Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 374: The Second Star Link is Lost

"Commander! A large fleet is approaching our planet!"

"Fleet! All warships take off immediately for defense! Lord Loris, I leave this to you!" Covens looked at Loris beside him, and the latter nodded.

"Go with peace of mind! Leave this to me!"

"Team Three! All of you stay and obey Lord Loris's orders!"


Covens left Loris a combat force of 100 people, who were fully armed to prevent special situations.

After leaving a combat force of 100 people, Covens immediately boarded the flagship and took off to fight. This world has been completely occupied by the Zerg, and the attacking fleet is naturally impossible to be human.

"They found us!" Chris's projection suddenly appeared in front of Loris and said, but Chris looked a little weak.


"They are the artificial intelligences that have reached a cooperation with the Zerg. Although I tried my best to cover up your tracks, I was still detected by the monitoring station in the next galaxy. The Zerg army is about to arrive on this planet, and other artificial intelligences have also begun to attack me. We have to hurry up." As soon as Chris finished speaking, all the soldiers in the hibernation capsule-like device were pierced into the brain from behind by tubes...

"What happened to them?!" Loris stared at Chris in front of her vigilantly, and the soldiers who voluntarily had their emotions written into them all showed pain on their faces.

"Don't worry! This is the necessary price for writing emotions!"

"Necessary price? What does it mean?" Loris's face was a little ugly. Just as Chris said before, he learned lies from humans, and maybe he had deceived himself about something.

"Those who write in emotions will pay the price of their lives, because this process is to connect the human brain to the database, so that the emotions are presented in data and written into the logic lock. Once the consciousness and emotions of those people are presented in data, they cannot be restored. That is to say, even if they don't die because of a brain strike, they will become vegetative. I'm sorry, I don't want to hide it from you, but I have to save humanity." Chris shook his head and said apologetically.

Loris didn't say a word, her eyes became a little cold, this scene reminded her of her memory when she was a biological weapon of the human government in the Blood Moon World. At that time, her comrades were ordered to be eliminated in the name of humanity.

After a long silence, Loris calmed down and said, "I'm afraid we can't succeed this time..."

"Impossible to succeed? Why? Are these people willing to sacrifice for humanity?" Chris was full of confusion. Logically speaking, there should be no problem with these people's emotions.

"They are indeed willing to sacrifice, but they don't want to be deceived or abandoned... Once a person has a little bad emotion in his heart, won't it be infinitely magnified?" Loris used to be a soldier, so she naturally knew what those soldiers thought.

"Don't worry, those people will never know that they are deceived..." Chris looked at the painful expressions of those people. In order to achieve his goal, he was willing to sacrifice these people.


The soldiers around Loris couldn't bear it, but for the overall situation, most people would make this choice...

"Everything goes according to plan!" Loris gritted her teeth, hesitated and tangled, and decided to sacrifice the 10,000 people...


Chris has fully opened the energy defense shield on the planet, and Covens also commanded this huge human fleet to meet the Zerg fleet outside the planet...

"Commander! The opponent's fleet is only one-third of ours. The real main fleet may still be on the way. This is just the vanguard fleet!" A soldier stared at the dense warships in front of the huge star map projection, and the dense warships were constantly approaching the location of the human fleet.

"The vanguard fleet of nearly two thousand warships, this scale is really large! Notify the fleet! Deploy the array! Prepare to meet the enemy!"


As Covens' order was issued, the entire Ninth Fleet immediately deployed a defensive array, ready to meet the upcoming Zerg fleet...

A stream of light came from afar, crossing the starry sky and universe. Each stream of light represented a warship. In just less than three seconds, after the dense stream of light, a large fleet appeared in front of everyone.

"Start the war!"

The main guns that had been prepared long ago were ready to go. With the arrival of the Zerg fleet, all the firepower immediately poured towards the enemy fleet, and instantly engulfed the enemy fleet like a flood...


The second star chain defense line of mankind in the Daotian world, as a planet turned into a sharp dust in the universe in front of the star destroyer, the second star chain defense line of mankind was completely torn open.

"Guardian 3 was destroyed by the Zerg warship's star destroyer, and a gap has been torn in the second star chain defense line. Now order the nearby Guardian 1 and Guardian 2 to stop the Zerg! Even if we have to build a wall with your corpses, we must stop the Zerg from advancing!"

"We got it! We will definitely stop the Zerg from advancing!"

Guardian 1 and 2 near Guardian 3 responded immediately. While facing the fierce Zerg attack, they urgently dispatched a fleet to the gap to block the Zerg attack.

In front of the Zerg, that fleet was like a small boat in the sea. There was a possibility of being swallowed up by the huge swarm at any time. However, in the face of their soon-to-be-fallen homeland and the Yanhuang Star's insistent orders, they had no choice...

Many people on Guardian Stars 2 and 1 saw that the final fleet of less than fifty warships rushed towards the gap opened by the Zerg without hesitation, and was instantly swallowed up by the dense swarm of Zerg...

Immediately afterwards, a violent explosion occurred among the swarm of insects. The explosion instantly destroyed a large number of Zerg warships and wiped out countless Zergs...

"I am Chen Feiyang, the commander-in-chief of the Second Starlink Defense Line. I now order all the soldiers on the defense line to fight to the death and cover the evacuation of civilians! The gap can no longer be defended. The responsibility for this matter will be borne by me alone. After all civilians evacuate After that, the soldiers who could evacuate were moved to the first line of defense.”

The order from the commander-in-chief of the Second Starlink Defense Line was broadcast throughout the entire defense line. When the defense line could no longer be defended, all efforts were meaningless sacrifices, so Chen Feiyang planned to retain all his effective forces to guard the last line of defense. The third star chain and Yanhuang Star, and his behavior of voluntarily giving up the defense line was obviously contrary to the orders of Yanhuang Star.

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