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Chapter 8: The Villain of Destiny (3rd watch)

Kingdom of God.

Heavenly Dao Shrine.

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine floors.

With a thought in Hong Meng's mind, the entire space seemed to turn into a small world.

He sits on the supreme throne.

Island-like pavilions appeared below, on which were placed fine nectar and jade liquid and various spiritual fruits.

Although he was reborn not long ago, he has accumulated quite a lot of treasures.

There are countless spirit fruit fairy brews.

In particular, there are several top-quality innate spiritual roots in his divine kingdom.

Under the nourishment of the innate spiritual roots, all kinds of spiritual fruit trees grow rapidly.

In today's Kingdom of God, there is no shortage of all kinds of supplies.

Even extremely rich.

It is no longer the time when he traveled here.

One poor and one white.

Nothing at all.

In the middle of the island pavilion is a large cloud sea stage.

The clouds and mists are lingering, and the fairy air is floating.

The laws of heaven and earth are falling down like rosy clouds.

It is beautiful and magnificent.

A group of heroes and holy spirits came to Tiandao Shrine quickly without any delay.

However, those who arrived first did not enter in the first place.

Instead, wait outside.

After a while.

All heroes are here.

They filed in in order.

Come to the center of the sea of ​​clouds stage.

They knelt on the ground and said in unison:

"Worship my god, may my holy life be boundless, and the avenue eternal."

Hong Meng sat on the supreme throne, surrounded by the Law of the Great Dao, overlooking the bottom.

All heroic spirits plus some elite angels.

Such as Leng, Zhui, Zhixin, Moi, Yitian, Lingxi, Fanxing and so on.

There are probably nearly a hundred people.

Basically, they stand together according to their respective worlds or their small groups.

Nearly a hundred heroes of the Holy Spirit.

Both are rare beauties.

Or heroic.

Or coquettish and moving.

Or mature grace.

Or glamorous and noble.

Or elegant and refined.

Or seductive and enchanting.


Each has its own characteristics.

There are many styles.

Everything is beautiful.

"Get up!"

Hong Meng's gentle voice was like a spring breeze and rain, and an invisible force lifted them up.

"Thank God."

All the girls spoke in unison, with excitement, excitement, fanaticism, and admiration in their eyes.

"Today is just a simple banquet, mainly for entertainment. Don't be cautious. Later, you can show whatever talents you have on the stage to your heart's content!"

Hong Meng said.

"Yes, my God!"

Everyone looked forward with anticipation, eager to try.

Many of them were only met once by Hong Meng when they first arrived in the Kingdom of God. Today is a rare opportunity to show their faces.

If the gods remember it.

In the future...

"Let's all sit down!" Hong Meng said.

"Thank God."

Everyone tapped their toes lightly, their figures were like wind and willows, and they each found a place to sit down.

Everyone has a tacit understanding.

At the forefront are four god-king heroes, Medusa, Yan Ruyu, Gu Xun'er, and Gu Yuena.

After all no matter where.

Strength is the most important thing.

Followed by the half-step god king and the peak hero of the main god.

There is basically not much difference in the position behind.

Everyone is seated according to the principle of small groups and proximity.


Medusa and Gu Xun'er stood up, gracefully and gracefully came to the center of the sea of ​​clouds stage, clasped their hands together and said, "Medusa, Gu Xun'er, would like to perform a dance for my god."

"it is good!"

Hong Meng nodded slightly, looking at the two peerless beauties on the sea of ​​clouds stage.

Gu Xun'er's snow-white dress fluttered gently, outlining her perfect body extremely movingly.

In the fairy light and divine glow, she is like a bright pearl spewing out the glow, she is full of beauty and incomparably beautiful.

Her body is slender and slender, carefully carved like fairy jade, her temperament is cold and gorgeous, her skin is like snow, and she seems to be covered with frost.

Like the snow lotus on the top of the iceberg, it is independent, beautiful and refined, so perfect that you can't pick out any flaws.

