Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 422 Leaving Blood God Star

"He has calculated it accurately. Even if we confront you, Blood God Star, you will only be dissatisfied, angry, and vigilant with them, and dare not do anything to them."

"Why are they so sure?" Ji Xueer wanted to rush to Yanhuang Star and kill Belial right now.

"Because I... After Loris died, Belial knew that the blood clan obeyed your and my orders. He knew that what I needed was a stable world, which would trigger a civil war in human civilization. He expected that I would definitely stop it. He guessed right, so he was so fearless. For Belial, this action at most brought a little more scolding and failed to integrate human civilization."

At present, in terms of human civilization, the high-level officials of the parliament and the people are seriously divided. Most people are actually against war, but those high-level officials do not think so. Even if Luo Yikong kills a Belial, those high-level officials will help a new Belial.

"Do we have to endure this?" Ji Xueer was a little unwilling. Although the Blood God Star did not suffer any blow this time, they lost a patrol fleet and a large number of space stations.

"It seems to be the case at present. Although the First Fleet was driven away this time, there are eyes behind the Daotian World watching everything. If a large-scale war breaks out, it will be exactly what the other party wants."

"But I am not willing! Why can't we fight back when the other party hits us?" Ji Xueer gritted her teeth. What made her most angry was that she didn't wipe out the First Fleet and teach Belial a painful lesson.

"You are now the leader of the Blood God Star. Naturally, you can't act on impulse and only consider yourself. You have to consider the entire blood race."

"I know..." Although she was very reluctant, Ji Xueer knew that she could only endure it. She and the Yanhuang Star had to explain to each other that it was a misunderstanding and let bygones be bygones.

"I have to leave here. Although the crisis on Blood God Star has been temporarily resolved, as long as I stay here, Belial will definitely attack me." Luo Yikong knew that Belial on Yanhuang Star had always been thinking about him.

"Are you leaving so soon?" Ji Xueer was still reluctant to leave Luo Yikong. It had been more than 400 years since she first met Luo Yikong. The time Luo Yikong stayed with Ji Xueer was too short, and he would disappear without a trace after leaving... a few months at least, a hundred years at most...

"Prepare a travel spaceship for me!" Luo Yikong did not intend to open the space crack and leave directly. Luo Yikong knew that there were many spies from Yanhuang Star on Blood God Star, and he was going to leave Blood God Star under the watchful eyes of those spies.

"Then when everything is over, can you come back? Don't disappear suddenly like before..." Ji Xueer asked Luo Yikong. In the eyes of many people, the heroic and decisive Ji Xueer showed the attitude of a little girl in front of Luo Yikong.

"My world is not just under my feet... Xue'er, you can try to go outside and take a look, outside that world..."

"Is that so..." Ji Xue'er's eyes became dim, but just when Ji Xue'er was disappointed, Luo Yikong said another sentence...

"When the dust of this era settles, I will take you to the outside world to take a look..."

Luo Yikong thought of the promise he and Xuanyuan Luoying had made to take her to the Emperor Star Universe within a thousand years. Today's human civilization is at the third-level civilization stage, with the ability to travel through the plane world. Although it is not enough to challenge some advanced civilizations, it has the possibility of escaping from the world-destroying blow of advanced civilizations.

The Daotian world was too weak and fragile, and there were constant crises, so Luo Yikong had never agreed to Xuanyuan Luoying.

"Really? That's great!" Ji Xue'er smiled like a child when she heard the news. After Luo Lisi left, perhaps this was the only time she showed such a smile in front of Luo Yikong.


Luo Yikong and Ji Xueer went to the battleship base of Blood God Star together, and a spaceship that can support long-distance space travel has been prepared.

In addition to Ji Xueer, there are several veteran blood clans who followed Loris. In the reluctant eyes of those people, Luo Yikong boarded the spaceship and drove the spaceship into a stream of light and disappeared into the horizon...

"Father! Where is father?"

After the spaceship left, a girl also rushed here with her skirt in both hands, and that girl was Alice.

"Father has left a long time ago..." Ji Xueer said, looking at the direction where the spaceship disappeared.

"What?! Sister, father is here, and you didn't call me! I don't know how long I have to wait now! If my mother was here, she would definitely call me!" Alice shouted to Ji Xueer angrily, but Ji Xueer turned around and glared at her, and instantly wilted.

"Go and learn what you should learn. Maybe your leadership and help will be needed here in the future. Don't think about playing every day."

"Yes... Sister..."


A stream of light flashed, and after a jump, Luo Yikong drove the spaceship to successfully leave the Blood God Galaxy. Outside the Blood God Galaxy belongs to the actual control area of ​​the Human Star Embers Council, which means that Luo Yikong may be intercepted by the Council at any time.

"People should be here..."

As soon as Luo Yikong finished speaking, countless streams of light flashed, and in just a blink of an eye, a large number of warships jumped to the vicinity of Luo Yikong's spaceship and surrounded Luo Yikong.

"Luo Yikong, surrender!"

A projection of an unfamiliar officer appeared in front of Luo Yikong. It seemed that the other party had calculated his jump location before he set out. The nearby parliamentary fleet also arrived at the fastest speed.

"Surrender? Why?"

"Luo Yikong! You have committed the crime of betraying humanity, undermining social stability, and leaking human secrets. Now I am here to arrest you under the order of the highest level of the parliament!" The officer said righteously. The other party was just the captain of an ordinary fleet and did not have such high authority to know Luo Yikong's identity. It was just that the parliament asked them to capture Luo Yikong at all costs.

"Let me guess, you are probably just here to delay me. After all, your parliament chairman does not think you can catch me. The real thing to deal with me should still be on the way!"

"Stop talking nonsense! If you don't surrender, then we can only take coercive measures!" The officer waved his hand and formed the warships surrounding Luo Yikong into an array, and at the same time blocked the surrounding space.

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