Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 84 Blood Wing Chamber of Commerce

When Luo Yikong walked out of the square, he saw Chen Linlin waiting for him anxiously. Seeing Luo Yikong coming out, Chen Linlin was relieved. After all, Luo Yikong was her amulet.

Those blood clan soldiers did not attack Chen Linlin, completely for Luo Yikong's sake. After all, although the status of humans in this world is the same as that of livestock, it still depends on who the master behind them is.

"This is the master's new slave! It is recommended to buy a collar and wear it, and authenticate the owner, otherwise it is easy to be killed by other blood clans by mistake." A blood clan soldier reminded Luo Yikong. After all, these blood clan soldiers are the lowest level blood clans. They don't know what level Luo Yikong is, and they dare not offend Luo Yikong. They simply want to leave a good impression on Luo Yikong.

"Okay! I got it!"

Luo Yikong nodded, then turned to look at Chen Linlin, and Chen Linlin hurriedly trotted and hid behind Luo Yikong...

After taking Chen Linlin out of the sight of the blood clan soldiers, Luo Yikong asked his own question...

"Where did you escape from? According to those guys, every human with an owner should have a collar."

"I escaped from the group of slaves that were about to be traded in Blood Wing City, so I don't have a collar. And the so-called collar has the function of tracking and killing the wearer. If we had a collar, we wouldn't have escaped, because we couldn't run away at all. Similarly, if we didn't have a collar, we would definitely be regarded as an ownerless human slave and would be killed." Chen Linlin is an ownerless human slave, so she doesn't have a collar, otherwise Luo Yikong can't save her.

"Then can you accept the collar for now? But don't worry, you will have a day to take it off and gain true freedom." Luo Yikong promised Chen Linlin. If he was not there and Chen Linlin was killed, Luo Yikong would have to find a new guide.

"That day is too far away, but in order to survive, I can accept it..." Chen Linlin nodded. She already felt that Luo Yikong, the "blood clan", was a little different. Perhaps trusting Luo Yikong was the best choice.

"But first you have to make money. I have some rare things here. Do you know any auction houses or something like that?" Luo Yikong thought about it. This world is a civilization built by blood clans, so there must be something like currency.

"Money? You mean blood crystals, right? They are crystals condensed from human blood. They can be absorbed by blood races and used as food. They are also used by blood races in this world. As for the auction house between blood races, there is one here." The human civilization in this world has been interrupted for a thousand years. Although Chen Linlin didn't know what money was, she could probably guess something with similar functions from Luo Yikong's words.

"Okay, you lead the way!"

Luo Yikong followed behind Chen Linlin. As a human, Chen Linlin was walking in a city ruled by blood races for the first time. Luo Yikong looked at the so-called "blood races" passing by, and his expression was very calm, because there was not a single one who could fight.

From entering the city to now, the highest blood race Luo Yikong had seen was only level 30. For the players who were getting stronger, it was a completely random existence. However, Luo Yikong was still too weak now. He didn't know much about this world and the gods behind it. In addition, the troubles in the city of gods made it impossible for Luo Yikong to fight on multiple fronts. Otherwise, Luo Yikong would have taken action long ago.

Luo Yikong plans to find an opportunity to go to the Evernight City to see how powerful the war technology in this world is. From the current situation, because there are a large number of human slaves, the technology tree of this world seems to have developed crookedly. The technology for life is not very developed, but the technology for war is very powerful. According to Chen Linlin, it may be to prevent the lower-level humans from coming into contact with technology.

Luo Yikong followed Chen Linlin to a very gorgeous shop, then quickly stepped back a few steps and hid behind Luo Yikong...

"What's wrong?" Luo Yikong frowned.

"Blood Wing Chamber of Commerce, I escaped from their slave escort vehicle before." Chen Linlin whispered. The reason why he was more afraid was because she knew that there was a high-level blood clan in it.

Every city ruled by the blood clan is divided into human residential areas. Those humans are like livestock in captivity. They have to pay blood taxes to the lord regularly and work for the city. Some good human slaves will be selected and sold at a high price to private individuals or other territories.

Because the blood race cannot reproduce normally, they can only pass on their bloodline through humans, and those humans must be carefully selected. Not only can they withstand the virus in the corresponding blood race's body and merge, but they must also be brainwashed to be absolutely loyal to the blood race.

The group of humans with Chen Linlin were originally sent to other places for trading, and their best result was to become blood race, but now only Chen Linlin survived.

The humans in this world today hate and fear the blood race on the one hand, and on the other hand they are eager to become one of them, which is very contradictory. Often those humans who become blood races because of the virus will forget everything about being human because of brainwashing... That is the new blood race...

"Can they recognize you?" Luo Yikong frowned. If the guys inside can recognize Chen Linlin, then things will be a bit troublesome.

"I'm just a nobody. They can't possibly remember me." Chen Linlin shook her head. She just felt instinctive fear for the place where the Blood Wing Chamber of Commerce existed.

"That's all. Let's go in! Just follow me."


Luo Yikong walked towards the inside of the Chamber of Commerce. On both sides of the door stood two gorgeously dressed female vampires. It must be said that they were really pretty...

"Sir, are you going to buy something, or..."

"I'm here to sell something. Very rare things." The female vampire on the side was interrupted by Luo Yikong before she finished speaking.

"Well then! Please go to the private room with me! My master will be here soon!"

"No problem."

A female vampire led the way for Luo Yikong, and another female vampire went to call her master. After all, the Blood Wing Chamber of Commerce was still very famous, and no one would seek death and come here for fun.

After Luo Yikong was taken to the private room, he sent the female vampire away, and then took out the infected alloy knife from the system backpack. The weapon was dropped by Luo Yikong when he killed the Flesh Abandoned at the 09 Missile Base. Because knife weapons are not suitable for him, Luo Yikong has never used them. In addition, like the Flesh Bow of the Flesh Devourer, this is a virus parasitic weapon, and using it requires a certain price.

Seeing Luo Yikong take out a weapon out of thin air, Chen Linlin beside him was also stunned. When she saw the flesh and tentacles wriggling on the infected alloy knife, she couldn't help but cover her mouth...

"So disgusting!"

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