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Chapter 39 Fahai Sacrifice (two more)

"Traitor, you are courting death!"

Accompanied by a stern shout, the terrifying aura came like a stormy sea, Linghu Chong's scalp was numb and his heart was jumping with fear.

"Yue Buqun!"

"How did he come back?"

Linghu Chong was very flustered, the breath of death rushed towards his face, making his hair stand on end.


Just as he was about to draw his sword, the sharp edge of the sword had already pierced his heart, protruding from his chest, and the terrifying sword energy instantly destroyed his internal organs and all his meridians.


He spat out a mouthful of blood, and turned his head with difficulty, only to see Yue Buqun's angry eyes fixed on him.

It was the first time he really saw Yue Buqun.

When he crossed over, Yue Buqun had already left the world of Xiaoao.

He never expected that Yue Buqun would come back at this time.

" are you here?"

Linghu Chong asked.

He didn't believe it was a coincidence.

Is there any way for Ningzhong to notify Yue Buqun and make Yue Buqun come back instantly?

"You really are an extraterrestrial demon!"

Looking into Linghu Chong's eyes, Yue Buqun immediately confirmed that the other party was not his apprentice Linghu Chong.

He was surprised and delighted, but also a little scared.

After being reminded by Hong Meng, he guessed that there might be demons from outside the territory appearing in his hometown.

That's why he didn't hesitate to kill Linghu Chong just now.

He has seen the extraterrestrial demon several times, and he knows that the other party is very difficult to deal with.


His shot is lore.

"Extraterritorial demon?"

It was not the first time Linghu Chong had heard this word, Ning Zhongze had also said it just now.

"It seems to be because of that evil god, I still underestimate that evil god!"

Linghu Chong suddenly realized that Yue Buqun's arrival in time must have something to do with that evil god.

When he just crossed over, he was still in awe and fear of that statue.

But as time passed, it seemed that the evil god couldn't find him, and his courage gradually grew.

What's more, his system must attack the goddess to become stronger, so he had to make a move.

So he set his eyes on Ning Zhongze, and he was very careful at first.

But after trying a few times, he found nothing wrong.

The courage is getting bigger and bigger.

In his opinion, that evil god was nothing more than that.

He is a systematic man.

There is a system to cover it up, even if the evil god comes over in person, it is impossible to find out that he is a time traveler.

He has faith in the system.

What's more, the evil god is not in this world at all.

Moreover, the Xiaoao World is very weak. From its point of view, the evil god doesn't care at all.

So, he let himself go completely.

this moment.

Feeling the rapid loss of vitality, Linghu Chong was very unwilling, he shouted: "System, save me!"

He has only traveled here not long ago, and he has not reached the pinnacle of his life, and there are still a lot of beauties waiting for him to conquer.

How could he die at the hands of a native.

"Ding, consume fifty years of lifespan to recover the host's injuries!" The system's voice sounded without any emotion.


Linghu Chong was overjoyed, but before this thought came to his mind, his consciousness fell into darkness.

Yue Buqun drew out his sword and looked at Linghu Chong who had died of anger, he was overjoyed.

This is an alien demon.

Excellent offering.

That's how he got it.

But this time it was really scary.

If Hong Meng hadn't reminded him, a green prairie would have grown on his head.


Ning Zhong breathed a long sigh of relief, her fair cheeks quickly turned rosy, and the medicine Linghu Chong had given her had taken effect.

"Junior Sister, it's okay!"

Yue Buqun put Linghu Chong's body into the artifact space, then quickly helped Ning Zhongze up, and he gently patted Ning Zhongze's slippery back, comforting him softly.

"Poor Chong'er was killed by an alien demon!"

Ning Zhongze's blurred eyes were full of sadness.

She treats Linghu Chong as her son.

did not expect……

"The extraterrestrial demon is dead, and Chong'er's spirit in the sky is also comforting!"

Yue Buqun patted Ning Zhongze's fragrant shoulder lightly, and said with concern: "Junior Sister, your complexion seems wrong, are you feeling unwell?"

"I've been poisoned!"

When Ning Zhong said this, his pretty face was full of shyness, Yue Buqun didn't understand when he saw this.

This poison must be eradicated.

He hugged Ning Zhongze like a princess, and strode towards the room.

During this period of time in Yue Nu Sword World, he also missed Ning Zhongze's...



Kingdom of God.

"This should be a rather aggrieved traverser!"

Seeing that Yue Buqun beheaded Linghu Chong, Hong Meng withdrew his spiritual thoughts from paying attention to Xiaoao World.

He was not interested in what Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze were going to do later.

this moment.

All his mind is concentrated.

Riding a horse galloping in the violent storm, the whip in his hand kept whipping.

All the way over the mountains, across the plains, across the river...

Life is movement.

Life lies in working hard.

Life is about sprinting hard.


I do not know how long it has been.

Suddenly, reminders sounded in Hong Meng's mind.

"Ding, a ray of power of faith has been detected, this time it has been multiplied by a million times, and you have obtained a million strands of power of faith."

"Ding, your believers sacrificed three animals, six animals and five grains to you. This time, you will get a multiplier of hundreds of billions, and you will get a divine beast..."

"Ding, your believers sacrificed a large number of Buddhist and Taoist secret books to you, and the overall increase was 500 billion times, and you obtained the aura of Buddhist and Taoist civilization."

"Ding, your believers sacrifice to you the daughters of destiny, Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen, who have the power of 200 paths of luck, and this time they have gained a 500 billion times increase!"

