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Chapter 28 Ye Tiandi Sacrifice (two more)

"Don't be nervous, it's a fox, not a disaster"

Monkey King, the king of demon kings, grinned and looked at the beautiful woman who suddenly appeared.

This woman satisfies the human imagination of a true Goddess of Mercy.

She is as beautiful as the world, gentle as water, skin as snow, and hands as soft as a bark.

She is wearing a light blue gown, with three thousand blue hair flying, slender and orderly eyelashes, and a delicate and flawless face.

Holding an umbrella in her right hand, the umbrella is light blue, which complements her perfectly, like a fairy walking out of a landscape painting, gentle and moving.

"What a nice view!"

Looking at the woman from afar, Zishou and Ziyu were amazed, feeling like they fell in love at first sight, and their hearts were pounding.

"It's a fox..."

The woman stood in front of Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, her heart skipped a beat and she said, "The envoy Sun knows me?"

Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, grinned and said, "Of course I've heard of the famous Xinyue Fox!"

"It is said that she has a peerless appearance that overwhelms the gods. Seeing it today, it is true!"

"Messenger Sun has won the prize!"

Xinyuehu smiled lightly and said, "Messenger Sun seems to know the Protoss very well?"

"so so!"

The king of demon kings smiled in his heart, I am someone who has seen the plot.

He laughed and said, "I know that your father Fuxi led some people from the Shenzu to betray the Shenzu. He is the Shenyin tribe, and he is not the same as the current ruler of the Shenzu!"

"So you are here to form an alliance with me to dismantle the corrupt theocracy and bring peace to the world?"

Xinyuehu nodded slightly, and sighed: "Messenger Sun really has sharp eyes, and nothing can be hidden from your eyes!"

"That's right, this king has sharp eyes!"

Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, has a proud face.

At this time.

The Holy King Zhenchan and the Holy King Xuanfeng opened their eyes in shock, and murmured: "Unbelievable, unbelievable!"

"This is the real God!"

"God is omnipotent and omniscient. We call ourselves gods, but we are actually just frogs in a well. We don't know how big the sky is!"

"The God of Primordial Origin, the True God!"

"God of Primordial Mist?"

Xinyuehu was puzzled, what exactly did these two protoss bosses see, and they lost their composure so much.

"You'll know after you recite "Visual Thoughts" once!"

Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, passed "Viewing Thoughts" to Xinyuehu.

"Thank you, Messenger Sun."

Xinyuehu bowed slightly, and then began to chant.

Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, looked at the people around him, the strong man of the Ming clan, the Shang king of the human race, Xinyue fox of the Shenyin tribe, Xuanfeng of the god clan, Zhenchan, and Shi Xing.

Just get rid of these people and let them believe in the God of Primordial Mist.

The belief in the Primordial God will soon spread throughout the world.

Think here.

His blood was boiling.

You will definitely be able to get a lot of rewards when you fall down.

"Messenger Sun, can you tell us something about the God of Primordial Mist?"

Xuanfeng Shengwang looked expectantly, it was the first time he knew that there was such a thing as the God of Primordial Mist, and he was eager to know more.

"Don't worry, I'll give you a unified explanation after Xinyuehu finishes chanting!"

The king of demon kings smiled inwardly, and the fish took the bait.

"Thank you, Messenger Sun!"

The Holy King Xuanfeng and the Holy King Zhenchan were not in a hurry, they waited patiently.

The same is true for people like Walking Against the Sky and the powerhouses of the Hades.

Time passed bit by bit.

Xinyue Fox quickly finished praying.

The beautiful eyes are full of shock.

Full breasts rise and fall.

The Primordial God is really terrifying.

Countless worlds open up between breaths.


Eternal as one.

Seeing him is like seeing the Tao.

No wonder the Holy King Xuanfeng and the Holy King Zhenchan were so shocked and lost their composure.

"Okay, now everyone is here, let me introduce you formally!"

Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, looked at everyone and said, "My name is Sun Wukong. I come from the world of Journey to the West and Conquer Demons. I am the envoy personally appointed by the great God of Primordial Enlightenment."

"My God is so great..."

Monkey King, the king of demon kings, told them in detail about preaching and offering sacrifices, especially the benefits.

"As long as you preach for my god together with me, you will be rewarded by my god when you sacrifice!"

Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, looked at the powerhouses such as Walking Against the Sky, Xuanfeng Shengwang, Zhenchan Shengwang, etc., and continued:

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to, as long as you believe in my god, my god will also give you divine grace."

"Of course, if it hinders my preaching, that is my enemy."

"Facing the enemy, kill without mercy!"

Shi Xing didn't care about the words behind Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings. He looked at Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, excitedly and expectantly:


Angel, if I have made enough contributions, can I ask God to resurrect the bright moon? "

Mingyue is the human woman he likes.

"As long as you have enough credit, of course you can!"

Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, smiled lightly and said, "To tell you the truth, I have already seen my god resurrect two dead people in two other worlds!"

"Great, Mingyue is saved!"

Shi Xing trembled with excitement, and hurriedly said: "Envoy of God, I am willing to follow you!"

Preaching for my God, I will kill anyone who dares to stop me! "

Since Ming Yue's death, Shi Xing has never been so happy as today.

