The ships of the dragon civilization contained many human immigrants. These were almost all the humans in the entire Cangkong Star. These humans were all detained together, and Luo Yikong and No. 2 were among them.

"You should be lucky that they didn't examine you, otherwise you would have been found out." Luo Yikong looked at No. 2 sitting opposite him. This guy is a robot loaded with artificial intelligence chips. As long as If you want to check, you can find it even with just a magnet.

"Don't worry, they can't find out. I can hack into their system at will." No. 2 is not worried about this. After all, in this world, he is also the only artificial intelligence second to zero.

"By the way, are we going to be sent to the Asian world?" No. 2 already knew the destination of this transport ship, but he was not unfamiliar with the former Asian world. After all, he once belonged to that world. Artificial intelligence.

"There has been a change at the top of the dragon civilization, so they deliberately acted like this to incite the emotions of all the dragons and stimulate the human civilization. They want a war." Luo Yikong whispered, regarding everything that happened, in fact, Luo Yikong also knows that human civilization and dragon civilization are looking for two people all over the world, one is Luo Yikong and the other is Long Yunxi.

"So you know everything." No. 2 curled his lips. Luo Yikong knew more than his artificial intelligence.

"The world of Daotian is my world, and I pay special attention to Long Mingxing and Yanhuang Star. Now the dragon civilization is thinking about how to find Long Yunxi and force Long Yunxi to start a war, and human civilization is also thinking about how to find Long Yunxi. They are looking for me everywhere, trying to break the balance. Both civilizations are sliding into the abyss of war, and there is an invisible driving force behind these two civilizations, which is driving everything against me."

"Pushing hands? Among the two major civilizations, who has such a great ability?" No. 2 was a little confused. What kind of person could use the entire Daotian world as a chessboard and the two major civilizations as chess pieces to play chess with Luo Yikong?

"Maybe it's not a person, but a civilization. However, the other party has not shown any clues at present, so it is impossible to determine who the other party is. But one thing is certain. Once the two major civilizations fight, the entire Daotian world will be destroyed. It's not far away." Luo Yikong didn't know whether the person behind it was an individual, an organization, or a huge civilization. In short, one thing was certain, the other party knew about Luo Yikong's existence.

"But doesn't it matter if you leave Daotian World?"

"The Daotian world is encroaching on the Yasu world. The two worlds will merge sooner or later. So I leave the Daotian world and go to the Yasu world. It will not have much impact on the Daotian world in a short period of time." Luo Yikong After all, he is the incarnation of the Daotian world. If he leaves the Daotian world for too long, it will definitely cause the rules of the Daotian world to collapse. But now that the Yasu world is connected to the Daotian world, this problem does not exist for the time being.

The transport ship escorting Luo Yikong and No. 2 passed through the wormhole in the plane space and directly arrived at the base camp of the dragon civilization fighting against the Zerg in the world of Asia.

In addition to humans like Luo Yikong, the dragon civilization has captured a large number of humans from the entire dragon civilization universe and sent them to the world of Asia. This behavior of the dragon civilization has also aroused the anger of human civilization. It not only controls the economy and trade of the dragon civilization, but also, like the dragon civilization, captures a large number of dragons within the scope of the human civilization universe and sends them Travel around the world.

For a time, the two major civilizations continued to send large numbers of fleets to the border areas. Although they had not yet started fighting, the relationship between the two major civilizations dropped to the lowest point since the war between humans and dragons. However, there are many rational people on both sides to suppress them, otherwise they would have started fighting long ago.

Luo Yikong and No. 2 were sent to mine after arriving at the Tianjing Star in the Asia-Su world. Even if today's civilization has unmanned mining technology, the top leaders of the dragon civilization specially put these things in order to disgust human civilization. Humans were sent to mine. After all, if they were really sent to the battlefield, as soon as humans touched the weapons, they might rebel on the spot.

In order to prevent humans from being cunning when using the system, the dragon civilization even released many drones to monitor them...

Luo Yikong and No. 2 were sitting on top of a pile of ore in a mine. There were relatively few people active here, and the drone responsible for monitoring the two of them had already been hacked by No. 2, so even if they were lazy, there would be no one here. Discover.

"You two civilizations are really boring, grabbing each other's people and mining." No. 2 couldn't help complaining to Luo Yikong. Although he knew that they were disgusting with each other, the reality was really magical.

"I asked Zero to investigate carefully. There was a brief abnormality in Longming Star's Dragon Order Tower that day, which also attracted the attention of Longming Star's defense fleet. When the people from Longming Star's defense fleet went to Longming Tower to investigate, , it was discovered that the Dragon Order Tower had been attacked, leaving many corpses of rebels. As a result, the dragon people civilization suddenly showed such abnormal behavior recently, it is probably that their senior officials were transferred by someone. "

"The Holy Song Priestess has a very strong say in the dragon civilization. If this term's Holy Song Priestess is transferred, why don't you let Long Yunxi directly come forward to resolve this crisis? After all, the previous Holy Song Priestess Long Yunxi It still occupies an important position in the hearts of many dragon people." No. 2 was a little confused. After his analysis, this should be the simplest and crudest method.

"No. 2... Human emotions have affected your analysis and judgment. If Long Yunxi shows up, it will be bad. If a human assassinates Long Yunxi in public, whether it succeeds or not, it may cause the relationship between the two sides to deteriorate instantly. Instead of forcing the other party to this point, it is better to follow their plan and let them think that their plan is successful. We just need to let Long Yunxi show up at the right time. In addition, human civilization is also very troublesome. Those guys want to capture me and do research."

"Are we going to stay here forever now?" No. 2 frowned, while Luo Yikong shook his head and pointed to a transport ship that was slowly landing in the sky in the distance.

"Did you see that material transport ship?"

"I saw it, what's wrong?"

"The current hymn witch Long Li is in it. The main purpose of our coming here is for her. After the highest level of the Dragon Civilization was replaced, those people took her to the farthest place from the Dragon Civilization in order to prevent Long Li from doing bad things. All the way here, it was simply unnoticed."

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