Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 218 Full marks passed

"It's actually a Devourer! So he's in this profession!"

"This battle... is too skilled! It seems like he has simulated it many times!"

"So strong! So handsome! How can there be such a handsome man?! I really hope he can pass, so that he can become a teacher in our academy!"

Compared to the previous academy entrance examination, the teacher recruitment assessment has also attracted the attention of many people, including not only some applicants and players in the academy, but also people from all walks of life in this world.

Because Luo Yikong was too eye-catching at the entrance of Xingjin Academy before, and he received a full score in the written test, he naturally attracted the attention of many people. In this actual combat assessment, Luo Yikong did not choose to kill directly, but chose to suppress his strength and win with skills, which made all the spectators astonished.

"The movements were smooth and flowing. The giant python seemed to attack fiercely, but in fact it was being played with. It was as if in front of that guy, it was not a ten-man level BOSS that was 50 levels higher than him, but a toy!"

"The rich combat experience can be seen from every move! How could that guy have such a rich combat experience at such a young age? Could it be that he crawled out of a pile of dead bodies?"

"This... this is no longer a battle! This is simply art! Every move and every style has reached the ultimate perfection, smooth and flowing, light and carefree... Master! A true combat master!"

Under the virtual big screen that played Luo Yikong's battle, it was crowded with people at some point. They were discussing, but their eyes were always fixed on Luo Yikong's every move on the big screen, and they kept exclaiming.

In a corner, Ye Cangdong, the dean of Xingjin Academy, who ranked in the top three in the combat power of the Xingjin organization and currently ranked in the top ten in the world, frowned. He could see that Luo Yikong did not try his best. Facing a BOSS that surpassed his level, he had not yet tried his best. It can be seen that Luo Yikong's real combat power is probably more than that.

"Is this person called Luo Yikong?" Ye Cangdong asked the examiner beside him, and that examiner was the examiner in charge of the first written test.

"Yes, Dean! In the first written test, he was the only one who gave a perfect answer and got full marks!"

"I also read what he wrote. It was as if he was in the scene, and after thousands of experiments, the best result was obtained. Now in this actual battle, it is only a matter of time before the giant python is bled out. But that person looks young, just like our students, how could he have such a sophisticated experience?" Ye Cangdong was a little confused for a while. The most valuable thing for a teacher is experience, and these assessments are more or less related to experience, whether it is survival experience or combat experience. But Luo Yikong looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, and his experience is not even comparable to some century-old monsters.

In the first written test, Luo Yikong only took half an hour to get the best result, which is simply terrifying! That guy is basically a humanoid machine, as if he has calculated everything.

"This young guy named Luo Yikong has no achievements, was born in an ordinary family, and doesn't even have a teacher's certificate. He looks like he jumped out of thin air. And this name..." The examiner said here and didn't continue.

"You mean to say that this name is familiar, but that commander died on the virus planet at the end of the Battle of the City of Gods. Even if he survived. He is 320 years old. Can he live that long? And still look so young." Ye Cangdong shook his head. He also knows a little about the history of the Battle of the City of Gods, and also knows some inside stories, such as the "devourer" job transfer profession, which was created by that person through the alien blood virus. Until now, every player who transfers to a devourer can see the name of the original creator.

"Dean, this person has a strange origin. If he passes all three tests, should we really hire him?"

"Of course, this is the rule and cannot be changed. But the third game is not that easy." Ye Cangdong smiled faintly. The third test is the key to determine how far the player can go.


Under Luo Yikong's continuous bleeding, the corrupted python was already bleeding profusely. It could not last more than 10 minutes before its blood volume was completely drained and it fell heavily to the ground. On the other hand, Luo Yikong did not even have a drop of blood on his body.

Strong! Too strong!

The crowd watching the battle had unknowingly formed a sea of ​​people. As the corrupted python fell, this sea of ​​people immediately shouted. Everyone watched the ten-minute battle intently and was impressed by Luo Yikong's skills and operations, including those who had laughed at Luo Yikong before. Now they only felt hot on their faces. Compared with masters like Luo Yikong, these high-level guys are clowns.

Although Luo Yikong had restrained himself a little, the examiner of the second round still acted as if he had never seen the world before. He gave Luo Yikong a full score with tears in his eyes, saying that he had never seen such perfect skills and dodges in his life. Luo Yikong himself estimated that he just passed the test with 80 points, but who knew that he actually got full marks.

"Alas... It seems that there are not as many masters in this era as there were back then..." Luo Yikong couldn't help but sigh after learning the result. There was nothing he could do, the times had changed.

In the past, there were apocalyptic creatures everywhere. Players only had one life and could die at any time. Almost every battle was a fight for life. But now, apocalyptic creatures only exist in some apocalyptic areas far away from the city. They are called apocalyptic areas, but in fact they are apocalyptic creature protection areas. After all, if they are not restrained, players will have no place to level up. It is precisely because there are not as many apocalyptic creatures as before, and because humans are powerful and live a comfortable life, they can be resurrected even if they are killed by apocalyptic creatures, so this has led to a decrease in the number of truly powerful people.

You should know that there were only more than 200 players who raided the entire Atlantis. Now, it is simply unthinkable. More than 300 years have passed, and most of the players on the sword monument list are people from that era. More than 300 years have passed, and they have not been squeezed out.

Luo Yikong passed the second game and went to the third game. Even if Luo Yikong wanted to keep a low profile along the way, he was still supported by a large group of people. When he came, there was only Luo Yikong alone, and he was laughed at by many people, but now he is surrounded by stars. This is because Luo Yikong has told everyone through the first two games that he is not a joke, but a real master.

But Luo Yikong does not want to attract attention. It may be that the average level of players in this era is too low, which leads to this result. If it were players in the past era, it would not be like this at all.

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