Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 436 Mysterious Civilization

"Luo Yikong and the God-making Machine have already appeared. When the human civilization fleet used that weapon to attack the dragon civilization fleet, Luo Yikong showed up to protect the God-making Machine. Now the conflict between human civilization and dragon civilization has occurred. We have achieved this goal, but we are afraid that Luo Yikong will run away with the God-making Machine. There is a lot of biological energy left by the decomposition of the Zerg in the God-making Machine. If Luo Yikong uses the God-making Machine to recover, it will be troublesome." A human soldier secretly reported to an old man in the back through a special communicator.

"What are the losses of human civilization and dragon civilization?"

"Both civilizations lost thousands of planetary warships, but when human civilization was planning to annihilate the dragon civilization fleet, the dragon civilization fleet seemed to have received the news in advance and suddenly evacuated at superluminal speed. Luo Yikong must have told them! In addition, the retreat order was issued by Long Li."

"Long Li...I see. If human civilization hadn't used that weapon, this secret wouldn't have been forced out. Luo Yikong already knew that Long Li had been replaced. It is estimated that the one on the dragon civilization side is the real Long Li. Perhaps it was no coincidence that Luo Yikong stopped the assassination of Xing Ming. Luo Yikong more or less knew of our existence." The old man frowned. Since Luo Yikong knew of their existence, did he set up a plan? Or, Luo Yikong deliberately let them know just to bluff and restore his peak state.

Judging from the current situation, the Dragon Civilization is already on Luo Yikong's side. They have lost control of the Dragon Civilization, and on the human civilization side, Belial and the guys from Blood God Star are also troublesome.

"This opportunity cannot be lost. Order the fleet to lurk first and see the situation!"



The fleets of the two civilizations confronted each other, and Luo Yikong's projection appeared in front of the high-level officials of the two civilizations at the same time through the zero projection...

"Long Li, order the fleet to lift the hostile state to human civilization." Luo Yikong's projection looked at Long Li and said, which immediately caused dissatisfaction among the high-level officials of the Dragon People.

"Lord Luo Yikong, I..."

"Just a human! Isn't it crazy to lift the hostile state according to his words?"

"Luo Yikong, who are you? A human wants to order our Dragon Civilization!"

"What about my order?" At this time, a familiar voice came, and the high-level officials of the Dragon People turned around and saw Long Yunxi.

The appearance of Long Yunxi instantly silenced the high-ranking dragon people who had just been cursing Luo Yikong. At this time, Long Yunxi also showed the momentum of the former leader of the dragon civilization. He looked completely different from the Long Yunxi of the Cangkong Star...

"Leave it to me!" Long Yunxi said while looking at the projection of Luo Yikong, and the latter nodded...

Just as Luo Yikong planned, a single Long Yunxi could instantly calm down the entire dragon civilization.

After the problem of the dragon civilization was solved, Luo Yikong turned his attention to the human civilization...

"Luo Yikong! You wanted criminal!"

"Give up the God-making Machine and surrender!"

The high-ranking officials of the House of Representatives looked at Luo Yikong with a very unfriendly look. After all, the times have changed, and people have changed. Those familiar faces in the House of Representatives are no longer seen.

"Did you really want to destroy the main fleet of the dragon civilization just now?" Luo Yikong looked at Belial and asked. He had an agreement with Belial, but this guy was very dishonest.

"Since the other party wants to destroy my fleet, why can't I destroy the other party's fleet?" Belial looked at Luo Yikong's projection and smiled coldly. He also knew that the fleet of the dragon civilization ran so fast, most likely because of Luo Yikong's notification.

"Then execute the deal between us!"

"Of course!" Belial nodded and clapped his hands.

At the same time, No. 1, who was rampant in the human public network, was immediately blocked by Zero and many artificial intelligences that had been prepared...

"Zero, even if you temporarily trap me, what? You can't kill me, you can't destroy me, I'm everywhere!" No. 1 proudly sent a message to Zero, and Zero also responded.

"The concentration of data consciousness can destroy you..."

From the beginning, in order to deal with super artificial intelligence, Belial used the excuse of creating a new type of artificial intelligence to extract and merge the human consciousness in the eternal life network into a concentrated consciousness in the network. For artificial intelligence, those consciousnesses with many emotions can directly make them collapse directly. After all, emotions are poison, and even artificial intelligence cannot withstand so many complex emotions.

Blocked in the data network of human civilization, No. 1 was immediately attacked by the consciousness of hundreds of millions of people. Even such a powerful artificial intelligence collapsed instantly under the impact of those consciousness.

At the same time, planets all over human civilization were suddenly targeted by human civilization, and those planets were all planets planted with seeds without exception.

"I promised you, I have completed half of it." Belial looked at Luo Yikong, and the latter naturally understood what he meant.

"Okay! The God-making Machine is handed over to you, but you must remember that you must not use it on the life in the Daotian World! Otherwise, I will take it back personally if I hand it to you personally."

"Then please also keep your promise, Lord Luo Yikong, and disappear from people's sight forever after the matter is over. A powerful human civilization does not need a god!" Belial said, staring at Luo Yikong's projection, and Luo Yikong nodded calmly.

The conflict between the two civilizations has been resolved, No. 1 has been eliminated, all the seeds of the Daotian World have been uprooted, and the only thing left is the civilization behind it. Of course, Luo Yikong also knew that at the moment when the two civilizations reconciled, the mysterious civilization would definitely take action. After all, if they didn't take action again, they would have no chance. If they failed to trigger a war between the two civilizations and take over the Daotian World mission, then they could only choose to take away the Daotian World's God-making Machine to avoid hindering the subsequent large-scale invasion of the fleet.

Just when Luo Yikong was about to hand over the God-making Machine to the human civilization fleet, the guys hidden in the human fleet were instantly exposed, intending to hijack the top leaders of the human civilization, but Belial had been prepared for it. At the moment of exposure, all those people were eliminated and none survived.

The space around the two civilizations fluctuated, and a fleet of a third-level civilization outside the two civilizations also appeared in everyone's eyes...

"Finally here..." Luo Yikong looked at the fleet, and that was the mysterious civilization behind the two civilizations.

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