Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 389 Zhang Nanxing

"It turns out it's Victory Day..." Lolis looked at the phalanx approaching her, and the soldiers returning in triumph passed right through Lolis's body.

Lolis looked at a blond girl in the crowd not far away, and in front of the blond girl was a black-haired boy sitting in a wheelchair...

At that time, Lolis belonged to the empire's special biological weapons unit, and the empire would not expose the existence of humanoid biological weapons and all cruel experiments to people. Even though Lolis and others fought bloody battles on the battlefield at that time, they did not have any glory due to them, just because they were the products of shady biological weapons experiments.

Lolis walked towards the two people who passed by, and stretched out her hand to touch the boy in the wheelchair, but her hand went directly through the boy...

"Alice, the war is over and the world is at peace. It's time for you to take a rest." The boy in the wheelchair looked at the victory square passing in front of him and said to the blond girl behind him...

"The war is indeed over... But brother Ye Kong, I still have one last task to complete. Perhaps if it is completed, the world can usher in true peace." The blond girl smiled slightly and started killing on the battlefield. Countless of them, only when facing young men, would they show a gentle smile under their cold face.

"When my legs heal, I will take you to see further places. Do you still remember the stories I told you when you were a child? I will lead you to witness those stories and tell you that those stories really happened. "I passed." The young man also showed a sunny smile, and this scene also stunned Lolis. This scene was a memory deep in her heart...

"As expected... I still want to go back to the past... It's just a pity that people think that gods are omnipotent. In fact, history never changes..." Lolis shook her head with a wry smile and walked through the dense crowd. , Lolis walked to another street...

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

A miserable scream came. When Lolis looked around, she saw her past self tied to the experimental table, and the surrounding mechanical arms were operated by external personnel, and Loli continued to move towards the experimental table. Si injected various potions without paying any attention to Lolis's screams...

"Keep upping the dose!"


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

Lolis's screams became more and more painful, and even her expression became extremely distorted. Some parts of her body even began to burst, and blood and some wriggling bloody tentacles overflowed from it...

"Report! The experimental target is unconscious!"

Lolis looked at her past self on the experimental table, who had passed out due to the continuous strengthening experiments from the empire...

"At that time, I thought everything was too simple, thinking that nothing would happen if I obeyed the empire..."

Lolis walked past her unconscious self in the past, and a smell of blood rushed towards her face. A street appeared in front of her. The street was covered with the corpses of imperial soldiers, and a giant flesh-and-blood creature with three heads appeared on the street. The wolf was being nailed to the ground by a white spear with golden patterns. The white spear looked very beautiful, but it was also full of a sense of technology. It continuously released powerful electric currents, killing the three flesh-and-blood giant wolves. suppress.

"Captain... Is it because our existence is not human... But they made us become like this... We worked hard for them, but in the end they didn't even give us the right to survive... Why?" Three The giant flesh-and-blood wolf spits out human words. If you look closely, you will find that there is a bloody human head on top of the main head of the wolf head in the middle, and the words are exactly what the human head said...

"I... don't know... your presence affects the peace..." Lolis held the spear tightly with a cold expression...

"Captain...we have fought side by side...if you are the only one left, will the empire let you go?"

"I don't know..." Lolis replied again, and at the same time, the spear in her hand increased its power without mercy, directly piercing the heart of the giant wolf... and blood spattered on Lolis' confused face... …

Lolis looked at her past self and smiled bitterly. In addition to bitterness, the smile also contained ridicule, as if she was laughing at her past self...

It began to rain lightly in the sky, and everything around her changed rapidly. In just the blink of an eye, a city full of technology appeared in front of Lolis...

" not my memory..." Lolis looked around and found that this was not her memory...

"I heard that the latest artificial intelligence is coming soon, and our family is also preparing to upgrade it."

“What about the old artificial intelligence from the past?”

"According to the regulations of the alliance, these old artificial intelligences should be destroyed and recycled. They are no longer useful. We have better ones now."

Pedestrians on the roadside commented, and Lolis looked at the projection GG on the side. The language and text on it did not belong to the Blood Moon World or the Daotian World, but she could understand them all.

"Artificial intelligence expert Zhang Nanxing was exposed in an artificial intelligence technology plagiarism scandal. All benefits and positions were canceled in accordance with alliance regulations, and he was permanently expelled from the artificial intelligence academia."

A piece of news flashed through Lolis's eyes through the projection screen. When she saw the old man on the projection screen, Lolis felt something familiar and immediately thought that she had just seen it in the crowd...

Lolis immediately turned around and saw Zhang Nanxing in the crowd wearing a black raincoat and walking forward with his head lowered...

"I'm sorry, I don't need you anymore. Now with the latest artificial intelligence, she is more beautiful, smarter, and has more functions than you." A fat man wearing glasses threw an artificial intelligence chip towards her when no one was paying attention. Among the trash cans at the corner of the street, little did they know that Lolis and Zhang Nanxing were seeing all this...

After the fat man left, Zhang Nanxing rushed to the trash can and dug out the artificial intelligence chip...

"They didn't believe me... I lost my status and money... I lost my friends... I even lost my last bit of dignity. They took away my home, my achievements, and turned me into a thief. . You and I are both abandoned by this world." Zhang Nanxing's eyes turned red, and he said to himself as he searched, and soon he found the chip that the fat man had discarded...

Looking at the chip, Zhang Nanxing smiled bitterly: "But they can't take away the knowledge in my mind. I will create the most powerful artificial intelligence in the world... By then, I will let the entire human civilization witness my achievements. See clearly who is the liar..."

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