Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 420 Galaxy Defense System

The patrol fleet on the edge of the Blood God Galaxy consisted of only a hundred planetary warships, which was like an egg hitting a rock in front of the First Fleet. Thirty thousand versus one hundred, the difference in numbers was too great.

But even so, the patrol fleet of the Blood God Galaxy did not retreat half a meter and still blocked the front of the First Fleet.

"We are the First Fleet of the Yanhuang Star Expedition Fleet. We are here to perform a confidential mission under the order of the Supreme Council. Unrelated personnel please leave immediately!"

The message of the First Fleet was also sent to the patrol fleet, and the patrol fleet also responded...

"If there is no order from the Blood God Star, you should return the same way!"

"There is no other way! Fire!"

The captain of the First Fleet, Luo Long, waved his hand and immediately issued an order to fire. In an instant, the firepower of the huge fleet instantly poured towards the patrol fleet. Under the firepower of the huge fleet, the energy defense shield of the patrol fleet was as fragile as paper and was broken in an instant.

When the light faded, only some floating remains were left at the location where the patrol fleet had just been...

"According to the highest order of Yanhuang Star, the use of star destroyers is allowed! All star destroyers of the fleet are ready! Bombard the Blood God Star!"

As Luo Long's order was issued, all star destroyers began to charge and locked onto the Blood God Star...

At the same time, Luo Yikong and others who were still in the conference room at this moment also learned the news through Zero...

"What? The First Fleet directly used star destroyers! Is this guy really a bit reckless?" Ji Xueer's face changed. He didn't expect that the other party would use star destroyers to cut the Gordian knot. Aren't those high-level parliamentarians afraid of being drowned by the people's spit? Or do they think that as long as the Blood God Star is gone, there will be no big waves?

"Star destroyer..." Luo Yikong was also a little surprised that the other party used star destroyers so decisively. Looking at this posture, are the high-level officials of Yanhuang Star planning to directly wipe out the Blood God Star?

"Although our galaxy defense can withstand several rounds of star destroyer bombardment, it can't last long. The current plan is to find a way to break the situation." An old blood clan member frowned bitterly and said that the current situation has reached a life-and-death moment.

"I want to ask, has the Yanhuang Star shut down your system permissions?" Luo Yikong suddenly asked at this time, and this matter, which has nothing to do with the current crisis, also made many senior executives stunned.

"Not yet."

"But even if the system is not shut down and we can be resurrected, so what? Everything on the Blood God Star is gone, so we can only be slaughtered."

"No, I may know what those guys want to do." Luo Yikong's mind flashed. The blood clan, like normal humans, is endowed with a system and has the ability to resurrect at the resurrection point.

The current situation is tense. The only way to avoid major losses on both sides is to use the God-making Machine to eliminate everyone once. Those who died on the Blood God Star can still be resurrected on the Blood God Star, and the First Expedition Fleet will become an unmanned fleet and be captured.

The First Fleet used the Star Destroyer to put pressure on Blood God Star and Luo Yikong, affecting their judgment while not giving them enough time to think. However, because Luo Yikong had no emotions, he was always absolutely calm, and suddenly thought of the other party's trick.

The First Fleet wanted to trick Luo Yikong into using the God-making Machine, but Luo Yikong was still a little confused. Since the chairman of the parliament knew of his existence, what means did he plan to use to snatch the God-making Machine from him?

However, to be on the safe side, even if the situation was critical at the moment, Luo Yikong did not plan to use the God-making Machine, after all, the influence of the God-making Machine was too great.

"Xue'er! You order the fleet to attack! When Zero successfully invades the combat system of the enemy fleet, try to annihilate the enemy in the shortest time!"


All the planets in the Blood God Galaxy were covered by energy defense shields, and these energy defense shields were connected by energy light beams, which looked like the Blood God Star was the center, connecting the surrounding planets.

"Is it a smaller and improved version of the Star Defense Array?" Luo Long had witnessed the cruelty and grandeur of the Zerg War, and had also seen the Star Defense Array that shone brightly in that era and once protected the two civilizations under the impact of the Zerg. Although the Star Defense Array was destroyed, it could not change the deep impression it left in the hearts of many people. It was a grand defense system that transcended the times.

Thirty thousand warships fired at the same time, and the high temperature and strong light instantly occupied the entire Blood God Galaxy. People on the planets in the Blood God Galaxy were still blinded by the strong light even if they closed their eyes. People could only bury their heads in the soil or wrap them up with something to avoid the possibility of their eyes being blinded.

The First Fleet opened up all-round defense, allowing those in the fleet to look directly at the strong light like a supernova explosion without going blind.

After the explosion, a large amount of matter was thrown out to the surroundings at a speed reaching the speed of light, hitting the energy defense shield of the First Fleet. Even the fragments the size of an egg could directly penetrate a warship, which shows how powerful those fragments are.

The dazzling light lasted for a long time before disappearing, but the Blood God Star's energy defense shield still existed...

"The galaxy defense system of the Blood God Galaxy is based on the mother star of the galaxy, and extracts energy through the Dyson sphere. The last round of bombardment caused the temperature on the mother star to drop a little, causing the mother star to instantly lose the energy needed for 10,000 years of combustion." The fleet personnel around him stared at the data displayed on the instrument and reported to Luo Long.

"For a mother star, 10,000 years is completely insignificant. If the energy of the mother star of the Blood God Galaxy is not exhausted, we will never be able to break through their energy defense shield? That mother star still has a lifespan of 4.1 billion years."

"Commander, that's not the case. The Blood God Star needs a process to mine the energy of the mother star, and this process takes time. At present, we know that the energy reserve of the Blood God Star is the amount of combustion of the mother star for 30,000 years. In other words, we can attack the opponent's defense in three more rounds." The adjutant around him reported to Luo Long.

"Okay, prepare all the star destroyers again!"


One round of salvos did not break through the defense of Blood God Star, and the First Fleet immediately began to prepare for the second round of star destroyer attacks. With the energy reserves of the First Fleet, it can fully support 30,000 star destroyers to fire 20 rounds.

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