"You have obtained one hundred trillion original powers."

"You have obtained the combination of legendary heroes Qingbai two snakes Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen."

Qingbai two snakes Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen

The main god has a peak cultivation base, has the blood of a god-level god-level python, and can break through to a god-king without a bottleneck.

"This is... Dawei Tianlong Fahai?"

"Bring me two more little snakes..."

Hong Meng's heart skipped a beat, the little snake with the blood of a god-king is still very good.

It means that it won't be long before he will have two more god-king heroes.

Almost like Medusa.

Hong Meng looked down at the beautiful woman in his arms. After the storm, the palace smelled of fish, which was the smell of the sea.

He gently caressed the beautiful woman's smooth and jade-white skin, his movements were gentle and delicate, just like an antique connoisseur playing with a top-quality jade article.

When it's time to do it, do it.

Be gentle when you should be gentle.

When it's time to be brave and diligent, he can also run rampant in a small space, rampage, kill and turn the world upside down, and his head is broken.

"The level of the world where Fahai lives is not weak. There is Heaven and Spirit Mountain. This sacrifice will definitely attract the attention of Heaven and Spirit Mountain..."

Hong Meng held the ruthless empress in his arms, his delicate skin felt excellent to the touch, as soft as jade.

Following Hong Meng's movements, the ruthless Empress opened her blurred eyes, quietly looking at the man who possessed her.

The other party seemed to be thinking about something.

She didn't bother to speak.

"Just let Yan Ruyu go!"

With a decision in his heart, Hong Meng sent a voice transmission to Yan Ruyu, asking her to go to the Green Snake World where Fahai is located according to the decree.

After explaining, Hong Meng lowered his head and met the beautiful eyes of the ruthless Empress.

"you are pretty!"

Hong Meng couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed.

The blood is not exhausted.

How can I stop.

A new storm has emerged.

How can we stand still.

Hong Meng worked hard to preach and teach.

She didn't hold anything back.

Give it all.


Green Snake World.

Jinshan Temple.

Jinshan Temple has been renamed Hongmeng God Sect.

A huge altar rose from the ground, and countless believers gathered around it.

Fahai is dressed in a moon-white monk's robe, young and handsome, with a resolute face.

He stood in the position of the officiant in front of the altar, leading countless believers around him to pray and sacrifice.

As the last word fell, the altar lit up immediately, shining bright and holy light.

Three animals and six animals turned into divine beasts, Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen turned into two heaven-penetrating pythons, their bloodlines metamorphosed, and their cultivation base skyrocketed.



"This is a miracle, the Master of Primordial Mist is a fairy!"

Countless believers were taken aback at first, but immediately understood, with excitement and fanaticism in their eyes, they kowtowed and kowtowed.

"I didn't expect that such a beautiful little lady turned out to be two big boa constrictors. It's really scary."

Xu Xian is also among countless believers. He is relatively timid, he is terribly frightened, and has a shadow over beautiful women!

In the future, if she marries a beautiful little lady, she will suddenly turn into a big boa constrictor on the night of her bridal chamber...

Thinking of this, Xu Xian trembled all over, not daring to think about it anymore.



And at the moment when the light of the altar rose, countless powerful eyes from the Three Realms looked over.



"This is……"

The old mother of Lishan saw through time and space with her deep eyes, saw Jinshan Temple, and saw Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen above the altar!

"Huh? This is a white...white snake?"

The old mother of Lishan stared wide-eyed, especially feeling the more terrifying aura of the white snake than her, she almost had a feeling of doubting her life.

"How is this possible? How could the White Snake suddenly become so strong? But this is indeed the breath of the White Snake..."

Lishan's old mother couldn't believe it, but after careful observation, she couldn't believe it.

And she found that not only the white snake, but also the green snake next to it was equally terrifying, and those divine beasts...

What the hell is this?

She deduced the secret, but it was hazy and she couldn't see anything.

If forced to deduce.

She has a strong feeling.

she will die!

She suppressed the horror in her heart and rushed towards Jinshan Temple.

Xitian Lingshan.

Tathagata Buddha is preaching scriptures to many Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.

His tongue is full of lotus flowers, and Sanskrit sounds burst out.

Countless bodhisattvas and Buddhas were fascinated by it.


Tathagata's voice paused, his gaze spanned the space, and he looked at Jinshan Temple.

"The two terrifying divine pythons, what kind of heaven-defying chance did they get to reach the sky in one step?"

Tathagata was horrified, and immediately he noticed the people offering sacrifices in Jinshan Temple.

There seemed to be many monks there.

Especially the headed monk.

He could tell at a glance whether the other party was practicing authentic Buddhism, or the mighty Dawei Tianlong Sutra.

But now the other party seems to be offering sacrifices to other immortals.

How is this going?

Could it be that the heaven is digging the corner of the Buddhist gate?

Not only the old mother of Lishan, the Tathagata Buddha, the Jade Emperor of Heaven and countless other great powers have noticed Fa Hai's sacrifice.

They were full of doubts.

They could tell that those powerful beasts and those two terrifying pythons had just been promoted.

It's absolutely extraordinary there.

Maybe there are heaven-defying treasures or opportunities.

Countless great powers rushed towards Jinshan Temple.

Tathagata and other Buddhist powerhouses are no exception.

Jinshan Temple is the site of their Buddhism, and it should belong to their Buddhism if it is good.


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