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Chapter 29 The Ruthless Empress, Harvesting Against the Heavens (Subscribe)

"Ding, your believers offer you the pan peach magic medicine, this time you will get a 500 billion times increase, and you will get the best innate spiritual root pan peach fruit tree."

【Peach fruit tree】

There are a total of 3,600 top-grade innate spiritual roots.

There are 1,200 plants in the front, with small flowers and small fruits, which ripen once every 3,000 years. People who eat them become immortals, and their bodies are light and healthy.

There are 1,200 plants in the middle, with layers of flowers and sweet fruits, which can be ripened once every 6,000 years. People who eat Xiaju will fly and live forever.

There are 1,200 plants in the back, with purple patterns and cymbal seeds, which are ripe once every 9,000 years. People who eat them can live as long as the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon have the same age.

"There will be no shortage of peaches to eat in the future!"

Hong Meng smiled inwardly, this time he is afraid to obtain a lot of top-grade innate spiritual roots.

"Ding, your believers offer you the ginseng fruit magic medicine. This time, you will get a 500 billion times increase, and you will get the best innate spiritual root ginseng fruit tree."

【Ginseng fruit tree】

The best innate spiritual root, it blooms once in three thousand years, bears fruit once in three thousand years, it takes another three thousand years to ripen, and it takes ten thousand years to eat.

In these ten thousand years, only thirty fruits have been produced, and the appearance of the fruits is similar to that of a child under three dynasties, with complete limbs and five sense organs.

If a person is lucky enough to get the fruit and smell it, he will live for 360 years, and if he eats one, he will live for 47,000 years.

"Am I specifically pirating the innate spiritual root? I wonder what will increase if Monkey King sacrifices flat peaches and ginseng fruits in the future?"

Hong Meng had some expectations in his heart.

As for Monkey King, the king of demon kings, the Journey to the West Conquering Demons world he is in is just a world of film and television fans, not strong, and there are no good treasures!

However, even if they are both innate spiritual roots, there are differences in strength and weakness.

"Ding, your believers sacrificed the ancient hibiscus tree to you. This time, you have gained 500 billion times the increase, and you have obtained the ancient hibiscus tree with the best innate spiritual root."

【Ancient hibiscus tree】

The best innate spiritual root contains the essence of the sun, and it is the most precious treasure for practicing the way of the sun and the way of the sun.

"Blessed are Di Leina, Dongfang Bai, heroes who practice the way of the sun!"

With such a superb innate spiritual root to assist their cultivation, their cultivation speed will definitely skyrocket by a large margin.

"Ding, your believers sacrificed the Immortal Phoenix Medicine to you. This time, you have gained 500 billion times the increase, and you have obtained the best innate spiritual root Immortal Phoenix Medicine."

"Ding, your believers sacrificed the kylin magic medicine seeds to you. This time, you will get a 500 billion times increase, and you will get the best innate spiritual root kylin medicine."

"Ding, your believers offer you a long live magic medicine..."

"Ding, your believers offer you the magic medicine of old Polygonum multiflorum..."

"Ding, your believers offer you the white tiger elixir..."

"I'm going, Ye Hei has searched for all the elixir that covers the world, right?"

Hong Meng was a little surprised when he heard the prompts one after another.

Ye Hei deserves to be Ye Hei.

It's really dark.

"Ding, your believers sacrificed to you the God Whip, this time you will get a 500 billion times increase, and you will get the best innate spiritual treasure Soul Extinguisher Whip."

"Ding, your believers offer sacrifices to you on the list of gods. This time, you will get a 500 billion times increase, and you will get the book of the seal of the best innate spiritual treasure."

"Ding, your believers sacrificed to you the Goddess Furnace, this time you will get a 500 billion times increase, and you will get the ultimate innate spiritual treasure Liuyu Shrine."

【Six Desire Shrine】

The best congenital spiritual treasure, containing the power of human desire, can trigger the six desires and gods to rob, and even the goddess will sink, and it is difficult to extricate herself.

"Ye Hei actually sacrificed a holy soldier who wants to be a human being, it's really not serious!"

