Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 20: Advance Team

"Everyone! Now the time to return to the ground has come, and we will serve as the vanguard to fight for a future in the sun for our families and compatriots!"

The leader in a suit stood on the podium and gave a passionate speech, and below the podium were 50,000 vanguard members ready to go. These 50,000 people will be divided into hundreds of teams and go to different mission locations on this planet.

"I know that he is always nagging up there. When the time comes to fight with the City of God, I bet that guy will hide as far as he can... In the end, the casualties will still be civilians..." Chen Liren stood beside Luo Yikong, looking at the bald leader on the podium and cursed in a low voice, but these words were still heard by Luo Yikong.

The plan to return to the ground has begun, and the Spark Base will set up a defense line on the ground to resist the arrival of the City of God. Although Luo Yikong has just joined Bai Shuoyue's team, it is now a time when there is a shortage of combat personnel, so Luo Yikong, a reserve who joined in the middle, can become a member of the vanguard.

For the Spark Base, although the advance team was the first to land on the surface, they were not the elite of the Spark Base. To put it bluntly, the advance team was simply the first cannon fodder to land on the surface. After all, no one knew the situation in various areas on the surface.

After Luo Yikong's inquiry, Luo Yikong learned that the elite of the Spark Base was a group of 3,000 super gene soldiers. Those soldiers had terrible combat power and could fight against a hundred people. However, for that elite, many things were top secret, and Luo Yikong did not get much information.

"Let's go!"

As the leader's speech ended, everyone immediately took action and lined up in a neat team towards the Spark Base No. 1 Airport...

When Luo Yikong first learned that the Spark Base, an underground base, had an airport, he was also very shocked. However, Chen Liren told Luo Yikong that since humans entered the Spark Base, the dome of the airport had never been opened. This time was the first time the dome had been opened in 20 years.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The entire base could hear the loud noise coming from above, and everyone couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the rock wall above. At this time, everyone saw that the rock wall had a crack in the middle, and the first ray of sunlight in 20 years also shone in from above...

Looking at the first ray of sunlight in 20 years, everyone looked longing, and even more of the old people living in this fire base shed tears looking at the sunlight...

Being in the darkness, I longed for the sunlight on the surface more than anyone else...

Rocks kept falling from the gradually opening dome, and every member of the advance team showed a determined look, They knew very well that they were about to face all the unknown dangers and zombies on the surface, but when they saw the first beam of sunlight, they all thought of their dreams of longing for the surface when they were young...

As the dome was fully opened, the sunlight sprinkled on the underground fire base, and then everyone saw a transport plane slowly and vertically landing from the dome...

"I heard that the guys at the outpost found a group of super humans on the surface. Each of them has a strong fighting power. It is said that they are survivors of the genetic war twenty years ago." Chen Liren looked at the transport plane on the apron in front of him. He already knew who was in it.

"Where did you get the news?" Luo Yikong glanced at Chen Liren beside him and asked in a low voice. In fact, Luo Yikong also knew that the group of super humans were the players who walked out of the forbidden area of ​​God.

"The news the captain got last night, I just happened to hear it when I was packing things for the captain. Only the top leaders of the base know about this kind of thing, and it just so happens that the drunk uncle in the captain's house is the former top leader of the base."

"That uncle..." Luo Yikong's mind automatically emerged with the dirty drunkard. Although that guy had some evil means, Luo Yikong didn't expect that his former identity was so awesome. Since he was a former top leader of the Spark Base, why did he become like that now.

"You should have seen him too! That's right, you were brought in by the captain, don't underestimate him, he was once a hero..."

"Hero?" Luo Yikong was stunned. Was that kind of person really a hero?

"Everyone board the plane!" Bai Shuoyue, who was at the front of the team, turned around and ordered the team. After hearing the order, the team quickly split into several long lines and followed Bai Shuoyue to board the plane...

The door of the transport plane that had landed earlier opened, and players dressed in strange clothes walked out one by one. Those players' eyes were full of curiosity. They had not experienced the awareness of life and death. Perhaps for them, this end of the world, where people fought desperately, was just a game. Those players passed by the members of the advance team, but they represented two worlds that were incompatible. One side played the game, and the other side was ready to die, running in different directions.

Luo Yikong was mixed in the crowd, and this scene had a huge impact on Luo Yikong's heart...

Instantly, Luo Yikong saw the familiar girl among the players. She had a samurai sword hanging on her waist, and her temperament was extraordinary. Her eyes, as clear and bright as the bright moon, looked at everything around her... Suddenly she saw Luo Yikong in the crowd and stopped...

The two looked at each other for a second, and then Luo Yikong entered the transport plane without looking back...


Luo Yikong found a seat in the transport plane and sat down, then put on a protective mask, and began to check his equipment and guns...

Luo Yikong is now equipped with the Spark Base's Type 20 automatic rifle. The combat uniform he wears is the standard single-soldier combat uniform of the Spark Base, which can withstand the attack of general firearm bullets and a certain degree of explosion impact, as well as zombie bites and knife damage. The helmet is a Spark multi-functional combat helmet, which has infrared thermal sensing and night vision systems, as well as auxiliary shooting functions. The pistol is the third-type Spark pistol, which can be equipped with special bullets.

However, the equipment that makes Luo Yikong satisfied is the laser sword, but compared to ordinary weapons, the laser sword is very expensive. Only elites or captains can own it. Logically speaking, Luo Yikong should not be able to obtain the laser sword, but Chen Liren gave his laser sword to Luo Yikong.

The name of the laser sword is "Embers". It has been with Chen Liren for three years. Luo Yikong was embarrassed to accept it, but Chen Liren said that he would be promoted sooner or later and get a new sword, so Luo Yikong had to accept it, and he really needed a powerful melee weapon.

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