"Why didn't the high-level executives invite you to the meeting?" Bai Shuoyue frowned as he looked at the drunk man who was slumped on the ground, smelling of alcohol and looking dirty.

The drunk was Lao Hui. He took a gulp of wine, raised his drunken face, glanced at me, and then lay on the ground like a useless person and continued to drink...

"They didn't like me before, and now I'm a useless person, not to mention... It's not good to go to that meeting... Just like the old guys in the meeting said, just live well, and worrying about so much is just seeking death. It's good enough that I can survive. Xiao Yueyue, it's better not to get involved in some things."

"I won't be as useless as you... I will become stronger! At least I won't give up on myself all the time! I will avenge you and my sister! At that time, the top leaders of the Spark Base and the God City, those high-ranking people will pay the price!" Bai Shuoyue clenched his fists, his eyes full of anger and hatred. The Spark Base is the last spark of mankind on the surface, but after the shadow of the God City left, those high-ranking people revealed their true colors.

"I taught you all that and made you stronger just so that you could protect yourself... Revenge will only make you more painful. This kind of thing is not suitable for girls to do. Besides, the city of God is coming, and there are many ordinary people in this place. They need the leadership of those people above. I hope you can realize this."

"I have heard too much of your preaching. But did you arrange that guy to be by my side to watch me?"

"That guy? You mean Luo Yikong, right? I can tell at a glance... That guy is Hope... Don't ask me how I know, because I used to be Hope..." Lao Hui drank the bottle of wine in his hand, then fell to the ground, closed his eyes, and soon there was a snoring sound...

"Talking nonsense again..." Bai Shuoyue sighed helplessly, carried Lao Hui from the ground, and walked to the house next to him...

"So heavy! You guy!"

After opening the door, Lao Hui was thrown roughly on the bed. Seeing Lao Hui like that, Bai Shuoyue raised his fist and put it down again. To be honest, it was not Lao Hui she hated, but the way Lao Hui gave up on himself.

Seeing the drunken, useless Lao Hui, Bai Shuoyue covered him with a quilt, then turned around and left without looking back...

Not long after Bai Shuoyue left, Lao Hui suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed...

"Little girl... Who knows my suffering? I have endured it for so many years..." Lao Hui smiled bitterly, then untied his clothes. It can be clearly seen that some areas on his chest have ulcerated, and there are black bloodstains around the ulcerated areas spreading around...

Lao Hui's chest was attacked many years ago and infected with the Genesis virus. Because he himself is a very special existence, he can fight the Genesis virus in his body for so long without becoming an infected person. As for the virus, he is the only one who knows about it. He also knows that if this kind of thing is leaked, there will be very serious consequences, and I am afraid that even Bai Shuoyue will not be able to escape death. However, the constant erosion of the Genesis virus caused Lao Hui's chest to fester and emit a foul odor. At the same time, the unbearable pain caused by the virus eroding the body also tortured Lao Hui, and he had to pretend that nothing had happened.

No one knew what kind of pain he was going through as a waste. He made himself dirty and kept people away, just to cover up the smell of festering. Constant drinking was just to alleviate the pain. He endured this pain for 15 years... He also endured this humiliation for 15 years...

"My days... should not be many years..." Looking at the condition of his chest, Lao Hui smiled bitterly. He also had to do something in the last time...



"No more! No more! Damn, you are a monster!" Chen Liren sat on the ground and waved his hand to refuse. The sweaty, panting, and bruised appearance was really distressing.

No matter what tricks Chen Liren used, Luo Yikong would learn them the next second and then use them against him. To be honest, Chen Liren was disgusted by Luo Yikong's terrible learning ability. He could have suppressed Luo Yikong, but now he was beaten by Luo Yikong.

"Deputy Captain, he actually lost to this newcomer in terms of skills!"

"MD, it's really scary! In less than a day, he suppressed the deputy captain in terms of skills. Has he been playing the pig to eat the tiger?"

"I don't know where the captain found this monster? Logically speaking, such a person should have been poached from the Spark Base long ago!"

The battle in which Luo Yikong defeated Deputy Captain Chen Liren also attracted the attention of the surrounding trainers. A newcomer who didn't know any skills defeated the deputy captain in less than a day with the skills he just learned. This is really incredible.

Luo Yikong was breathing heavily. Through the close combat with Chen Liren, Luo Yikong had already improved the fighting skills of the Fire Seed Base to a high level. In other words, in terms of fighting skills alone, Luo Yikong was already one of the top players in the entire Fire Seed Base.

Ordinary players naturally did not have the learning speed of Luo Yikong. After all, they did not have the skill analysis granted by the administrator's authority. In front of this skill analysis, Luo Yikong only needed to take a look and he could learn it.


At this time, the crowd suddenly parted in the middle, making way, and then Bai Shuoyue walked over, looking at Luo Yikong in front of him, frowning slightly...

"Have you learned these before?" Bai Shuoyue looked at Luo Yikong in front of him and asked. It was incredible that he mastered the fighting skills in less than a day and defeated the deputy captain Chen Liren.

"No... I just learned it..."

"Get ready and choose your equipment. We will go to the surface tomorrow. There is a mission!" Bai Shuoyue glanced at Luo Yikong, threw down this sentence coldly, and then turned and left...

"Are there any actions?" Luo Yikong knew that the Spark Base had begun to take action on the ground, which means that the contact between players and the Spark Base may have to be advanced. But there are also benefits. At least Luo Yikong not only sneaked into the Spark Base, but also got a set of equipment for free. After all, it is okay to exchange energy coins for low-level equipment, but it is quite expensive to exchange for higher-level equipment.

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