Hong Meng complained in his heart, but the Liuyu Shrine is very similar to the Paradise of Paradise, maybe they can be combined and refined into an innate treasure.

"Ding, your believers sacrificed the Chaos Ancient Battle Ax to you. This time, you have obtained a 600 billion times increase, and you have obtained the best innate spiritual treasure, the Sky-Splitting Axe."

"Ding, your believers sacrificed the light staff and the dark shield to you. This time, you have obtained a 600 billion times increase. You have obtained the best innate spiritual treasure, the holy light staff and the dark feather coat."

"This is the ancient emperor's soldier of the Supreme Light and Darkness. I didn't expect these ancient emperors to sacrifice their own emperor's soldier!"

Hong Meng's heart moved, and he didn't care, but this top-grade innate spirit treasure that integrates offense and defense can be bestowed on Bibi Dong in the future.

"Ding, your believers sacrificed the green golden bottle of fairy tears to you. This time, you have obtained a 600 billion times increase, and you have obtained the best innate spiritual treasure..."

The ancient imperial soldier of the Supreme Being of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation.

Next are all the weapons of the supreme ancient emperors

The ancient imperial weapon of the supreme spirit emperor in Shenxu -- the Linghuang knife.

Yu Ruyi, the ancient imperial soldier of the Supreme Immortal Granny in Xianling.

The ancient imperial soldier of the supreme golden-winged Dapeng emperor of Burial Sky Island--Golden Magic Whip.

The ancient emperor's soldier of the supreme corpse emperor in the ancient mine in the early days-the corpse emperor's bow.

The Emperor Soldiers Seal of the Ancient Taiyin Emperor.

The ancient emperor's soldier who fights against the Holy Emperor - Immortal Iron Rod.


"Ding, your believers sacrificed the Chaos Gourd to you. This time, you will get a trillion times increase, and you will get the innate treasure Chaos Gourd."

【Chaos Gourd】

The innate treasure contains three thousand worlds, which can accommodate all things, and can emit the light of chaos, annihilate everything, and shatter the universe.

"It turns out that the increase has become an innate treasure, not bad!"

Hong Meng was overjoyed, if he remembered correctly, this chaotic gourd should be the ancient emperor's soldier from Primordial Lake, with a navy blue color, as if it was produced from a real plant, not refined.

Looking at it now, this chaotic gourd is really not simple, otherwise it would not be amplified into a congenital


"Ding, your believers sacrificed the Four Swords of Zhuxian and the map of Zhuxian to you. This time, you have gained a trillion-fold increase, and you have obtained the innate treasure of Zhuxian Sword Formation."

【Zhu Xian Sword Formation】

The innate treasure is composed of the four swords of Zhuxian Sword, Killing Xianjian, Trapping Immortal Sword, Absolute Immortal Sword and Zhuxian Formation.

Once sacrificed, the aura of infinite destruction immediately enveloped Chaos, and the color of endless killing covered Hongmeng. It is irresistible to non-Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian or God Emperor, which can be called the number one killing array in heaven.

It is neither copper nor iron nor steel. It was once hidden under Mount Sumeru.

You don't need to reverse the yin and yang, how can there be no water and fire to quench the edge?

Zhu Xian benefited, killed the immortal, and trapped the immortal with red light everywhere.

The changes of the Juexian are infinitely wonderful, and the clothes of the Daluo Immortal are blood-stained.

"Sure enough, it's the Zhuxian Sword Formation."

Hong Meng's eyes lit up, and he had a premonition when he knew that the Four Swords of Jade Immortals and the diagram of Jade Immortals refined by Lingbao Tianzun existed in the Shrouding World.

Now it really came true.

In the future, if we come to the world of conferred gods and sacrifice the Zhuxian sword formation, we don't know what the expressions of Hongjun, Tongtian, Yuanyuan, Taishang and other heavenly saints will be.

"Ding, your believers sacrifice to you the daughters of great luck, An Miaoyi, Fenghuang, Qi Qi, Princess Yudie, Ji Biyue, and Li Xiaoman, each with a hundred powers of luck."

