Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 292: Unknown Abnormality

The entrance exam for the Expedition Fleet Academy of the Sky Dome Star is a big deal for the entire Sky Dome Star. There are millions of candidates for the exam. For the people on the Sky Dome Star, successfully entering the Sky Dome Star Expedition Fleet Academy to study and successfully graduating to serve in the Expedition Fleet is the life script they expect. Luo Yikong happened to catch up with this day. In addition, Xing Ming regarded himself as a junior and wanted Luo Yikong to give it a try in this exam. After all, this exam is not common. It is basically once every three years. Even if you fail, you can go to a lesser academy in the rear star field to study.

But Luo Yikong's goal is to stay on this planet. How can he go to the rear planet?

"Forget it, just treat it as an experience of life." Luo Yikong sighed helplessly. He originally wanted to contact Xing Yan for help, but who knew that the person who received the message was Xing Yan's descendant, and the other party misunderstood his meaning and thought he was here to seek a future.

Luo Yikong couldn't say that he was his grandfather's teacher! I guess if I say this, I will definitely be regarded as a fool. Anyway, I can stay in Tianqiong Star, so Luo Yikong just let this misunderstanding continue.

"Don't you calculate things very accurately? Did you miss this one?" Xuanyuan Luoying knew that Luo Yikong could deduce the development of the world, so he could arrange many things.

"I can only deduce the world, not my personal life, or some small things that cannot affect the world. And my deduction of the world is not 100% accurate, many processes and places are very vague." Luo Yikong's administrator authority system is not omniscient and omnipotent, otherwise the virtual god would not have been killed.

Luo Yikong sat in his seat. The classroom was relatively large and there were more people taking the exam, but even so, there was no possibility of cheating. After all, artificial intelligence can monitor everyone in the classroom in all aspects without blind spots.

Luo Yikong looked at the test paper issued to him through the player system. The questions on it were quite simple, at least for Luo Yikong.

“Didn’t you take the exam?” Seeing Luo Yikong quickly walk out of the exam room, Xing Ming, who was waiting outside, was a little surprised.

“I’ve finished the exam.” Luo Yikong replied calmly, but Xing Ming frowned.

“You don’t know anything! But forget it, you are the descendant of the old man teacher after all, I will naturally help you, then I will find a time to send you to the rear academy! At worst, come to my fleet to work as a logistics staff in the future!” Xing Ming sighed helplessly. He thought Luo Yikong had some ability, after all, he was the descendant of his old man teacher.

“No, my sister and I just want to live in Tianqiong Star for a while.”

“Live for a while? This is not a good place for tourism, but if you want to stay, then stay! You can stay at my house!”

“Okay then!” Seeing Xing Ming’s invitation, Luo Yikong had to agree.

Xing Ming’s home was nearby, and with the flying speed of Xing Ming’s private spacecraft, he soon arrived at Xing Ming’s home. Xing Ming seldom goes home. Even though the fleet is on the Sky Star, Xing Ming usually spends his time in the fleet.

The reason why he was able to go home this time was entirely thanks to Luo Yikong. In order to welcome Luo Yikong, Xing Ming even took a few days off.


As soon as Xing Ming came home, a girl with long ponytails who looked about 16 or 17 years old threw herself into Xing Ming's arms. When she heard the noise, a middle-aged woman in the kitchen also poked her head out. Seeing that it was Xing Ming who came home, she hurried over.

"You are finally willing to go home!"

"Xiao Luo! This is my wife, you can just call her Aunt Shen! This is my daughter Xing Xiaoling, who should be about the same age as you." Xing Ming introduced Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong also noticed that Xing Xiaoling's eyes looking at him were a little strange, and her saliva was about to flow out...

"Hello, Aunt Shen! Xiaoling! My name is Luo Yikong, and this is my sister Luo Xiaojiu." Luo Yikong introduced himself.

"They are the descendants of my old man and teacher. They may have to live in our house for a while."

"No problem... No problem... Luo Yikong... So handsome! So handsome! Ah!!!"

When Xing Xiaoling was infatuated, she was secretly pinched by Xing Ming beside her, and then she came to her senses...

"Come in and have a meal together! My house is big enough. I will ask Aunt Shen to clean up the room for you two and treat it as your own home."


Luo Yikong was stunned for a moment, and his expression was dazed at that time, but he soon returned to normal...

Xing Ming's family warmly entertained Luo Yikong and Jiu Yan. Jiu Yan inherited Luo Keying because he swallowed Luo Keying. The relationship between Yikong and Luo Keying, she rarely smiled that night, but Luo Yikong still looked cold...

After dinner, Luo Yikong returned to his room early under the pretext of studying, and couldn't help but recall the scene when he was beaten and kicked by his drunk father when he was a child...

"It's just a dream..." After all, Luo Yikong has experienced a long time and 1.6 billion lives, and he quickly came to his senses. He has forgotten everything that happened in the past...

Luo Yikong started to directly check the recent events of Tianqiong Star through administrator privileges, but did not find anything abnormal, but this made Luo Yikong even more uneasy.

After Luo Yikong became the Heavenly Dao of this world from the virus planet, he was extremely sensitive to the sense of crisis in the world. The abnormality on Tianqiong Star attracted Luo Yikong's attention, which meant that once there was a problem in this place, it might affect the entire Daotian world.

Although Luo Yikong could deduce the world, everything on Tianqiong Star was vague, and naturally he didn't know what caused his reaction.

"Dragon God, what do you think?" Luo Yikong asked the Dragon God consciousness in his body.

"Even you can't see it, I certainly can't see it." The Dragon God couldn't see anything either.

"It seems that I can only stay in Tianqiong Star for a while and see the situation."

"Hey, hey, hey, why don't you ask me?" Xuanyuan Luoying jumped out and asked with some dissatisfaction at this time.

"If I ask you, you definitely don't know, and you might even gloat and ridicule me." Luo Yikong said mercilessly. After all, he has been too familiar with Xuanyuan Luoying for so many years.

"Hahaha! It seems that Luo Yikong, you do understand the Holy Spirit." The Dragon God consciousness couldn't help but laughed. After all, although the Dragon God and Xuanyuan Luoying were old friends, they had quarreled a lot over the years, and they often quarreled in Luo Yikong's mind.

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