Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 217 Assessment

"Level 301, ranked first on the Sword Monument Strength List, participated in the hunting of 250-level thousand-man BOSS battles, created more than 5 S-level skills, and has a gold medal teacher certificate." Another middle-aged man with gentle eyes also talked about his achievements, and these achievements cannot be faked. After all, you can find out as long as you check.

After the middle-aged man, many master players registered, and those masters were all above level 300 without exception, and all of them were on the Sword Monument ranking list.

Once Luo Yikong descended on the twelve Sword Monuments in this world, and each Sword Monument recorded the player's level, skills, overall strength and other rankings. The Sword Monument Ranking on Strength was established in Shenzhou City, and it was also the most valuable of the twelve Sword Monuments.

Finally, we arrived at Luo Yikong, but when the staff saw that Luo Yikong was only level 200, they frowned immediately...

"The audience channel and the accompanying family channel are not here."

"I am not a spectator, nor am I an accompanying family member. I am here to apply for a teacher position at Xingjin Academy." Luo Yikong responded expressionlessly.

"This kid really doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is!"

"He looks quite young. He is a combat genius to have reached level 200. He is OK to be a student at Xingjin Academy, but he is still a little short of being a teacher."

"I don't know where this kid got his confidence from. He really thought that the minimum requirement was level 200, and he came here at level 200."

Before the staff said anything, the people in the queue behind him heard Luo Yikong's answer and laughed mercilessly. In their opinion, Luo Yikong, this young man, really didn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is.

"Are you sure? Don't be too embarrassed..." The staff looked at the players with mocking eyes and asked uncertainly. After all, he didn't want Luo Yikong to be hit too badly after entering.


"Do you have a teacher's certificate? Have you ever achieved anything?"

"No achievements, no certificates." The staff member was about to register, but stopped and looked at Luo Yikong with a weird look.

"Come on, this kid is just here to make up the numbers!"

"Except for this 200-level, there is nothing to show for it."

"I hope that kid doesn't get beaten to a pulp in there!"

Hearing Luo Yikong's answer, the surrounding players laughed at Luo Yikong again, but in the face of these laughs, Luo Yikong was completely unmoved. In more than 300 years, Luo Yikong has experienced the lives of hundreds of millions of people and has long looked down on many things. Face is the most superficial thing for Luo Yikong.

"I remember all the requirements. All you need to do is reach level 200 and pass the relevant recruitment exams of Xingjin Academy. As for other things, they are not necessary. They just increase the chances of being hired."

"But you are only level 200, and the chances of being hired are almost zero."

"It doesn't matter. Just register."

"What's your name?"

"Luo Yikong."

After Luo Yikong said his name, he walked into Xingjin Academy and went directly to the location of the first round of assessment.

The first round of assessment is a written test. All participants are divided into separate small rooms. In one hour, they write various theories of players according to different questions.

The question Luo Yikong faces is "How to maximize the combat effectiveness of ordinary players at the same level?", and under the question, the current situation and resources of the players are listed. In the case of being unable to upgrade the level and unable to return to the shelter, in a dangerous environment, concentrate all the resources in your hands to maximize your combat effectiveness. This is not a fantasy. All resources are based on what you have, and nothing will suddenly appear.

"Is this a test of one's resource management ability? Perfect use of resources in hand can indeed play a vital role in combat."

Luo Yikong quickly wrote down the theoretical method. After all, in this world, no player has more knowledge about combat than Luo Yikong. Even if a player creates a new way of fighting, Luo Yikong will know it immediately, because this is Luo Yikong's authority, sharing the combat experience of all players.

Half an hour later, Luo Yikong walked out of the room and became one of the few people who handed in the paper the fastest.

"This... this... is simply a perfect solution! Every resource is used to the extreme, and even this limited and barren resource is used to kill the enemy across 20 levels!" An examiner who was responsible for reviewing Luo Yikong's answer to the test question widened his eyes. If 80% of the resources can be used to pass the level, Luo Yikong perfectly used 100% without any waste.

"This guy won't be a master of walking alone in the wild!"

Many people saw that the examiner had such an evaluation of Luo Yikong, and they couldn't help guessing in their hearts. After all, there are always some lone rangers in the wild who can maximize the use of the resources in their hands.

"Can I proceed to the next round?" Luo Yikong looked at the examiner indifferently, and the latter wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded.

After Luo Yikong passed the first written test perfectly, he went directly to the large virtual arena of Xingjin Academy, which borrowed part of the power of Luo Yikong's former virtual world tower and could simulate strong enemies according to different requirements.

The first round was to test personal combat theory and survival theory knowledge, to see if the individual's knowledge of players was up to standard. The second round was to test personal combat power, and the enemies faced were almost all players who had crossed levels.

For example, Luo Yikong's enemy is a level 250 ten-man BOSS, which is not only 50 levels higher than Luo Yikong, but also a ten-man BOSS. If you have average combat skills, you will definitely not be its opponent.

In front of Luo Yikong is the Corrupted Python, a doomsday creature. It is a ten-meter-long snake with serious rot and many pustules. Although Luo Yikong has the ability to kill it in one blow, Luo Yikong knows that the examiners of Xingjin Academy are unwilling to see this scene. After all, what they test is everyone's combat skills to kill enemies above their level.

In terms of combat skills, no one is more skilled than Luo Yikong. Luo Yikong activates the skill Bone Transformation, turning his arm into a flesh and blood sword blade, and then rushes towards the target...

Luo Yikong never drags his feet when he takes action. Luo Yikong does not hit the vital point directly, because ordinary players will flip over if they do not operate well. Since he wants to pass this assessment, Luo Yikong naturally has to use relatively safer combat methods and tactics to slowly bleed the python to death.

Luo Yikong's attack speed was very fast, and the wounds continued to increase. In addition, the giant python struggled violently, causing the blood flow to accelerate, which further accelerated the death of the giant python.

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