A green jade flute emerged from her white jade hand.

It should be intended to accompany Medusa.

Medusa's bright autumn eyes, small cherry mouth, undulating curves, plump and moving.

Enchanting with a touch of charm.

Like a blooming rose.

She was wearing a gorgeous purple gauze dress.


Tighten your waist.

High slit.

She has a hot body, with a touch of nobility in her sexiness.

Overwhelm the country and the city.

Peerless and enchanting.

She and Gu Xun'er have very different temperaments.

A charming and enchanting, like a seductive goblin.

A beautiful and refined, like a fairy in the sky.

The combination of contradictions has a different style.

Seeing two people, let alone Hong Meng.

Even the confident Mrs. Ehuang and Nvying of Xiang, who were originally full of confidence, had amazing eyes and a sense of shame.

"Keep a good attitude. Sister Medusa and Sister Xun'er were born in a high-level world, and they are the daughters of destiny favored by luck. Now they are even god-king-level powerhouses. They are imposing and have a natural charm, but we are not bad. .”

Concubine Yan, Ru Feiyan, seemed to feel something, and comforted her through voice transmission.

"Well, we know, don't worry."

Just as Concubine Yan and Mrs. Xiang's sisters communicated via sound transmission, Gu Xun'er and Medusa were already dancing.

There are bursts of wonderful music, mellow and quiet, floating down, making people intoxicated, like nine heavenly fairy music, moving people's minds and washing people's hearts.

The singing of silk and bamboo, the singing is beautiful, lingering under the starry sky, touching the hearts of the people.

Medusa's long skirt fluttered, and her slender waist twisted like a beautiful snake.

Both of them are god kings. Accompanied by the fairy dance, they evoke the law of the great way between heaven and earth.

A huge bright moon rose slowly, reflecting them in it.

The bright and clean moon, shining brightly, set off the incomparable holiness of Gu Xun'er, as if the fairy Guanghan had come to the world.

Green lotuses bloomed under her feet, and the rain fell all over the sky.

Medusa, with icy muscles and jade bones, danced in that round of divine moon, graceful and moving, like a goddess descending from the nine heavens.

Dance the wind.

Peerless Allure.

In the bright and clear moon, it seems that a green lotus has broken out of the ground, swaying and swaying, and there is a python swaying up, swallowing the sky in one bite.

Everyone was immersed in it unknowingly, and was intoxicated. Many people even realized that the bottleneck of their cultivation was loosened.

The piano is silent, the dancing stops, the singing is silent, and the world is quiet.

After a long time, many people woke up like a dream, and everyone was stunned.

Clap clap!

Hong Meng clapped his hands and was in a good mood. Although Medusa and Gu Xun'er's dance music is not perfect, they are not bad no matter where they are.

"That's right, Gu Xun'er and Medusa, each rewarded with a spirit treasure, tens of billions of divine crystals."

Hong Meng praised.

He has many treasures in his hands.


If there is no virtue but an official, then the official is not enough to persuade virtue.

Rewards for meritorious deeds are not enough to persuade meritorious deeds.


No matter how many treasures Hong Meng had, the Shen Jing could not be used up.

They will not be rewarded for nothing.


They are all Hong Meng's most loyal servants, and Hong Meng will not be stingy about cultivating them.

You can't reward for nothing.

But there are many opportunities for other changes to reward.


Even if Hong Meng was lucky enough to visit them once, he would be able to reward them with many treasures.

"Thank you for the gift of God."

Gu Xun'er and Medusa accepted the reward happily and retired respectfully.

Follow them.

The atmosphere suddenly became active.

Yan Ruyu and Gu Yuena performed a dance on stage.

When a god-level hero dances, even if the dancing skills are not particularly high, there are many visions, the voice of the Tao is faint, and the beauty is too beautiful.

Hong Meng was full of praise, as long as he came to the stage, he would be rewarded.

