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Chapter Seven: Xiao Wu, Gu Yuena, and Yan Lingji

The power of Lingshan Buddhist Kingdom has greatly increased.

At least 10% increase.

Don't look at it as just 10%.

But this is the innate treasure.

Even 10%.

It's also extremely scary.

"I am now, even if I meet a god emperor, I can be tough, right?"

Hong Meng was full of pride.

The god emperor is comparable to the Immortal Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

In the prehistoric world, he is like a saint.

But Hong Meng didn't plan to go out and wander.

The water in the fantasy world is very deep.

Maybe he met a beggar when he went out, and it was a power he couldn't imagine.

His strength is nothing.

Obscene development.


This is the right way.

He looked at his tailor-made attribute panel:

Owner: Hong Meng

Cultivation level: the peak of the main god (the way of the primordial)

Plug-in: Unlimited Amplification Talent, Tiantian Chat Group

Origin crystal: 145 million (one source crystal is equal to 10,000 trillion origin power)

Treasures: Zhuxian Sword, Chaos Bell, Lingshan Buddhist Kingdom, Heavenly Dao Shrine, Demon Sword, Xuanyuan Sword, Paradise of Paradise, Immortal Clothes of Reincarnation, Ninth Grade Divine Fire Qinglian...

God-Emperor Avenue: The Way of Sovereignty, the Way of Time, and the Way of the Sun

Innate spiritual roots: Blue Silver Emperor, Qibao Jianmu, Bodhi Ancient Tree, Six Desires Reincarnation Tree, Ancient Life Tree, Flaming Red Lotus

Heroic Holy Spirit: Yan Ruyu, Solanum nigrum, Gu Xun'er, Medusa, Kaisha, Yan, Hexi, Ayin, Yuetixia, Little Doctor, Qinglin, Shocked Salamander, Yafei, Wang Yuyan, Azhu, Mingyue , Luo Xian, Yaoye...

"I should be the richest main god, right?"

Looking at the gorgeous panel, Hong Meng's eyes were full of smiles.

Five congenital treasures, not even god kings, god emperors, or even god emperors can take out many of them.

If you add the chaotic green lotus in Yan Ruyu's hand, and the Wang Quan sword in Wang Quanzui's hand.

That's seven pieces.

It's like seeing more than a dozen zeros in the bank card deposit balance in the previous life.

Make people feel good.


Yao Chi.

This is a cave world located in the dimensional space.

Luan birds fly, bright as a rainbow.

The spirit bird holds the sesame, and the auspicious energy hangs down.

Shouyuan offers peaches, full of fragrance.

In front of the rocks and lakes, orchids are everywhere.

Exotic spray thin smoke color.

Fish and dragons leap in the lotus pond.

The clouds are steaming and the rosy clouds are shining, and the golden clouds are flowing.

Nangong Mengyao, the saint of Yaochi, sits cross-legged on a lotus platform in the center of the lotus pond.

The mist and wind are lingering, the white clothes are fluttering, and the hair is full of black hair like water waves, flowing down, soft and smooth, with a little luster.

Around her, there is a rain of flowers flying down.

There are Yaopai, Qirui, and Qiongye, which are shiny, translucent and shining, as if carved from colorful gems, but have the fragrance of orchids and musk deer.

Enveloped by the rain of flowers, her whole body is hazy and magnificent, making one's heart agitated.


She opened her beautiful eyes, and the laws of the Dao were intertwined in her eyes.

There are visions such as the sun, the moon, the stars, and the universe.


Extremely deep.

Her body is like the skin of a newborn baby, smooth and delicate, red and white, crystal-clear and sparkling.

"Finally restored to Daluo Jinxian's cultivation level."

Nangong Mengyao's faint voice was full of majesty, her eyes were deep, and her whole demeanor was completely different from what Hong Meng had seen before.

If it was beautiful and graceful before, it is more graceful and luxurious now, with a noble and sacred temperament.

She stood up, with a slender figure, a slender waist, round and smooth, gently swaying, like a beautiful snake's waist twisting, charming and moving.

The slender legs are soft, straight and light, like a masterpiece of painstaking efforts from the heavens.

While swinging, she set off her proud figure with peerless elegance, making all the flowers lose their color.

"The battlefield between the two worlds is not optimistic. Now that a thousand years have passed, I don't know what's going on..."

Nangong Mengyao's eyes were gloomy, as if she had seen through time and space, and saw the infinitely distant battlefield of the two worlds.

Immortals and gods are soldiers.

Da Luo is the general.

Hunyuan is handsome.

The strong are like clouds.

There are mountains of corpses.

She was severely injured by a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian before, and she was reincarnated.

Now that his cultivation base has been restored to Da Luo, the previous memory is fully restored.

She tiptoed and walked forward.

In the long skirt that dragged the floor, those jade feet were as white as jade, looming, and the toes were glittering and translucent, flawless, with a little bit of jade shining.

There was a halo of light under her feet, and it turned into a fairy flower, supporting her jade feet, one step at a time, one step at a time, one step at a time, with infinite grace and beauty to the extreme.

"Hong Meng?"

A figure appeared in Nangong Mengyao's mind, and she immediately shook her head, "The flames of war may spread at any time, it's more important to restore your cultivation base first."


Kingdom of God.

Hong Meng didn't know about Nangong Mengyao's changes.

Finish counting the harvest.

Hong Meng was in a good mood, and told Kaisha:

"You let someone inform the holy spirit, the hero of the Kingdom of God, that the god is hosting a banquet, and anyone who is free can attend, and those who are talented

You can also show it on stage! "

Now there are dozens of heroic holy spirits.

They may have parties in private.

But Hong Meng had never called everyone together.

"Yes, my God!"

Keisha immediately sent her angels to inform her.

