Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 435: Weapons of Human Civilization

A large number of human civilization warships were like being thrown into a spinning washing machine, being stretched and torn apart in front of the expanding black spot...

Because the warships were paralyzed, some warships even collided violently with nearby warships under the traction of the terrifying gravity of the black spot.

"The human fleet is finished..."

The high-level officials of the Dragon Civilization watched this scene. In their eyes, the entire human civilization fleet was finished. The moment the first wave of pulse waves broke through the defense of the human fleet, the human civilization fleet was finished.

Just when the Dragon Civilization thought that the victory was decided, the human civilization fleet, which had been completely paralyzed, resumed operation.

"Dual warship system? No, even the dual warship system should be destroyed together!" The Dragon Civilization saw that the human civilization restarted the paralyzed warships, and everyone looked at each other, but after a moment of shock, they immediately issued an attack order.

The second black beam hit the human civilization fleet, and facing this situation, the human civilization fleet seemed to know what weapons the other party was using this time, so they were also prepared.

Suddenly, a cube-shaped transparent space appeared, imprisoning the black beam inside, and it was impossible to escape.

The first black beam of the Dragon Civilization directly destroyed 4,586 planetary warships of the Human Civilization Fleet. However, after facing the attack of the Dragon Civilization, the Human Civilization no longer showed mercy. Before, it only used the Star Destroyer Cannon because it still left some mercy for the Dragon Civilization.

"Use that weapon!" Belial gave an order to the people behind him, and everyone's expression became solemn when they heard Belial say this. Because they knew that the weapon was originally used to deal with Luo Yikong, but now it is used to deal with the Dragon Civilization Fleet.

"But the God-making Machine?" Some people were a little worried that the God-making Machine would be damaged because of this, after all, the power of the weapon was too great.

"Execute the order!" Belial's eyes turned cold and ordered, and everyone dared not say much when they felt Belial's tone change.

In the current Human Civilization Star Ember Council, Belial's orders are almost absolute, so even if the weapon is used, no one comes out to dissuade him.

But before using the weapon, the entire human fleet will be ready for superluminal navigation...

"The human civilization fleet is ready to travel at superluminal speed at any time." Zero can easily find out the orders within the human fleet, so he reports to Luo Yikong as soon as possible.

"Fly at superluminal speed at any time?" Luo Yikong frowned. Belial is determined to get the God-making Machine. How could he give up the God-making Machine and escape directly at superluminal speed? And even if he escapes at superluminal speed, he can't get rid of the fleet of the Dragon Civilization. The fleet weapons of the Dragon Civilization can hit superluminal targets.

"The human fleet intends to use a powerful weapon, and the attack range may be a bit large..."

"A bit large? So large that they can escape at superluminal speed as soon as possible?" Luo Yikong was shocked. Although in his plan, there was a battle between the human civilization fleet and the dragon civilization here to lure out the existence behind, it would be very disadvantageous for Luo Yikong if either the human civilization fleet or the dragon civilization fleet was completely destroyed.

"No! I have to act! Zero, notify Long Li!"


At this moment, Long Li, who was in the flagship of the dragon civilization fleet, also received Zero's notification, but because the notification was made through a micro-earphone placed in the ear, no one else would hear it.

"Immediately evacuate at superluminal speed!" Long Li's face suddenly changed, which confused many of the surrounding dragon civilization leaders.

"Lord Long Li, what are you doing..."

"I am now issuing an order to the entire fleet to evacuate at superluminal speed as a hymn priestess!"

When those dragon civilization leaders hesitated, Long Li directly passed the order to all the dragon civilization departments through his highest authority.

The entire Dragon Civilization fleet immediately switched to superluminal navigation, which made the Dragon Civilization leaders somewhat dissatisfied. In their opinion, Long Li forcibly seized the command of their various departments and issued random orders.

"Lord Long Li, shouldn't you give me an explanation..."

A senior executive was about to question Long Li, but saw a white ball of light suddenly exploded at the tail of the retreating fleet. The explosion directly caused a large-scale space collapse. The terrifying energy and gravity even directly crushed the surrounding planets, and even the mother star of this galaxy was continuously stretched and absorbed...

A huge black hole 10 times the size of the sun even appeared behind the Dragon Civilization Fleet. Some hesitant warships were directly torn apart by the first wave of explosions because they did not escape at superluminal speed in time before the attack arrived, and fell into the black hole...

"How is it possible? The opponent's weapon is more powerful than our previous attack!"

"How much energy does it take to directly create such a black hole? Even if all the human civilization fleets are added, it is impossible!"

Almost, if the Dragon Civilization Fleet entered superluminal navigation even one second later, the entire fleet would be destroyed in an instant. After escaping from death, the expressions of all the Dragon Civilization senior executives were horrified and unbelievable. They couldn't believe that the technology of human civilization had reached such a level.

At this moment, in the violent energy and distorted space impact, Luo Yikong controlled a number of virtual swords to surround himself and Jiuyan, protecting himself, Jiuyan, and the God-making Machine.

However, because the human civilization fleet did not create a real black hole, the so-called black hole also shrank and disappeared rapidly in the next few minutes.

When everything was calm, the original galaxy no longer existed. It had become a blank area in the universe, with no matter left.

Luo Yikong also truly witnessed a weapon that could destroy an entire galaxy in just a moment. This is the true technological power of the third-level civilization.

No matter how big a star is, no matter how long the history of a galaxy is, destruction is only a moment...

A few minutes after the attack, countless rays of light flashed again in this area that had been dead silent, and the fleets of the two civilizations confronted each other again. But this time, the people in the area between the two civilizations were Luo Yikong, Jiuyan, and the God-making Machine...

"It's Luo Yikong!"

"That's right! It's Luo Yikong!"

The leaders of the two civilizations were all shocked when they saw Luo Yikong, but Belial and Long Li were the only ones who looked calm...

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