Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 543: Dragon Clan

Luo Yikong chose Long Yunxi and Xuanyuan Luoying as the candidates for Suolongjing. On the one hand, it was because Long Yunxi had the blood of the dragon clan, so it might be easy to talk to him. On the other hand, if he brought Xuanyuan Luoying, It was because this was Xuanyuan Luoying's own request, to prevent Luo Yikong from making any small moves, but she kept staring at Luo Yikong.

After confirming the candidates and explaining some things, Luo Yikong and the others jumped down on their own. When the bodies of Luo Yikong and others fell eight or nine meters, an energy defense shield suddenly appeared, but strangely What's surprising is that Luo Yikong and others were not blocked by the energy defense shield, but passed through it easily.

Darkness enveloped Luo Yikong, and as his body continued to fall, the air became thinner and thinner, while the surrounding temperature also slowly increased...

About half an hour after falling, a light appeared below Luo Yikong. The light gradually became a bit dazzling as Luo Yikong fell...

After passing through the darkness, Luo Yikong and the other two landed safely. Facing the powerful telekinesis power of Luo Yikong and Xuanyuan Luoying, there was not even much movement when they landed.

"Is this the center of the earth?" Long Yunxi looked at the magma spewing around him. The surrounding area reached an extremely terrifying level. If it weren't for the three of them, but an ordinary person appeared here without any protective equipment, I'm afraid The next second your body will be on fire.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The ground beneath my feet began to shake violently. To be precise, the ground beneath my feet began to move...


The three people immediately used telekinesis to levitate their bodies, and the smooth ground they were standing on had already dived under the magma.

A piece of land sank, and soon a larger piece of land floated up, but the land floated higher and higher. Soon the three of them noticed that it was not a piece of land, but the head of a dragon-shaped creature.

The huge eyes opened, and the golden pupils stared at Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong was like a little bug next to the eyes...

A head emerged from the magma, and then heads of different sizes appeared one after another, but no matter how small they were, Luo Yikong was like an ant in front of them...

"Master Huan Shen, you are finally here!"

Those pairs of dragon eyes stared at Luo Yikong, and the sound was like an ancient bell exploding in everyone's head. Not only Luo Yikong was stunned for a moment, but even Xuanyuan Luoying was stunned...

The so-called Huan Shen is the honorific title given to that person by those civilizations in the past, and Huan Shen is a being with a higher status in the Emperor Star civilization than even the Holy God Xuanyuan Luoying...the Holy Lord.

"Old Long, are you mistaken?!" Xuanyuan Luoying's expression was a bit ugly. How could Luo Yikong be the Holy Lord? Those two people didn't look alike at all. It's not like Xuanyuan Luoying had never seen the Holy Lord himself. . In Xuanyuan Luoying's view, calling Luo Yikong that person was simply an insult to that person.

"It turns out it's Lord Holy God. With Lord Holy God by his side, and the aura of Holy Lord on his body, who is he if he's not Holy Lord?" The giant dragon obviously knew Xuanyuan Luoying. Seeing Xuanyuan Luoying's performance, then The dragon was also confused.

"Maybe you are mistaken, because I have this." After Luo Yikong said this, a shadow of a sword appeared in his hand.

"So that's how Master Huan Shen stayed! I wonder what you would call me the descendant?" The giant dragon did not show hostility towards Luo Yikong. On the contrary, because Luo Yikong was connected with the so-called Lord Huan Shen, The other party acted very friendly.

"My name is Luo Yikong."

"Luo Yikong... Luo Yikong... I seem to have heard this name somewhere..." The huge dragon head began to think.

"Master Longshou, he can't be the teacher that boy Chu Tianyu said!" At this time, the giant dragon on the side poked his head out of the lava and said.

"Yes! Did you once have a student named Chu Tianyu?" The giant dragon known as the Dragon Head asked Luo Yikong, and the latter nodded.

"Where is he now?"

"That kid! I'll bring him over!" A smaller dragon said, immediately turned around and sneaked away...

"Hey! How come you have the blood of our dragon clan in you? But your body is similar to that of a human?" The dragon head looked at Long Yunxi next to Luo Yikong. The whole dragon was also stunned, as if he had seen a ghost.

"It's like this. She is a dragon race created by the dragon civilization. Later, she was transformed by the God-making Machine, so she became like this." Luo Yikong explained to Long Yunxi.

"God-making machine... It seems that Lord Dragon God has perfected the last step of God-making machine. Unfortunately, the price is too high and it is too late. So where is Lord Dragon God now? Where is the God-making machine? ?”

Hearing this question, Luo Yikong and Long Yunxi looked at Xuanyuan Luoying at the same time. They couldn't tell the truth, saying that the Dragon God wanted to die with Xuanyuan Luoying, but failed, and the god-making machine was used as a bargaining chip to give death blood. Be civilized!

"The God-making Machine is kept by our Emperor Star Civilization, and the old Dragon God has long since disappeared." Xuanyuan Luoying stood up and replied.

"What?! Lord Dragon God is dead!"

When this news came, all the dragons present found it hard to accept it. After all, the Dragon God's status in the dragon civilization was like Xuanyuan Luoying of the Emperor Star Civilization, Long Yunxi of the Dragon Man Civilization, and Luo Yikong of the Daotian World.

"Impossible! Lord Dragon God is a contemporary of Lord Phantom God! Not even the Virtual God can destroy him!"

"How is it impossible? It was the Virtual God who killed your Lord Dragon God!" Xuanyuan Luoying also came to divert the blame at this time, pushing her own deeds onto the Virtual God, so that she could gain these dragons as her helpers.

"Virtual God?! Hasn't the Virtual God been killed by Lord Phantom God?"

"No. That existence escaped into the long river of time and hid, and now it has made a comeback. So this time we came here to ask you to help me kill the Virtual God again!" Xuanyuan Luoying said with murderous intent. For her, killing the Virtual God is even more important than the life and death of the Emperor Star Civilization.

"Virtual God! I understand!" The huge dragon's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Okay, let me introduce you. This is Ying Xuan, the Dragon Head of the Dragon Civilization's Outer Barrier World Defense Fleet. The Dragon Head means the commander of your human fleet." Xuanyuan Luoying introduced Luo Yikong. It was obvious that the giant dragon in front of him was an old acquaintance of Xuanyuan Luoying.


At this time, a voice came, and Luo Yikong saw a middle-aged man in black standing on the dragon's head, greeting Luo Yikong from a distance...

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