Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 413: Changes on Dragon Star

"How did the star-class Leviathan of the Dragon Civilization come here? Did something happen?"

After all, the Cangkong Star is a planet far away from the center of the Dragon Civilization, and it is also far away from human civilization. Even large transport ships that transport goods are very rare, and warships are even rarer. This time, a star-class Leviathan came directly.

Luo Yikong immediately called out Zero. Now Zero monitors the data networks of the two civilizations. If there is anything, he should know it.

"There is no need to be nervous. That star-class Leviathan is a conscription ship of the Dragon Civilization." Zero's projection appeared in front of everyone and replied to everyone.

"Conscription ship? Has it come here?" Long Yunxi was also a little surprised. Although the Dragon Civilization recruits soldiers almost every three years, they are basically carried out in some of the more prosperous areas of the Dragon Civilization, and they will never come to such a remote place.

"The Dragon Civilization once lost 80% of its population in the war against the Zerg. Although it has recovered a little after these years of recuperation, it is not on the same order of magnitude compared to the huge population of human civilization. Humans are increasing the number of soldiers every year, and the Dragon Civilization is under pressure and can only recruit soldiers to compete. The Dragon Civilization has a vast star field and resources, but the population is too small, so the conscription ship came here." Ling explained that the previous Zerg war caused heavy losses to both civilizations, and the Dragon Civilization was beaten to only one Dragon Star, which was even worse than the human side.

"The current border is temporarily deadlocked. Is it just to recruit so many people to support the scene?" Long Yunxi was a little confused. Adding more chips at the border will only make the situation more and more tense. The current balance between the two sides is the best choice.

"Hahaha!!! Although Lord Long Yunxi is good at managing the diplomacy between the Dragon Civilization and the Human Civilization, he probably knows nothing about war." No. 2 laughed and said. He had just learned about the mission of the troop-recruiting ship through the data network of the Dragon Civilization.

"What do you mean?"

"Now the two civilizations have launched an annihilation war against the Zerg in the Yasui world. After the Zerg is completely eliminated, the distribution of benefits in that world depends on how much effort each side has made and how many star fields they have occupied. On the other hand, the two civilizations want to take advantage of the war against the Zerg in the Yasui world to train soldiers for each other." No. 2 explained to Long Yunxi. At present, both civilizations are still eyeing the piece of cake in the Yasui world.

"What do you think?" Long Yunxi looked at Luo Yikong beside him, and the latter spread his hands.

"I don't think much of it. This is a good thing." Luo Yikong turned and walked towards the tree house. In fact, Luo Yikong knew that the crisis of this era was never on the surface. Under the peace, there had been undercurrents...


Longling Tower on Longming Star. At this moment, a team of fully armed soldiers broke into the Longling Tower, and all the defense systems and monitoring systems in the Longling Tower had already been paralyzed. Those fully armed soldiers drove straight into the white palace where the hymn witch was. The soldiers here had already been subdued by them, and they didn't even have a chance to react.

"Who are you?" Long Li stared at those people. Those dragon people were wearing exoskeleton armor, and their faces could not be seen clearly, but Long Li felt a strange breath from them.

"Where is the previous hymn witch Long Yunxi?" The leading soldier asked Long Li, and pointed the gun in his hand at Long Li.

"What are you looking for Lord Long Yunxi for?" Long Li did not directly say that he didn't know, but tried to delay time and wait for the arrival of the Longming Star garrison fleet.

"The Dragon Star garrison fleet will react in three minutes at most. Don't waste time!" The dragon soldier on the side also saw through Long Li's trick of delaying time and pulled the trigger directly.


A string of electric currents flew out, and Long Li couldn't dodge at all, and was electrocuted by the string of electric currents...

"Bring her out! I'll take her place!" The dragon soldier who pulled the trigger threw away the gun in his hand, removed the exoskeleton armor, and revealed a face exactly like Long Li.

"Okay! But we have to leave a few bodies behind!" The leading dragon soldier said, and immediately pulled the trigger to the soldiers behind him.


A heavy rain fell in the dark night sky, accompanied by the sound of thunder. The time now is already considered late at night in the area of ​​​​Cangkong Star, and it is estimated that there are still about six hours before dawn.

Luo Yikong was lying on the wooden bed with his eyes slightly closed, and next to Luo Yikong was No. 2 lying on a wooden chair. Strictly speaking, Luo Yikong and No. 2 did not need to sleep, but in order to blend in with the crowd, they had to keep this habit.

No. 2 had no concept of sleep. To be honest, sleep was a forced shutdown for artificial intelligence, while for Luo Yikong, sleep was a matter of closing and opening his eyes. Since he lost his feelings, Luo Yikong could not even dream.

Both of them slept in the outer room, and only Long Yunxi, the real owner of the wooden house, slept in the inner room. Suddenly, a rapid knock on the door woke everyone up...

"Open the door, open the door!!!"

Luo Yikong and No. 2 opened their eyes and looked at each other, and No. 2 just sighed helplessly and got up to open the door, and the knock on the door also woke Long Yunxi up...

"What's wrong?" Long Yunxi, who was wearing thin pajamas, hurriedly put on her veil. After all, her face as a hymn witch could be recognized at a glance.

The door opened, and the strong wind mixed with rain blew in, and a team of fully armed dragon soldiers appeared in front of the three people.

"There are two human men!" A soldier shouted to the leading dragon officer behind him.

"Take those two humans away!"


"You..." Long Yunxi saw that the dragon soldiers were going to take Luo Yikong and No. 2 away, and planned to take off the veil to reveal their identities, but was stopped by Luo Yikong.

"No..." Luo Yikong shook his head at Long Yunxi, and although Long Yunxi was a little puzzled, he still chose to believe Luo Yikong.

Luo Yikong and No. 2 opened their arms and were escorted out by the soldiers as if they were ready to be captured...

The cold rain blew on Luo Yikong's face. In the flash of lightning, Luo Yikong saw that the sea of ​​sunflowers had been destroyed by the biological chariots of the dragon civilization...

Just as Luo Yikong was about to be taken to the chariot, Long Yunxi chased him out in the heavy rain...

"You must come back! I'll wait for you! No matter how long it takes!" Long Yunxi shouted at Luo Yikong, but Luo Yikong just turned around and nodded calmly. After all, he had forgotten how to smile...

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