The interior of the fifth-level civilization warship here is similar to the interior of the warship in this world that Luo Yikong saw. There are some strange patterns on the surrounding walls, and energy is constantly flowing in them, emitting a faint light.

"Did you see anything?" Luo Yikong asked the ship experts assigned by Cole, and all of those experts showed excitement.

"Lord Luo Yikong, if we can fully understand the technology in this warship, our civilization will once again experience explosive progress, which is equivalent to the technological accumulation and exploration of civilizations of the same level for tens of thousands or even millions of years. But to fully understand the technology on it, we not only have to bring this warship back, but also need a certain amount of time to slowly digest and absorb it."

"Yes! Lord Luo Yikong, even if this warship is only superficially technological, it is enough for us to look up to."

Hearing the words of those experts, Luo Yikong nodded. He did not expect the Emperor Star Civilization to provide technological assistance to the Daotian World. Even if it provided assistance, there must be a backup plan in those technologies, which would always strangle the neck of the Daotian World. If you want your civilization to become stronger, you can't rely on others, you can only rely on yourself.

Xuanyuan Luoying is now arrogant and brutal, looking down on others. She is very likely not interested in this fifth-level civilization warship. If possible, Luo Yikong may be able to bring this warship back to the Daotian world.

"Lord Luo Yikong, we have found the Dragon Locking Well area inside the warship!"

At this time, a soldier's report came from the communicator, and the location of the Dragon Locking Well was marked for Luo Yikong in the communicator...

"The hole area at the bottom of the warship?" Luo Yikong frowned when he saw the marked location. This warship was in a damaged state, and there was a big hole at the bottom. Luo Yikong had known it through scanning before. However, Luo Yikong did not expect that the so-called Dragon Locking Well was not inside the warship, but outside the warship. It was just that the entrance to that area was blocked by the huge warship and pressed on it. The only entrance to that area was the hole at the bottom of the warship.

Luo Yikong did not stop at all. The soldiers were responsible for taking over various areas of the warship, and Luo Yikong, with Long Yunxi, Xuanyuan Luoying and others, rushed to the bottom area of ​​the warship...

There was a large hole with a diameter of 100 meters at the bottom of the warship. The hole was vertically downward, dark and bottomless. Just standing on the edge of the area gave people a feeling of being swallowed by the abyss.

There were 8 metal pillars standing around the hole. Energy was constantly flowing on the exquisite patterns on them, emitting a faint glow.

On the metal pillars were tied chains as thick as Luo Yikong's entire body, extending all the way to the darkness below the hole...

"Is this the Dragon Locking Well?" Luo Yikong walked over, hugged the thick chain with both hands, and tried to pull it, but Luo Yikong's amazing strength had no effect in front of the chain, and the chain did not move at all.

"Let me try." No. 2 took out a laser cutting gun and tried to cut with laser, but even laser could not do anything to the chain, and the chain absorbed its energy instead.

"Hey, hey, hey, wait! Don't destroy this place!"

No. 2 turned around and saw the shadow of a sword in Luo Yikong's hand, and he panicked immediately. He saw with his own eyes that Luo Yikong destroyed a star-level fleet of the Imperial Star Civilization with one sword. Luo Yikong's full-strength sword would have made the warship of the fifth-level civilization disappear directly.

Luo Yikong slashed with a sword, and there was no big movement on the chain except for a little spark. Luo Yikong was also stunned when he saw the result. First of all, one of the twelve swords in his hand, the Wanjie Sword representing space, can even cut through space and ignore all spatial laws, but it can't cut through the chain, and the power of that sword is not dissolved, but absorbed.

"What is this?" Luo Yikong looked at Xuanyuan Luoying beside him and asked, wanting to get the answer from her.

"I don't know. Dream civilization always likes to do something strange. Who knows what this is!" Xuanyuan Luoying shook her head. She didn't know everything. This chain was obviously beyond her cognition.

"UAV, explore the way." Luo Yikong was too lazy to worry about what this chain was. He directly asked someone to bring a drone and prepare to explore the bottom of the hole.

However, just when the drone was released and ready to enter the hole, it suddenly paralyzed and fell into the darkness.

"Lord Luo Yikong, our drones are interfered with. As long as they get close to the hole, they will all be scrapped. Even the anti-interference coating on our drones is useless."

"I don't need to go down..." No. 2 heard the soldier's report and immediately stayed away from the hole. After all, his body was originally a machine.

"This is a jamming device that is much more advanced than your civilization. It seems that all your tools are useless!" Xuanyuan Luoying shook her head. In front of the jamming device, no matter how many drones Luo Yikong and his team released, they would all be scrapped one by one. This was the technological crushing of a higher civilization.

The fleet of Daotian World can release a large number of unmanned attack carrier-based aircraft, like a swarm of bees, under the control of artificial intelligence, it can sweep across any low-level world like a locust. However, once it encounters a high-level civilization, only one interference device can paralyze all the fleets of Daotian World. Even if the fleet and the drone have anti-interference coatings, the interference of the high-level civilization is a technology beyond the cognition of the low-level civilization, just like the primitive people don’t understand why the plane can fly.

"Then I will go down directly..." Luo Yikong was also helpless. The drone could not be used, let alone others. Luo Yikong also had some means. Even if he faced the supreme existence of the seventh-level civilization, he had a way to escape, so he had to go down.

"I will accompany you!" Long Yunxi stood firmly beside Luo Yikong. No matter whether there was danger below, even if it was a dragon's den and a tiger's lair, she would never retreat with Luo Yikong by her side.

"Father, there is me!" Ji Xueer also raised her hand.

"Lord Luo Yikong, I'm going too!"

"And me!"

"We're going too!"

At this time, except for Xuanyuan Luoying and No. 2 who was hiding at the back, everyone stood up, including the soldiers on the Hengling...

Although Luo Yikong was cold and emotionless, these people had the most sincere feelings for him...

"It's not a life-and-death separation. The situation down there is unknown. I'll just take a few strong people with me."

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