Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 83 Blood God Statue

"Why do you always say you are a human?" After entering the city, Chen Linlin whispered to Luo Yikong. After all, this is no different from calling herself a pig or dog.

"Because I am a human."

"Human..." Chen Linlin didn't understand Luo Yikong. After all, the burden of "human" was too heavy in this world. She guessed in her heart that Luo Yikong might be a new and powerful blood clan. He might have been a human, but in this world, humans themselves wanted to abandon their identities. Luo Yikong was already a blood clan, so why didn't he want to let go of the burden of being a human?

Originally, Chen Linlin thought that Luo Yikong would play with her in a more cruel way, but at the gate of the city, Luo Yikong did not hesitate to clash with those blood clan soldiers in order to protect her, which made Chen Linlin change her view of Luo Yikong.

Luo Yikong and Chen Linlin were walking on the avenue leading to the prosperous district. Suddenly, a stench mixed with a strong smell of blood came to their faces, making people feel suffocated.

Luo Yikong suddenly stopped and his face turned ugly...

On both sides of the avenue in front of Luo Yikong, there were many sharp stakes, and on each of them was a human corpse. Judging from the painful expressions on the faces of each corpse, those humans were tortured like this when they were alive...

The breeze blew, carrying the smell of blood and stench, and the hands and feet also swayed weakly with the breeze, colliding with the sharp stakes, making a sound of knocking on wood...

The blood flowed down the sharp stakes, gathered in the ditches on both sides of the avenue, and was transported all the way to the tall blood god statue in the center of the city square...

"When these people are alive, they will struggle constantly because of pain. In that struggle, their blood will flow faster, and all this blood will be sacrificed to the blood god." When Chen Linlin said this, her expression was a little numb, different from Luo Yikong's shocked and angry expression. She had seen this kind of thing. For thousands of years, humans in this world are just like livestock.

Luo Yikong continued to walk forward along the avenue. The number of vampires he saw was not as many as Luo Yikong imagined. After all, the vampires had lost their ability to reproduce naturally, and not every human could withstand that kind of virus. In this world, the ratio of humans to vampires is one thousand to one. There are tens of millions of humans in the Blood Wing City where Luo Yikong is now, while there are only more than ten thousand vampires.

Because the vampires have power beyond ordinary people and have directly monopolized technology and knowledge, no matter how many humans there are, no matter how much they resist, it is futile. Gradually, humans themselves became numb and stopped resisting.

Chen Linlin followed Luo Yikong, and the vampires who passed by regarded Chen Linlin as Luo Yikong's private prey. Otherwise, with Chen Linlin's human identity, she would have died long ago when she came here.

"Human slaves are not allowed to enter the front!"

Just as Luo Yikong was preparing to go to the square in front, he was stopped by several blood clan soldiers. It seemed that the statue of the so-called Blood God did not allow humans to approach...

"Wait for me here!"


After leaving Zhen Linlin outside the square, Luo Yikong walked towards the square alone. It must be said that the statue of the Blood God was indeed magnificent, with a height of 100 meters. Luo Yikong could probably guess that the so-called Blood God was the existence behind this world.

"Hmm? It's a girl!"

Luo Yikong looked up at the Blood God statue and found that the statue was a statue of a girl in noble and gorgeous clothes. The girl looked very young, but Luo Yikong knew that the guy was probably at least more than a thousand years old.

"Is this the master of this world? It's really extraordinary." Luo Yikong thought of the red lightning that killed him before. The other party's rule incarnation killed him with a casual blow. If it weren't for the virus body, Luo Yikong would probably have died long ago.

"Nonsense, that's a god!" The familiar voice of Xuanyuan Luoying came from his head.

Luo Yikong glanced at the statue. There was a circle of water tanks around the statue, and the blood flowed into the water tanks and was finally absorbed by the Blood God statue...

"The statue can absorb blood?" Luo Yikong was also stunned.

"That may be the way the god behind this world gets power. After all, every god gets power in a different way." Xuanyuan Luoying also saw Luo Yikong's confusion and explained to him.

"Is that so? It seems that the way I get power should be from players." Luo Yikong smiled faintly. He directly has the administrator authority system. It can be said that he is the absolute controller of the players. If one day Luo Yikong completely controls that doomsday world, then the players are the source of Luo Yikong's power.

"But how long do you plan to play in this world? You still have to deal with the things in that world. After all, your original world is in danger. There are gods behind this world, and it is obviously much more difficult to control this world." Xuanyuan Luoying knew that the difficulty of saving the human beings in this world is more than ten times that of the world of the Fire Seed Base.

"I know that given the situation in this world, even if I want to save them, I am powerless. The current flow of time in this world is relatively slow. Two days here is equivalent to one day at the Spark Base. I want to get some information about the existence behind this world and bring back some useful things. After all, every world has the possibility of being invaded by other worlds, and I have to be on guard!"

Luo Yikong didn't want to attract too much attention in this world. If there were no gods in this world, it would be fine. Now there are gods. Once the main body is alarmed, Luo Yikong may not even have the chance to open the space and escape. On the other hand, Luo Yikong, who suddenly came to this world, realized that if he could travel through the world, then some powerful civilizations and existences could do the same. If there was a plane invasion one day, Luo Yikong would not be completely ignorant of it.

"If possible, I want to bring some blood samples back to see what kind of virus it is." Luo Yikong was very curious about the virus existing in the blood clan in this world. What kind of virus could turn humans into blood clans and not be afraid of losing their minds.

"Aren't you afraid of leaking it again and then exploding all over the world?" Xuanyuan Luoying couldn't help asking. After all, there was already a precedent of the Genesis virus created by the blood of the gods.

"To be honest, I feel that the Blood Clan virus is not as terrible as the Genesis virus. At least there is a limit, otherwise the Blood Clan would not be divided into low-level Blood Clan and high-level Blood Clan. But the Genesis virus is different. As long as there is enough food, even ordinary zombies can grow to a very powerful level."

"Okay! It's up to you then!"

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