Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 421: Space Escape

The blinding light occupied the entire world. Outside the Blood God Star's energy defense shield was the raging energy, and some space facilities in the orbit near the Blood God Star had already been completely destroyed in the first wave of attacks.

At the same time, Zero had broken through the information blockade of the parliament and spread the events of the Blood God Star and the parliament's top leaders through the information network of human civilization without reservation.

The attack of the First Fleet of the Expeditionary Fleet on the Blood God Star immediately caused an uproar. After all, there were not a few blood clans among the top leaders of the parliament. Although they were not as large as humans, the blood clans had been integrated into human life, and many blood clans were very friendly to humans.

Ten minutes after the news was fully released, a large number of protesters gathered at the gate of Shenzhou City on Yanhuang Star... Most of these people were workers at the bottom...

"Everyone, please calm down! Don't be fooled by those vampires, they are not human, but enemies hidden among us humans!" A senior member of the parliament, under the protection of many well-equipped exoskeleton soldiers, stood under the flag of the Xingjin Parliament and shouted to the protesting crowd, but what greeted him was a rotten egg, which was fortunately blocked by the energy defense shield.

"I'm going to nm! The bottom welfare in these years was almost all fought for by the blood clan!"

"They just took a little blood from us, but you want our lives! I remember you, it was you who proposed that all workers work 12 hours a day! We are human beings, not artificial intelligence!"

"Do you know why there are no beggars in Shenzhou City? Because you don't allow it! Do you know why there are no beggars in Blood God Star? Because they really solved this problem!"

All kinds of garbage and debris were thrown at the high-level, and the crowd's curses swallowed up the voice of the high-level...

The establishment of the tripartite parliament was to create a world where everyone is equal. After generations, they no longer look at the bottom. The lifespan of the blood clan is very long. The long life allows them to see how the human civilization of the Daotian world has come step by step, and most of them have always been firm in their previous goals.

Just as Luo Yikong agreed with them, the blood clan is a part of the human race, and there is no high or low. They have always wanted to see the world where everyone is truly equal in Luo Yikong's mouth.

Most of the high-ranking blood clan members in the council are veterans from the Human-Dragon War period to the present. Over the past hundreds of years, no matter how the times have changed, they have still integrated into the grassroots and fought for the rights and interests of the people at the bottom. It is precisely because they have experienced the ups and downs that they cannot bear to see others suffer.

Compared with the Xingjin Council, which is no longer the same as the former tripartite council, the impression of Blood God Star is much better than that, although in name, Blood God Star still belongs to the Xingjin Council.

"Arrest! Arrest all those who attacked me!" Under the attack of the people, the high-ranking member of the council exposed an ugly and distorted expression, and shouted hysterically to the soldiers around him.

At the same time, except for Yanhuang Star, most places in the human civilization universe had protests and conflicts like Yanhuang Star...


"Who do you think is the wave of the times now?" Luo Yikong's projection appeared in front of Luo Long, mocking mercilessly.

"These people are just a mob. No matter how many people there are, they cannot influence this era, because weapons are truth, and truth is controlled by a few people. Prepare the star destroyer!"

"Commander, our combat system has been invaded!"

"Start the backup system immediately! And switch to manual control!"

Just when Luo Long was about to launch another round of star destroyer bombardment, all systems were invaded. At the same time, the fleet of Blood God Star that had already taken off also lifted the optical stealth state...

"Defense! Defend quickly!"

It takes a few seconds for the First Fleet to manually switch the backup system, and these few seconds are enough to kill them at this moment.

The star destroyer of the Blood God Star fleet poured towards the First Fleet mercilessly. Without the protection of the energy defense shield, its power was enough to wipe out the entire First Fleet.

Just when the star destroyer was about to bombard the First Fleet, the entire fleet suddenly burst into a dazzling light and instantly disappeared in this star field.

"What's going on?" Ji Xueer was watching all this on Blood God Star. When she saw the entire fleet disappear, she was completely stunned.

"It should be some kind of space device newly developed by the parliament! It just happened to be triggered at this critical moment." Luo Yikong said expressionlessly, and these were told to Luo Yikong by Xuanyuan Luoying in his body.

"Space device? Such a large fleet disappeared in an instant? This time is wrong!" Ji Xueer's expression was a little serious. In fact, space escape was also in her consideration, but it takes time to open the space channel and make a jump!

Activating when the system was invaded means that the space device is independent of the combat system, and it takes at least 10 seconds for such a large fleet to transfer space.

"The opponent's space device may not only have one, but exists on every warship. If these devices are activated at the same time, it will not take so long." Luo Yikong did not expect that Yanhuang Star had this backhand. It seems that Belial is quite cautious. Even in the face of overwhelming power against Blood God Star, he has prepared a way out.

Since the other party is so cautious, they must have thought of the consequences of the failure of the plan to attack the Blood God Star, and they must have a way to solve it!

On the surface, it seems that the First Fleet escaped, and things are a bit bad, but in Luo Yikong's view, the First Fleet is also an important force in human civilization, and it is best to preserve it.

"The chairman of the Xingjin Council announced that he will come forward to clarify the Yanhuang Star incident and the Blood God Star incident." Zero's projection appeared in front of Luo Yikong and Ji Xueer, and the other party's sudden change of face surprised Luo Yikong and Ji Xueer.

"The speed is quite fast! Clarify it, apologize, find a few scapegoats, and shut a few mouths, and the matter will be resolved." Luo Yikong has already thought of what Belial is thinking. At present, he does not want to expand this matter and turn it into a full-scale civil war in human civilization. This is also the best solution.

"You are so shameless!" Ji Xueer gritted her teeth. If there were no advance notice and full help from Zero and Luo Yikong, the First Fleet's blitzkrieg would succeed, and the Blood God Star would no longer exist. Then the entire parliament would really only have Belial to say, and all the opposing voices of human civilization would disappear.

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