Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 375 Water Star

The last fleet of human civilization in the Yanhuang Galaxy has assembled in this long line of defense. They use all the planets and space stations along the Yanhuang Galaxy as bases, build a large number of weapon turrets, and cooperate with the large fleet to form a long star chain defense line.

Three hours ago, the news that the second star chain defense line was completely wiped out had reached Yanhuang Star. Compared with the situation of human civilization, the dragon civilization is even worse. Now there is only one Dragon Star still struggling to support it. Their defense line has already collapsed.

From the last star chain defense line of mankind to Yanhuang Star, if the Zerg enters the superluminal ship travel, it will even take only a few days to reach. Once the last line of defense falls, Yanhuang Star, which has already suffered a disaster, will fall within a week, and after Yanhuang Star falls, it will only be a matter of time before Blood God Star falls.

In the eyes of everyone, they have no way out. The only better thing about them than the dragon civilization is that they can probably hold on for a few more days than the dragon civilization.

In the face of the greatest crisis of human civilization, pessimism prevails in Yanhuang Star, and many people believe that the end of mankind is coming. In some places, management personnel even stopped working, and people were "buying for free" at will, creating chaos.

Luo Yikong glanced at the chaos on the ground of Yanhuang Star and the neatly arranged warships in the sky. Chaos and order now coexist here. Those who started the chaos were those who had already given up, while those who truly held hope were still guarding this last order.

Luo Yikong's face became paler and paler. His control over this world had obviously begun to blur. If even the last line of defense was lost, then Luo Yikong would have to use his last trump card and risk his life.

"Teacher, are you going to that last line of defense too?" Jiang Ling looked at Luo Yikong. She knew that Luo Yikong was abnormally weak, so she was very worried.

"I am extremely weak now. I believe the Zerg knows this too. So there is a high probability that the Zerg Overlord will personally attack me. Staying on Yanhuang Star will not do you any good." Luo Yikong knew that now was the best time for the enemy to destroy him. If he were the Zerg Overlord, he would also choose to attack at this moment. Staying on Yanhuang Star would be disadvantageous to the rear of mankind. If it really didn't work, Luo Yikong could only use his trump card.

"Since it is your own choice, teacher, we can't persuade you, but please take care." Jiang Ling sighed. She knew that humans have their own battlefields, and Luo Yikong has his own battlefield.

Luo Yikong nodded, cut open the space in front of him, and went directly to the Star Chain Defense Line...


The third Star Chain Defense Line Shuitian Star is the key area to resist the Zerg army. At the same time, the various powerful weapons deployed on the entire planet also mean that the position of this planet is crucial.

In the star ring composed of countless meteorites on Shuitian Star, the tripartite council has deployed a large number of nuclear bombs in it, and there are at least thirty star destroyers on that planet.

Shuitian Star is an important defense point in the third star chain. Once it is lost, the swarm will march straight in and the human fleet will be defenseless.

Luo Yikong came to Shuitian Star directly from Yanhuang Star. This planet was not suitable for life before, otherwise it would be full of vitality after human transformation. Almost all animals and plants were transported from Yanhuang Star for cultivation.

In the shortest time, Shuitian Star has also developed into an important immigration planet for human civilization, with agriculture and commerce as the main industries.

After the fall of the second star chain, Shuitian Star in the third star chain immediately triggered a wave of refugees, and a large number of civilians began to flee to the rear Yanhuang Star and Xueshen Star.

Luo Yikong looked up and saw a large number of immigrant ships taking off. Those people were running away like crazy, because they all knew that once the war started, the entire first star chain would be in a state of blockade, and then they would have no chance to escape. Currently, players can only be resurrected if they die in the Yanhuang Star and Xueshen Star areas. If they die accidentally in other places, they will really die, and that death forces them to flee to the rear.

Luo Yikong directly contacted Claire, the commander of the garrison fleet of Shuitian Star, through the communicator. The other party was a senior commander of the expedition fleet and obviously knew Luo Yikong's identity. When he saw Luo Yikong, he was a little stunned for a while.

"Luo... Lord Luo Yikong..."

"Just call me Luo Yikong. How is the current defense of Shuitian Star?" Luo Yikong asked Claire. After all, this is the last line of defense for mankind, and the last main fleet of human civilization is concentrated here.

"All aspects of defense have been prepared, but we actually have no confidence that we can resist the Zerg. Today, the Zerg not only understands and possesses our human technology, but also has become even more powerful because of the large number of artificial intelligences that have rebelled. Two of the three major lines of defense have fallen one after another, largely because the betraying artificial intelligence analyzed and calculated the battle situation, found our weak points and captured them. And the artificial intelligence on our side that has not betrayed is very few, and it is simply unable to confront the huge artificial intelligence group on the Zerg side." Claire said helplessly. If the artificial intelligence had not all rebelled, if the Star Defense Array was still there, they would not have fallen into this situation.

"So how long do you think your Shuitian Star can hold out? How long can the last line of Starlink defense hold out?" Luo Yikong asked again.

"Lord Luo Yikong, it's not that we are too pessimistic. The first line of Starlink defense can only hold out for half a month at most, and at least it may not even last for three days. On the surface, we seem to have tight defenses, but in fact we have lost all our advantages, and the other side has so much artificial intelligence to help. Although it is a war of the same technological level, the other side completely crushes us. What's more, our living space is compressed to a small area here. The more we fight, the weaker we will be. On the other hand, the Zerg will use the resources of the galaxies in the occupied area to become stronger and stronger."

"So what do you think?"

"I think the Spark Plan may be the last hope of mankind. Only by preserving the Spark can we have a chance to make a comeback. In this war, mankind is facing a situation of inevitable defeat. The advantages that once fought against the Zerg have now all become the advantages of the Zerg." Claire, the fleet commander, told Luo Yikong his true thoughts. Only in front of Luo Yikong at this moment did he dare to say what he really thought. Because he knew that Luo Yikong at least did not reject the Fire Plan.

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