapons, but Luo Yikong also has many players.

Luo Yikong also had plans in mind to close the space-time gate. Without obtaining complete world authority, Luo Yikong could not allow players to revive infinitely. Then the only way to allow players to burst out all their strength was to cut off all the players' retreats and leave a glimmer of hope! If the space-time gate is open, those players will naturally not risk their lives, but it will be different if it is closed.

Although there will be many sacrifices, Luo Yikong has been mentally prepared. If there are no sacrifices, it will be a disaster for both worlds.

Luo Yikong sat down on the wilderness, letting the wind with sand and stones blow his body. Now Luo Yikong cannot open the space crack to teleport between places when his authority is offset. He can only wait quietly for the arrival of the fire base.

"Luoying, why are those twelve swords all phantoms, looking unreal, but seeming to exist in reality?" Luo Yikong took advantage of this time to ask Xuanyuan Luoying, and the latter couldn't help but feel nauseous when she heard Luo Yikong's address...

"No, no, no, just call me Ying! Luoying I'm still not used to it! But those twelve swords are all phantoms because they really exist, but they are not in this time and space. You can understand that this is a means of connecting the strongest rule swords in various worlds and times across endless space and infinite time. It is a means of uniting the twelve strongest swords in endless space and infinite time, so that one person can use these weapons at the same time in one space and one time." After all, Xuanyuan Luoying has studied the fragment for 100,000 years, and knows more or less about the secrets inside.

"For example, if you are in the past timeline and in a different world space, you can't get the weapons born in the future, let alone the weapons from another world? The twelve swords are in different worlds and different time periods. Some swords are born in the past, some are born in the present, and some are in the future. How can a person use weapons from the past... present... future... three time periods? What's more, the worlds where these weapons are located are also different... But the twelve swords are different. Although they are phantoms, they span time and space. That's why they are powerful! The performance of this phantom is just to show that those weapons do not belong to this space. During this period..."

"You mean that these twelve swords are likely to be some existence, or some accidents, thrown into the long river of time, and wandering in various worlds." Luo Yikong frowned. The things he is exposed to now are also different from before. What Xuanyuan Luoying said is probably true.

"The long river of time? If I have a chance, I would like to go and see it..." Luo Yikong knew that countless worlds were connected to a long river of time, and the flow rate of the river in each world was different. People in the river could only go downstream. If they went upstream, they would either be swallowed up and corrected by the surging river of time, or they would affect the water flow behind them. It's just that time, although it is everywhere, is still out of reach for Luo Yikong now.

"The long river of time? Even if my Emperor Star civilization has studied and spied on it for 100,000 years, it has only touched a drop of water. Even advanced civilizations and gods dare not touch time easily, because the side effects are very uncontrollable and unstable, which is much more terrible than space. Once time technology is not used well, it will be irreversible, and it can directly cause a powerful civilization to disappear from the long river of time." Xuanyuan Luoying did not want Luo Yikong to touch the long river of time. The long river seemed calm, but it was actually surging. What's more, she had established a relationship with Luo Yikong in time, and Luo Yikong's time could affect her.

"If I control this world to a certain extent, can I touch the legendary long river of time?" Luo Yikong asked Xuanyuan Luoying, and the latter shook his head.

"Level 6 civilization is just a small paper boat in time, vulnerable to attack. Level 7 and 8 civilizations can only affect the time of their own world, a small branch in the long river of time. Level 9 civilization can barely sail in the main river of time that integrates all worlds. As for you, you must not only become a god, but also become an existence above the Supreme God, so that you can jump out of time and sail freely. Of course, there is a third way... that is to become... Tao..."

"Tao?" Luo Yikong frowned.

"Everything in this world is Tao, water flowing to the lower place is Tao, sunrise and sunset are Tao, and the rules you set for players are also Tao... Tao is the rule of everything, fair and ruthless, just the difference between natural Tao and man-made Tao. It binds everything and also binds yourself. You can't touch it at your current level, wait until you completely control this world, now your only goal is the God City!"

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