Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 440: The Tree of Flesh and Blood

On Kono Star, Ji Xueer, who was in disguise, was eavesdropping on the conversation between two Kono Star soldiers in a street cafe. Just as Ji Xueer was concentrating on eavesdropping, a man suddenly sat in front of Ji Xueer. When she saw the person coming, Ji Xueer almost spit out the coffee in her mouth.

"Father! Why did you come directly?" Ji Xueer didn't expect that Luo Yikong would come directly not long after he finished talking to her.

"Lolis is here..." Luo Yikong did not hide it and answered directly.

"Mom is here? Mom is not..." Ji Xueer was so excited that she was about to stand up, but was pushed down by Luo Yikong.

"Calm down."

"But mom..."

"Lolis is indeed dead. What survived is Lolis' body, or the virus in her body. If it is not handled properly, it may be a god-level disaster for the Daotian world." Luo Yikong knew that Lolis's consciousness had perfected the logic lock, and the body left behind was still alive, and it was very likely to have the same level of combat power as Lolis. It was precisely because of this that Luo Yikong personally took action.

"Father, are you saying that mom's body was secretly transported here by those guys in the parliament? Could it be the genetic weapons on the Blood God Star?" The coffee cup in Lolis's hand was directly crushed into powder, and the coffee also flowed all over the table...

"I know you are very angry... I also know that you may have the idea of ​​destroying all mankind now..."

"So what does father want to do? If all this is true, does father want to stop me? To destroy us for those humans? Mom has done so much for human civilization, and in the end they are waiting for mom like this?" Ji Xueer's expression became cold, and her voice was full of endless murderous intent.

"No matter what decision humans make, no matter what choice they make, no matter whether it is right or wrong, I will not sit back and watch humans perish. I am very sorry about this matter, so I will deal with it."

"Then what about the masterminds? What about Belial and those guys?" Ji Xueer gritted her teeth, staring at Luo Yikong with her scarlet eyes...

"This era needs Belial. Emotionally, I may kill Belial, but I have no emotions and only reason is left. So for this era, I will not kill Belial."

"That's right. For my father who has no emotions, a dead person has no value at all." Ji Xueer was a little disappointed with Luo Yikong. After all, a Luo Yikong without emotions was not the Luo Yikong she expected.

"I will give an explanation to Blood Star after the mission of this era is over." Luo Yikong replied calmly, and at the same time, he also wanted to stabilize Ji Xueer...

"How long will it take?"

"Within 50 years, the era will give you a satisfactory answer." Luo Yikong replied calmly. The tide of the times will completely engulf the parliament and Belial. Even if Luo Yikong does not take action, they will not be able to hold on for long.

"Okay, I'll wait, father." Ji Xueer still attaches great importance to the matter of Lolis, and even breaks up with Luo Yikong...

Luo Yikong slowly closed his eyes, feeling that through his supreme authority, he searched for everything on Kono Star...

The full projection of the entire Kono Star appeared in Luo Yikong's mind. Every corner of the entire planet could not escape Luo Yikong's perception. Soon Luo Yikong found clues deep underground on Kono Star.

"Deep underground... there..." Luo Yikong opened his eyes and said to Ji Xueer in front of him.


"Let's go!" Luo Yikong stood up, grabbed Ji Xueer, ran to an empty corner, cut open space, and walked in immediately.

Luo Yikong did not intend to sneak in secretly. He had to solve this matter before things became serious, so Luo Yikong planned to go in directly.

"Who are you?"

Luo Yikong and Ji Xueer went directly to the depths of the underground base. The guards of the underground base immediately noticed Luo Yikong and Ji Xueer, and opened fire without any hesitation.

This base has the highest security level in the parliament, and any illegal intruders can be shot on the spot.


The whole world exploded instantly, and then the flow of time around stopped. Luo Yikong walked in front of those soldiers and stretched out his hand to knock them to the ground.

"Let's go!"

Luo Yikong paused the time of the Daotian world and took Ji Xueer directly to the experimental space of the base...


In front of the two, a flesh and blood tree stood in front of them. The flesh and blood tree was a hundred meters high, and the trunk was composed of countless hardened tentacles. On the crown of the flesh and blood tree, the upper body of a human was exposed... and that human was Loris...

The combat power of the god level will not be affected by the time stop of the Daotian world, so Luo Yikong and Ji Xueer can clearly see that the flesh and blood tree under Loris is beating as if it has life...

Luo Yikong walked over and jumped lightly to the top of the tree. When looking at Loris up close, Loris seemed to be asleep, just like when they parted that year.

Luo Yikong reached out and gently stroked Loris's face. At the moment of touching Loris, Loris, who was supposed to be dead, suddenly opened her eyes, and a large number of flesh and blood tentacles instantly wrapped Luo Yikong in it...



Luo Yikong's body hit the wall of flesh and blood composed of countless flesh and blood tentacles, and Lolis pinched Luo Yikong's neck tightly, and even the long nails had pierced into Luo Yikong's neck...

Lolis was dead, and Lolis in front of her only had an instinctive reaction to the virus. Whether it was the virus in Luo Yikong or Ji Xueer's body, the alien blood virus in Lolis's body had a huge attraction. The moment Luo Yikong approached, the alien blood virus in Lolis's body seemed to be stimulated.

Faced with this situation, Luo Yikong did not intend to show any mercy. After all, Lolis was dead. If the virus in Lolis's body was allowed to run rampant, it would be a disaster for the world.

The virus tentacles in Luo Yikong's body burst out, and Luo Yikong was once a virus planet, and the level of the virus in his body was even stronger than Lolis. For a while, Luo Yikong's virus tentacles merged with Lolis, and for a while, they actually suppressed Lolis's alien blood virus.

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