Kaisha, Hexi and Angel Yan presented their angel sword dance.

Between swords dancing.

The yellow sand is rolling, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, as if you have returned to the Gobi desert where the gold and iron horses are swallowing up the mountains and rivers.

Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Yaya also danced.

The two are noble and glamorous, with natural charms. While dancing, two phantom shadows of nine-tailed sky foxes, one red and one white, appear behind them.

A frown and a smile, seductive.

Every move is charming.

Hong Meng nodded secretly.

It looks like it can be held several more times in the future.

He can feast his eyes.

It can also increase the vitality of the Holy Spirit of the heroes of the Kingdom of God.

The heroes below are one by one.

"The world's winds and clouds are out of my generation, once I enter the rivers and lakes, the years will remind me."

"While Huangtu Baye is talking and laughing, it's too much to be drunk in life."

"Holding the sword and riding astride, swinging the ghost rain, the bones fly like a mountain bird."

"The dust is like the tide, and the people are like the water. I only sigh for a few people in the rivers and lakes."

Dongfang Bai wore a red dress, her dancing posture was peerless, enchanting and domineering.

Ren Yingying smiled proudly in Jianghu, which was soul-stirring.

It deduces a world of rivers and lakes with swords, swords, blood and rain.

Nongyu's song "Birds Singing in the Empty Mountains", a hundred birds face the phoenix.

Yan Lingji danced all over the city, interpreting what is tenderness like water and enthusiasm like fire.

Purple female charm.

Pearl Demon.

Red lotus pure.

Ehuang and Nvying, Bailu deceives Shuang, and the best is like water.

Concubine Yan, the moon god, the sun and the moon shine together.

Mingyue Luoxian.

Nightshade Zixuan.

Two Emperors of Ice and Snow.

Ah Yin Xiaowu.


How beautiful are the beauties.

Attract countless heroes to bow down.

"The corrupt life of the gods is really..."

Hong Meng looked at the peerless beauties competing for beauty and beauty below, and sighed in his heart:

"It's really... so cool!"

"I like!"


Martial arts world.

Yancheng outside.

The red light pierces through the sky, attracting the energy of heaven and earth.

That kind of momentum is extremely frightening.

Inside and outside the city walls, countless warriors looked up in horror.


Under the curious gaze of those many eyes, Hongmang came through the air at an extremely fast speed.

And as the red light approached, everyone was surprised to find that that red shadow was actually a giant eagle with a red body and a very handsome appearance.

The giant eagle was extremely fast, its wings vibrated several times, and it appeared in the sky with the sound of wind and thunder.

When the speed of the giant eagle slowed down, everyone's eyes immediately focused on the giant eagle.

There was a young man there, wearing a green shirt, standing with his hands behind his back, with the breeze blowing, his long hair fluttering, looking extremely free and easy.

That kind of temperament, many people are impressed by it.

On top of the giant eagle, the man in the green shirt lowered his head slightly, his eyes as plain as water swept across the city of Yan below, with a touch of complexity in his eyes.

"The villain of destiny? It seems to be good!"

"I don't know if Lin Dong is still in Yancheng!"

The man in the blue shirt murmured to himself.

A property panel that only he can see appeared in front of him:

Destiny villain system:

Host: Lin Langtian

Cultivation level: Xiaocheng Qi-making environment

Villain Points: 0

Martial arts: Sky-shattering Devil Tablet Palm, Great Sky Phoenix Seal...

Treasure: Spirit Wheel Mirror...

"But it doesn't matter even if you're not in Yancheng. Xuan Su, the head of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, has a good relationship with him, and you can get a lot of villain points by messing with her..."

Lin Langtian's eyes sparkled, Xuan Su was a fairy similar to Ya Fei.

Although I didn't travel to the world of fighting, but the world of martial arts is not bad.

In the future, if you have enough villains, you can travel through Dou Po and even the heavens and myriad worlds.


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