Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 216 Registration

"Origin, why don't you try to live in this world!"

"Continue to live?" Luo Yikong was stunned. Maybe Luo Keying had a good idea. Being in the vast sea of ​​people and experiencing all kinds of things in the world might make Luo Yikong still Luo Yikong instead of the ruthless and unjust way of heaven.

"You can try..." Luo Yikong nodded.

"Great! With your own strength, it should be easy to enter Xingjin Academy!" Luo Keying suddenly became excited. She could already imagine that it would be interesting for Luo Yikong to enter the academy.

Luo Yikong actually had his own considerations when he entered Xingjin Academy, so that at least he would not forget Luo Yikong's name and existence. On the other hand, after Luo Yikong became the Dao of Heaven, although he was much more powerful than ordinary gods, he was also bound to this world. Therefore, 16 years ago, Luo Yikong separated a large number of clones and threw them into various worlds.

In order not to attract the attention of the supreme beings in those worlds, Luo Yikong's clones lived and grew up in those worlds as babies, and inherited all the abilities and skills of Luo Yikong's original body, and their strength was ten times that of Luo Yikong's original body. one. Although it is only one tenth, killing all low-level world civilizations is not a problem at all.

And when the time is right, with Luo Yikong sitting in the rear, he can invest a large number of players in the plane war.

"Original body! Do you know Ji Xue'er?" Luo Keying suddenly asked Luo Yikong.

"I know her, the vampire princess of the Blood Moon World. One hundred and seventy years ago, during the short period of time when I woke up, I brought her and those vampires here."

"Actually, the blood god Lolis behind Ji Xue'er is still alive. I met her once when I ran away from home when I was 10 years old. She also seemed to recognize me as a clone of my true body. Please let me tell you. I'm awake, I have time to meet him." Luo Keying walked in front of Luo Yikong, stepping on the edge of the river with open arms...

"She is still alive..."

"Well... Cunning Rabbit Sanku, she knew before that her world would not stand behind her, how could she not be prepared? However, Lolis is no longer a god now, because her world has abandoned her as a god. , her existence is no longer needed. But for our world, she is a good strong person. Maybe you can take her as your subordinate. Do you want to see her now?"

"No, I know where she is. She and I will meet in the future." Luo Yikong shook his head. Luo Yikong was not too surprised that Lolis was still alive. After all, the guy had lived for so long, but once An old fox. There is no such thing as a fuel-efficient lamp to become a world god and stand out from one world.

From the current point of view, although the Blood Moon World has returned to human hands, his unlucky apprentice paid the price with his life. At the moment of his death, he probably thought that the Blood God was dead.

Both sides suffer, one dies and the other escapes. Luo Yikong has seen this result in the previous deduction results. Speaking of which, this is probably the choice of that world. That world does not want the emergence of a god who continues to bring war. If Chen Linlin becomes a god, she will definitely hunt her down and even start a plane war. After all, the hatred is too deep.

That world has been depleted too much. If there is consciousness in the blood moon world, then the best choice is for Lolis and Chen Linlin to die together.

Luo Yikong is the world at the moment and looks at many issues from the perspective of the world, so he understands that the result is inevitable. This is the fate of Chen Linlin and Lolis in that world. It's just that Lolis escaped from certain death, but Chen Linlin paid with her life.

"Speaking of... Blood Moon World... that girl is really a stupid girl..." Luo Yikong shook his head. Chen Linlin was too blinded by hatred. If she was more rational and shrewd, she might be able to make decisions from the world. Escaped from fate, same as Lolis. It’s just a pity! It was precisely because Luo Yikong saw her innocence and talent that he tried to teach her swordsmanship.

Now think about it, everything has a cause and effect. From the moment Luo Yikong entered that world, he entered the layout of that world and became a vital chess piece.

Luo Yikong looked at the night sky. Now that he has become the way of heaven in this world, it is time to use this world as a chessboard and start laying out his plans. To prepare for future disasters.

After Luo Yikong and Luo Keying separated, they forcibly forged their birth in this world through the system. Although it was night and not the registration time, Luo Yikong still forcibly signed up through some system permissions.

However, Luo Yikong did not become a student of Xingjin Academy, but signed up to be a teacher of Xingjin Academy. Although the selection of Star Ember Academy teachers is more stringent than the recruitment, and most of the Star Ember Academy teachers are high-level figures in the world, or the top group of strong men, this is no problem for Luo Yikong.

Becoming a teacher at Xingjin Academy, Luo Yikong is also planning for the future of this world...

Luo Yikong found a place outside the academy and stayed temporarily. When Luo Yikong came to the room, he did not rest immediately. Instead, he took out a piece of paper, stretched out his finger and wrote a line of words on it, although that The paper was still blank, but Luo Yikong believed that whoever should see it would see it.

Luo Yikong folded the paper into a thousand paper cranes, and then under the influence of a mysterious force, the thousand paper cranes seemed to come alive and flew out of the window...

"Go... go tell that person..."


A few days is just a blink of an eye for Luo Yikong. After all, compared to the long dream of three hundred years, these are all child's play.

Perhaps because of the registration season, a large group of people gathered at the Xingjin Academy assessment site. The students' entrance examination had already ended before Luo Yikong came to Shenzhou City. These people are here to apply for Xingjin Academy teachers, and the requirements for teachers are often more stringent.

Luo Yikong looked at the players around him who were almost all level 300 and wearing the lowest quality excellent equipment, and suddenly felt that he was an outsider. Compared with those people, Luo Yikong was not only of low level, but also looked too young. He had no equipment on his body, only a simple and plain clothes.

"My name is Qiu Chen, a level 311 player. I used to be an SSS bounty hunter. I have a gold medal teacher certificate and had 10 years of service experience in the expedition fleet when I was young. I am ranked No. 1 in the Sword Monument Strength Ranking!" A middle-aged man with dyed red hair and wearing luxurious equipment showed his certificate to the registrants... "Okay! You can go in!" The staff nodded coldly. Although Qiu Chen is very powerful and a strong man who surpasses most players, he is not good enough in this place and can only be considered above average.

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