"This time, we have achieved a 500 billion times increase."

"You have obtained the original power of three billion billion dao."

"You got the legendary hero Miaoyu Xianji An Miaoyi."

"You get the legendary hero Phoenix Fairy Fairy Phoenix."

"You got the legendary hero Qi Huoshui Qiqi."

"You get the Holy Spirit Jade Butterfly Princess, Ji Biyue, and Li Xiaoman."

"Ding, your believers sacrifice to you Yi Qingwu, the daughter of great luck, with a hundred powers of luck, Guanghan Palace and Guanghan Que."

"This time, we have achieved a 500 billion times increase."

"You have obtained the original power of fifty trillion paths."

"You have obtained the way of the main god level moon."

"You got the legendary hero Guanghan Immortal Fairy Yin Qingwu."

"You have obtained the Guanghan Tiangong, a top-grade innate spiritual treasure."

"Ding, your believers sacrifice to you the daughter of great luck, Zixia, the saint of Zifu, carrying the map of mountains and rivers, Xueyao, the saint of Yaochi, the green golden pagoda carrying fairy tears, and the saint of Daoyi Holy Land... each with a hundred roads The power of luck."

"This time, we have achieved a 500 billion times increase."

"You have obtained the legendary hero Xiantian Taoist fetus. Zixia, the top-rank Xiantian Lingbao mountain and river map."

"You have obtained the legendary hero Yaochi Fairy Xueyao, the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao Fairy Tears Green Golden Pagoda."

"You get..."

"Fuck! Ye Hei sacrificed all the great families and saints of the Holy Land to me?"

Hong Meng was a little surprised.

But it's normal to think about it.

The world of Shading the Sky is a world that can drive the ancient emperor crazy in order to become an immortal.

Sacrificial sacrifices can become immortals and gods.

Which family sanctuary can resist this temptation?

Ye Hei didn't need to waste his words, those holy land families had to line up and beg to sacrifice their saintesses.

And Ye Hei can get more sacrifices and get more benefits.

Nature will not refuse.

The two sides hit it off.

"Ding, your believers offer sacrifices to you, Ji Ziyue, the daughter of destiny, and bring the emperor's soldiers to the Void Realm."

"Huo Lin'er, the daughter of Destiny, carries the ancient emperor's unicorn stick."

"Daughter of Destiny, the Golden Heavenly Maiden, carries the Emperor's Golden Mace."


"Each with two hundred powers of luck."

"This time, we have achieved a trillion-fold increase."

"You have obtained the legendary hero Ziyue Immortal Ji. Ji Ziyue, the best innate spiritual treasure Void Realm."

"You have obtained the legendary hero Qilin Saintess Huo Lin'er, the best innate spiritual treasure Qilin Staff."

"You have obtained the legendary hero Golden Fairy Fairy, the Golden Heavenly Maiden, and the golden mace of the ultimate innate spiritual treasure."


"Ding, your believers offer sacrifices to you, the ruthless woman of destiny, carrying the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar, Bronze Immortal Temple, Grimace Mask, Bronze Ring, True Dragon Elixir, Nine Wonderful Elixirs, and a thousand powers of luck .”

"This time, we have achieved a ten-trillion-fold increase."

"You have obtained 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 yuan of power."

"You have obtained the God-Emperor-level Devouring Way."

"You have obtained the God-Emperor-level Dao of Immortality."

"You get the legendary hero Ruthless Empress Ruthless.

"You get the innate treasure Devouring Dao Jar, Bronze Shrine, Grimace Mask, and Bronze Ring."

"You have obtained the top-grade innate spiritual root true dragon elixir and nine wonderful elixir."

【Ruthless Empress. Ruthless】

The cultivation base of the god emperor, mastering the way of indestructibility at the god emperor level, after consolidating the fusion, it will be a matter of course to break through the god emperor.


Hong Meng's eyes widened, feeling dizzy from being hit by a pie in the sky.

"What a rich woman!"

"I just took off!"


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