"What is the biggest difference between humans and animals? It's not that humans can use fire, but that humans have empathy. They can be saddened by the suffering of others, suffer by the pain of others, and can also be happy by the happiness of others. Happy." A white-haired old man wearing a brown sweater was explaining in front of a worn-out blackboard, and under the old man were a dozen children in ragged clothes, all of whom were orphans in the war.

Outside the classroom where these children attend class, there is an endless expanse of ruins. Compared with this intact classroom, it seems extremely inconsistent.

"Alice, you're sleeping again!"

The old man walked down from the podium and looked at the blond girl in the back seat who was wearing dirty and thin clothes. Perhaps hearing the old man's voice, the blond girl named Alice slowly raised her head...

"Dean...I've been listening to what you said...but if people really have empathy, then why doesn't anyone sympathize with us? Why does war always exist? In my opinion, the biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans always She is researching ways to kill her own compatriots on a large scale," the blonde girl said in a plain voice, but in her eyes there was no innocence and immaturity of children, but only a kind of numbness and apathy...

The old man sighed, and he felt helpless about all this. Although he had been relying on his own efforts to adopt war orphans and established an orphanage, he still could not change everything. At night half a month ago, the orphanage was also bombed, causing numerous casualties. Only this classroom was still intact.

"Dean... We are almost starving and have no energy left. It's useless for you to talk about this..." A child on the other side complained with a weak look, holding his stomach. It was obvious that the lecture was used to divert attention and weaken the energy. The hunger pangs have no effect.

"That was when I was a child... I was really hungry and uncomfortable at that time. Thanks to brother Ye Kong, I found a few cans in the ruins outside and persisted." Loris stood in the ruins outside the classroom and looked through the window. He looked at the ragged girl named Alice in the classroom, and Alice was Lolis's past name.

Lolis looked at the black-haired boy sitting in a wheelchair next to her. The boy's name was Ye Kong. Because he was abandoned in the snow when he was a baby, his legs had been frozen. Although they were not amputated, I can no longer walk.

Although he has lost both legs, the boy named Ye Kong is stronger than anyone else, and when he is bullied, he always pushes a wheelchair in front of him. Although it is a bit funny and overestimating when I think about it now, at that time, Ye Kong did convince many children. Growing up, Lolis regarded him as her idol.

"It's still the same..." Lolis looked at the boy in the wheelchair and smiled.

The scene turned again, this time in a dark laboratory. A group of heavily armed soldiers were surrounding a blond girl. One of the leading soldiers took out a document and handed it to the blond girl...

"Miss Alice, congratulations on passing the transformation and strengthening. You are now our special transformation soldier. According to the code name of this plan, from this moment on, your name is no longer Alice, but Loris. If you agree All this, then just sign the documents, and your family and relatives will receive the highest level of care from the empire!"

"I... agreed..." The blonde girl nodded and took the document...

Lolis stood aside and looked at her past self. At that time, in order to cultivate biological weapons, the empire specially conducted experiments on war orphans and homeless homeless people. Lolis was also selected at that time. Fortunately, she survived, and her relatives and friends also survived.

"I had no choice at that time. I just thought that if I agreed to them, I might be able to cure Brother Ye Kong's leg..."

Lolis shook her head and walked to the other end of the passage. After passing through the long passage, what Lolis saw was a piece of scorched earth, and the scorched earth was filled with charred corpses...

There was a battlefield, and a girl with half her body burned was struggling to move forward while carrying a man whose whole body was almost burned to charcoal. Miraculously, even so, the man was still alive...

Accompanied by the sound of helicopter propellers, three helicopters landed slowly in front of the two people. A middle-aged man wearing officer's clothes stepped off the helicopter and walked towards the two girls...

"It is indeed a humanoid biological weapon of the empire, and it is still alive like this."

A fierce light flashed in the girl's eyes, she rushed over and grabbed the officer's neck, and raised him high. For a moment, all the surrounding soldiers pointed their guns at the girl...

"Loris, what are you doing? Put him down quickly!" The soldiers yelled at the girl, and half of the girl's burnt body looked a bit ferocious at this moment.

"Why are you firing at us? Do you know how many people died?!" Lolis roared. When they entered the enemy's hinterland to fight, their friendly forces did not hesitate to cover them with firepower, so that Lolis Sri Lanka's comrades suffered heavy losses.

"You...your mission is to ensure the victory of the war...and...you are just monsters...won't you survive?" The officer suppressed his blush and looked at Lolis in front of him. He never looked at Lolis. Lolis is treated as a human being. To the empire, Lolis is just a weapon.

Loris gritted her teeth and gave up the idea of ​​killing the officer in front of her. She just threw him to the ground...

"At that time, I felt very confused about human beings, although I still had hope and goodwill for human beings... If there was no goal to support me, I might not go on at all..." Loris smiled bitterly, walked past her past self, and continued to walk towards the front of the battlefield...

After walking through the scorched earth full of corpses, a prosperous street appeared in front of Loris. The floor tiles on the street were all white marble, which looked very white and noble...


"Long live victory! Long live the empire!"


Loris heard excited cheers from many people in front of her. When she walked forward, she saw dense crowds standing on both sides. Those people cheered and jumped, as if they were celebrating some grand festival. People threw flowers into the sky, as if to welcome Loris.

Loris turned around in confusion and saw a group of neatly dressed and well-trained soldiers walking towards her in a neat square formation...

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