"My God is hosting a banquet, and there is also a talent show?"

All the heroes, the Holy Spirit, were excited when they heard this.

Eyes full of excitement.

eager to try.

"Nongyu, your chance has come. This is a golden opportunity to show yourself in front of my God. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Your piano skills must be able to overwhelm the crowd and be the best."

The purple girl's dress fluttered, and her charming eyes looked at Nongyu, full of anticipation.

"Sister Zi Nu has won the prize. The Kingdom of God is full of talents. I dare not think of being the champion!"

Nongyu shook her head. Although she has excellent piano skills, none of the heroes in the Kingdom of God are simple, and most of them have unique skills.

"Sister Zi Nu, let me accompany you, let's play together." Nong Yu said.

"Sister Nongyu, how about the two of us?"

A coquettish voice sounded from outside, and Mingzhu, the trendy banshee, was wearing a mermaid skirt and walking slowly with her slender, white and greasy legs.

Her plump and graceful figure carries an indescribable charm and temptation.

"Wouldn't it be nice to form a team as we were both born in Korea?"

Yan Lingji changed into a blue dance dress, and walked side by side with Mingzhu, looking at Nongyu and Zinu with beautiful eyes, tender and charming.

Both she and Mingzhu are good at singing and dancing, but the Kingdom of God is full of talents, and their cultivation is not very high. Although performing dances by themselves is good, it may not be able to stand out.

So they took a fancy to Nongyu's piano skills.

What's more, they were all born in South Korea, and they huddled together to keep warm, and they had the inherent advantage of unity.

Nongyu looked at Zi Nu.

"Sister Mingzhu and Sister Lingji are willing to join, so we naturally welcome them very much."

Zi Nu smiled sweetly. With Ming Zhu and Yan Ling Ji joining the two fairies, they really stand out even more.

The previous performance of Angel Yan and Kaisha also told them that sometimes they need to fight for it.

Especially with this opportunity in front of you.

If not caught.

Then you can only blame yourself for being useless.

"Several sisters, can you add me?"

Honglian came from behind, originally she didn't want to get involved with Mingzhu.

But after coming to the Kingdom of God, she found that she was still too naive before.

Although no one bullied her in the Kingdom of God, she didn't want to remain unknown for the rest of her life.

She also wants to be favored by the gods.

It's just that her cultivation base is not high, and she has no advantage at all in front of the heroes and holy spirits.

"I'm also good at dancing, and I won't hold you back!" Hong Lian quickly added, fearing that everyone would disagree.

As a Korean princess, dancing is a compulsory course for her, so there is no problem at all.

"Since Sister Honglian is willing, of course we welcome it."

Zi Nu said with a smile.

Mingzhu and Yanlingji nodded, they all came from the same place, not to mention Honglian's condition is not bad.

"Thank you sisters!"

Guren was very happy.

Then the five discuss the next dance and music.


Yin and Yang family.

Concubine Yan, Ji Rufeiyan, Moon Goddess Ji Ruziyue, and Mrs. Xiang's sisters, Ehuang and Nvying, gathered together.

The four of them are all peerless.

Or two pairs of sisters.

Especially Mrs. Xiang and sisters.

The same face.

The same figure.

Like twins in one body with two sides, like a mirror image coming out of a mirror.

The most rare thing is that the two are beautiful in appearance, outstanding in temperament, glamorous and noble.

Each one is a goblin who will bring disaster to the country and the people.

The gathering of four people is simply the most beautiful scenery in the world, and people can't take their eyes off it.

Originally, the four of them did not fight each other in the lower realm.

But now it is a small team.

Concubine Yan and Ji Rufei had a gentle and moving smile.

She chuckled softly: "Three sisters, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, you may regret it for the rest of your life."

"Sister Feiyan, don't worry, the four of us will go out, if we compare our cultivation strength, we will naturally not be the opponents of those master gods and god-king heroes."

Ehuang and Nvying seem to be carved out of the same mold.

The two sisters are naturally charming, and their every move exudes an aura that charms all living beings.

One look is enough to drive a man crazy.

One movement is enough to make a man suffocate.

Ehuang Nvying spoke in unison, her voice full of confidence: "But compared to talent, in terms of posture, appearance, and demeanor, our sisters are not inferior to others!"

"It's good to have confidence, but don't be careless!"

Concubine Yan Ji Ru Feiyan nodded and said, "Let's go, go there early!"


The four of Dongfang Bai, Smiling Proudly the World, gathered together.

"Sister, Sister Yingying, please do your best."

Yilin clenched her fist and cheered them up.

"Sister Dongfang's dancing skills are amazing, and sister Yingying's Qin Xiao is a perfect match. This time, she will definitely win the championship and be proud of everyone!"

the mountain

Lingshan smiled and blessed, neither she nor Yilin was proficient in these things, nor did they have any talents, so they were not going to participate.

"Borrow a good word from the two younger sisters!"

Dongfang Bai wore a big red dress, with a plump and graceful figure, charming and enchanting, with a domineering look of a queen in his brows.

Ren Yingying is as gentle as water, without losing her heroic spirit, holding the guqin in her arms and looking forward to it.

Zixuan and Solanum nigrum in the third world of Xianjian.

Fengyun World Mingyue, Luo Xian...

Fox Demon World Dongfang Huaizhu, Tushan Honghong, Tushan Yaya...

Douluo World Gu Yuena, Xiao Wu, Ice Empress Snow Empress...

Fighting to Break the World Gu Xun'er, Medusa, Ya Fei, Nalan Yanran, Little Doctor, Yaoyue, Yaoye...

One by one, the heroes of the Holy Spirit are gearing up.

In groups of three or four.

Various poses.

There are many styles.

With a gust of fragrant wind, he rushed towards the 99999th floor of Tiandao Shrine.


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