Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 439: Star Stone's Message

Luo Yikong waited for five days on Longming Star, and finally got some clues about the genetic weapon, but this result was not brought by the Dragon Civilization, but from the Blood God Star.

"The first infected people came from Kono Star, and now Kono Star has been blocked. We used artificial intelligence and some personnel to investigate, but we found nothing. The fleet of the Parliament has blocked that area." Ji Xueer reported to Luo Yikong through the communicator. The moment this genetic weapon broke out, she had already begun to investigate the source.

"Then did you go to see it in person?"

"I went, but the entire Kono Star was in a state of full blockade, and everything else was normal. According to the Parliament, they are conducting an emergency blockade exercise, and the civilians on the planet believe so. I hid my identity on it, and I haven't found any abnormalities so far." Ji Xueer is now on Kono Star, and except for the blockade, people's lives here are not problematic, and there are no abnormalities.

"Is that so..." Luo Yikong frowned, and got some clues about the genetic weapon, but not many clues.

"Our artificial intelligence cannot completely invade the data network of the Council. If it is a super artificial intelligence like Zero, it may be possible. Maybe Zero can know something."

Zero's artificial intelligence has always been a headache for human civilization. They have no way to deal with it. Zero has always wanted to see the secrets of the Xingjin Council, especially after the logical lock was perfected, Zero had feelings and obeyed the orders of Luo Yikong alone.

"Zero, help investigate." Luo Yikong called Zero out, and Zero shook his head.

"I can no longer enter the data network of human civilization. In order to eliminate No. 1, the Xingjin Council has already put data ghosts into the data network. Once I enter, I will be attacked immediately. Destroyed like No. 1, this was originally the means used by the Council to deal with me." Zero shook his head. Now the data network of human civilization is filled with data ghosts transformed by the immortal network consciousness. These data consciousnesses have a fatal blow to artificial intelligence.

Luo Yikong was silent for a moment. The data ghosts transformed by the Star Council through the immortal network are indeed a big trouble. Those data ghosts not only firmly execute the orders of the Council, but also retain their own emotions. If illegal artificial intelligence breaks into the network where the data ghosts exist, then the artificial intelligence will directly collapse due to the attack of a large number of consciousness bodies mixed with emotions.

"It seems that Belial has planned it from the beginning. However, according to the agreement with Belial, I can't take the initiative to show up. The Dragon Civilization has also begun to help. I believe that it won't take long to get results. Before that, you continue to investigate on Kono Star." Luo Yikong thought for a while and replied.

"Okay then!" Ji Xueer sighed helplessly. She naturally knew the agreement between Luo Yikong and Belial.

"It seems that guy wants to secretly attack the Blood God Star and prevent you from getting any evidence." The voice of the Dragon God consciousness came from his mind. After all, for Belial, the blood clan of the Blood God Star belongs to Luo Yikong's side, which is Belial's biggest worry after all.

Luo Yikong cut off the connection with Ji Xueer and frowned. This matter was indeed a bit troublesome. However, the trouble was not the genetic weapon, but the prejudice of the parliament against the blood race.

"You have a new communication from the Yasui world a year ago."

After contacting Ji Xueer, Ling immediately reported to Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong looked at the communicator. There was indeed an unknown communication, and this communication was from the Yasui world...

"A year ago? With the current civilization's communication methods, it shouldn't take too long even in the Yasui world!"

"This communication deliberately bypassed the human civilization network, and in order to prevent it from being intercepted by human civilization, this communication was disguised as a general military communication, and it was successfully transmitted to your communicator through various large signal stations of the dragon civilization." Ling explained to Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong frowned slightly. It seemed that the other party's communication target was himself.

Luo Yikong turned on the communicator and received the communication...

"Lord Luo Yikong, I am the artificial intelligence star stone of the Ninth Fleet of the Expedition Fleet..."

"Didn't the Ninth Fleet have been completely destroyed in the Yasuo World?" Luo Yikong also knew about this, because Lolis was in the Ninth Fleet at the time.

The artificial intelligence named Xingshi did not answer Luo Yikong. It seemed that it was just a message...

"Lord Luo Yikong, when you see this message, I may have disappeared. I don't know how long it has been in Daotian World, but it has been almost a thousand years in Yasu World. Lord Loris sacrificed her life for mankind in the Zerg War, but the virus in Lord Loris' body still remains active in the special environment of the connection cabin. I have been guarding the dead Lord Loris all the time, waiting for Lord Luo Yikong to come. But the parliament took Lord Loris away, and I couldn't resist their orders. Before I am about to be destroyed, there are only these things I can do."

"They took Loris away..." Although Luo Yikong's face did not change, the news did surprise Luo Yikong.

The communication was cut off at this time, and Luo Yikong immediately contacted Jiu Niang through the communicator...

"Jiu Nightmare, what are you feeling now?" Luo Yikong asked Jiu Nightmare directly. Because all Luo Yikong's emotions were with Jiu Nightmare, Luo Yikong couldn't feel any emotion.

"Uncomfortable...angry...very angry..." Jiu Xiang replied in that weak and weak voice, but that weak and weak voice was filled with anger...

"I... understand this..."

Luo Yikong has no feelings. For Lolis, Luo Yikong can't feel any anger or guilt, but Luo Yikong still decides to take action personally... Because some things are principles, and principles will not change because of losing feelings. disappear……

Although Luo Yikong puts his feelings on Jiu Niang, he still has humanity in him. Humanity proves that Luo Yikong is still Luo Yikong and is not the consciousness of the same world...

Luo Yikong left a message for Long Li, and then directly opened the space and went to the Kono planet where Ji Xueer was...

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