He is fighting now.

I can't wait to kill God Realm immediately, so that all the protoss believe in the God of Primordial Mist.

"I, the Hades, are willing to believe in my god and preach for my god!"

Walking against the sky pondered for a moment, then agreed.

In fact, they don't have much choice.

"I would too!"

"Amitabha, poor monks are also willing!"

Holy King Xuanfeng and Holy King Zhenchan agreed to come down.

"My Shenyin Department is also willing to believe in my god and preach for my god!"

Xinyuehu also agreed.

Although her father Fuxi is in charge of the Ministry of Shenyin, she is sure to convince Fuxi.

After all, under the suppression of the Protoss, the Shenyin Ministry had a very difficult life.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change the status quo.

Her father would certainly agree.

"Congratulations for making a correct choice, believe in my god, you will never regret it!"

Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, smiled slightly.

Among the human race, Emperor Yi, King of Shang, had already agreed.

It can be said.

As long as the protoss are defeated, the belief in the primordial god can spread throughout the world.

"Envoy of God, when I go back to the Mingzu, let everyone in the Mingzu believe in my god!"

Say goodbye against the sky, and return to the Ming clan with the strong Ming clan.

The king of demon kings, Sun Wukong, Xuanfeng, Zhenchan, and Shixing followed Xinyuehu to the Shenyin Department.

When Emperor Yi returned to the palace, he began drastic reforms, propagating the belief in the God of Hongmeng, building temples, and erecting statues of gods.

The world of Wu Geng Ji became lively because of the arrival of Monkey King, the king of demon kings.


Kingdom of God.

"There are no tigers in the mountains, but monkeys are kings."

Hong Meng paid attention to the world of Wu Gengji with a ray of divine sense, and smiled in his heart when he saw Monkey King, the king of demon kings, slaughtering all directions and subduing Xuanfeng, Zhenchan and others.

These holy kings are nothing more than the existence of upper gods, the most true gods.

With the cultivation base of the monkey gods, beating them is like a father beating his son.

"My God, today's sunset is so beautiful."

He Xi held Hong Meng's head in her arms and gently massaged, looking at the fiery red sunset in the sky, his voice was soft and melodious.

"No matter how beautiful the sunset is, it's not half as beautiful as yours!"

Hong Meng raised his head, looked at Hexi's beautiful cheeks, the back of his head was soft, and his nose was full of fragrance, jokingly said:

"Are you reminding me that it's getting late?"

"The subordinates dare not."

He Xi was sincere and terrified.

"Is there anything else you dare not do?"

Hong Meng smiled lightly.

But just teased him for a long time.

As expected of Pipixi.

How courageous.

"Please God punish me!"

He Xi knelt on one knee and said respectfully.

"I'll punish you to play games with me!"

Hong Meng stood up and picked her up.

"what game?"

He Xi smiled like a flower, with her white lotus arms wrapped around Hong Meng's neck, exhaling like orchids, sultry.

"Pokémon Battle."

Hong Meng smiled slightly.

Pokémon Battle is also a technical activity.

For example, how does the armored shell fight against the big rock snake.

Big Tongue Monster vs Snow Mountain Monster.

Garten Eagle vs Iron Armor Shell.


Hong Meng is now a king trainer, and all kinds of Pokémon combinations are superb, bringing their abilities to the extreme.

Although Hexi has rich theories, he is still a rookie trainer with no actual combat experience.

Under the powerful strength of Hongmeng's king-level trainer, her Pokémon collapsed at the touch of a finger, bleeding from the corner of her mouth.

But Hexi's will to fight is very tenacious.

Being defeated again and again, standing up again and again.

High morale.


Hong Meng was amazed.

Her experience has also become more abundant.

From a rookie trainer to an entry-level trainer.

I do not know how long it has been.

One after another notification sounded in Hong Meng's mind.

"Ding, a ray of power of faith has been detected, this time it has been multiplied by a factor of 100,000, and you have obtained 100,000 ray of power of faith."

"Ding, your believers sacrificed three animals, six animals and five grains to you. This time, you will get a multiplier of hundreds of billions, and you will get a divine beast..."

"Ding, your believers have sacrificed a large number of martial arts cheats to you, and the overall gain has been multiplied by 500 billion times, and you have gained the halo of martial arts civilization."

[Martial arts civilization halo. Level 5. 】

Amplify a million times understanding, a million times combat power. (Martial arts prodigy, the appearance of a great emperor, I'm talking about you!)

"Ding, your believers sacrificed the Yin-Yang mirror to you. This time, you will get a 500 billion times increase, and you will obtain the best Yin-Yang state of innate spiritual treasure."

"Ding, your believers sacrificed the ancient tea tree of enlightenment to you. This time, you will get a 500 billion times increase, and you will get the ancient tea tree of enlightenment with the best innate spiritual root."

【Enlightenment Ancient Tea Tree】

Three hundred and sixty-five leaves grow every ten thousand years, and each leaf is different, and contains different Tao rhymes, which can help people realize Tao.

"It's Ye Hei!"

Hong Meng, who was guiding Hexi's Pokémon battle, was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.

Breakthrough God King, just today.


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