The outer ring of the huge ring-shaped star gate began to rotate rapidly. The electric light could even be seen flashing in the rapidly rotating outer ring, and the space inside the star gate began to distort, as if a star had suddenly been opened in the starry sky. Like a hole...

The ship's engine began to operate at maximum power, and then everyone saw that the billions of stars outside became extremely blurry and flew past their eyes at high speed. From the perspective of the people at the star port outside, the ship turned into a stream of light and rushed into the star gate before disappearing in front of everyone.

Luo Yikong was in the ship, feeling the constant slight vibrations coming from the ship. These were normal conditions when the ship passed through the star gate and made a long-distance space jump...

After waiting for a few minutes, the blurry stars outside gradually became clearer. Through the window, Luo Yikong saw a huge star port in the shape of a top in front of him. Luo Yikong's ship also began to slowly reduce its speed and approached the star port.

"We are about to arrive at the Sky Vault Star Port in the Sky Vault Galaxy. Please keep an eye on your luggage and children. Also prepare your player identity information and log in in an orderly manner. Thank you for your cooperation!"

The ship docks in the star port. After everyone disembarks in an orderly manner and registers at the artificial intelligence office of the star port, they can take the spaceship to the Sky Vault Star.

It is very simple for Luo Yikong and Jiu Xiang to forge a player identity. After registering, Luo Yikong also met the reception staff who had been waiting for a long time.

"Are you Luo Yikong?" A middle-aged man wearing special scanning glasses ran up and asked, looking at Luo Yikong. He had just used these glasses to easily find Luo Yikong in the crowd.

"I am."

"Then who is this?" The middle-aged man noticed Jiu Ni beside Luo Yikong.

"Her name is Luo Xiaojiu, she is my sister." Luo Yikong casually made up an identity for Jiu Niang. After all, even if Luo Yikong said that she was Jiu Niang, no one would believe it.

"However, she is somewhat underage."

"Not old enough?" Luo Yikong frowned in confusion.

"It's like this. Our old man Xing Yan has been missing for many years, but he has said that if his teacher ever comes to our door, our family must do our best to help. You must also be the descendants of the old man's teacher! According to your age , I should be able to study at Tianqiongxing Expedition Fleet Academy. My name is Xing Ming, you can just call me Uncle Xing from now on.”

"Hahahahaha!!! I'm laughing so hard! These guys don't know that you won't grow old. Now you, Luo Yikong, are going to be their junior." Xuanyuan Luoying's mocking voice came from her mind, and Luo Yikong was already used to Xuanyuan Luoying's ridicule and didn't care.

"Okay, Uncle Xing." Luo Yikong nodded. At worst, he would wait for that boy Xing Yan to come back and talk to him about life.

"Okay, you two follow me to the Sky Vault Star!"


Luo Yikong and Jiu Yan followed Xing Ming to the parking place of the private spaceship. Today's spaceship is just like the car in the past. As long as the family conditions are slightly better, there is a chance to buy it. However, this kind of small civilian spacecraft does not have attack capabilities and jump capabilities, and has many limitations.

There are three major civilizations in Luo Yikong's Daotian world. The first is human civilization, the second is dragon civilization, and the third is alien civilization. The source of this alien civilization is the former Longming world. Those slaves from the outside world are a mixture of various races. Among the three major civilizations, the alien civilization is also the weakest and is still at the stage of first-level civilization.

The three major civilizations currently coexist peacefully because there is a common enemy, which is the alien species originating from the endless starry sky. While suppressing the three major civilizations and allowing them to continue to develop and progress, it also avoided friction and infighting between the three major civilizations.

Alien species have very strong learning and reproductive abilities, and are now spread across a large area of ​​the starry sky and universe. If you are not careful, these three major civilizations may be destroyed. This appears to be a peaceful era, but in fact the apocalypse has always existed. After the Genesis virus and zombies were eliminated, the apocalypse moved to the endless starry sky.

But they didn't know that Luo Yikong was responsible for the birth of the alien species. In order to deal with alien species, the expedition fleet established many combat academies on distant colonial planets to train many outstanding personnel for combating alien species. Luo Yikong is about to go to Tianqiong Planet, which is the frontline colonial planet in the war against alien species and is of vital importance.

However, Luo Yikong's purpose in coming to Tianqiong Star was not to deal with alien species, nor was it for sightseeing. Rather, Luo Yikong noticed something abnormal in the position of Tianqiong Star not long ago. Luo Yikong didn't know what the specific abnormality was. However, in order to avoid alerting the enemy, Luo Yikong did not directly open the space and go there. Instead, he planned to come to the Sky Dome Star to investigate as an ordinary person.

Luo Yikong didn't want to be very interested in the Expedition Fleet Academy of Tianqiongxing, but in order to avoid people's suspicion, Luo Yikong was still prepared to go through the formalities.

Xing Ming's spaceship had extremely high authority. After entering the sky's atmosphere without any obstruction, it began to reduce its landing speed and at the same time controlled its direction and flew towards the Expedition Fleet Academy...

Sky Star Expedition Fleet Academy occupies an extremely important position on Sky Sky Star. Its area is even ten times larger than Star Ash Academy in Shenzhou City. However, compared to the ranking, it is still not as good as Star Ash Academy. The two More than a hundred years have passed, and Xingjin Academy is still the number one academy in the entire Daotian world, and has trained many bigwigs of the tripartite council.

After the spaceship stopped at the berth of the Sky Star Expedition Fleet Academy, a team of armed soldiers responsible for the academy's security immediately surrounded it, but when they saw Xing Ming, they all saluted.

"Mr. Deputy Commander!"

"Deputy Commander? Are you the deputy commander of the Sky Star Fleet?" Luo Yikong looked at Xing Ming beside him and seemed a little surprised. After all, the other party could get to this position at his age, which means he is still quite capable, even though his level is only 300.

"Yes, but I came to pick you up today because I am on vacation. I don't care about relationships here. Do your best in the exam. If you can enter this academy, it would be the best. If you can't enter, then I can only arrange for you to study in a certain academy in the back. Although I am the deputy commander, I can help you, but I won't open a back door for you. Do you understand?"

Luo Yikong saw Xing Ming's serious expression. It seems that this guy has thought about his future path. Does he value himself so much?

"You guys take this kid to take the exam. It's only been five minutes since the exam started. Tell that woman to get the paperwork done quickly and let him in to take the exam! No slacking is allowed. Slacking is harmful when commanding a fleet to fight!"

"Yes! Deputy Commander!"

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