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Chapter 40 Three thousand gods and kings

Green Snake World.


Lingxiao Palace.

"How is this going?"

The Jade Emperor and all the gods looked at the vision that appeared above Jinshan Temple in the lower realm, their eyes were shocked and their hearts were puzzled.

"This is Jinshan Temple, could it be the ghost of Buddhism?"

"I think it's very possible!"

Some gods guessed.

The power of Buddhism in this world is still strong, and there is a faint trend of being overwhelmed by the Heavenly Court.

In their view, there will be no other people except Buddhism.

"They seem to be offering sacrifices to a god named Lord of Primordial Mist, but is there such a person in Buddhism?"

"Those two divine pythons are too terrifying. If they were made by Buddhism, they would be too terrifying!"

"That's right, but Buddhism shouldn't be able to produce such a divine python, right? I feel that those two divine pythons are stronger than before!"

"Hey, there's movement in the West!"

"The Tathagata left Lingshan and headed for the Jinshan Temple with the Buddhist powerhouse!"

"Shall we go and see!"

All the gods and gods were discussing, the Jade Emperor looked at the sky above the Jinshan Temple, his eyes flickered, and he said: "Let's go and have a look, if there is a treasure opportunity, we can't let Lingshan monopolize it!"

"What the Emperor of Heaven said is true!"

The Jade Emperor went down to the world with all the immortals.

There was too much movement this time.

As long as the power to perceive the situation is not able to hold back the temptation.

The power of the Three Realms is very fast.

In a short while, they all came to the void around Jinshan Temple.

"What a terrifying divine python, it actually makes me feel great pressure!"

When Tathagata saw Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, his eyes lit up: "If such a divine python is transformed into a spiritual beast protecting Dharma of Lingshan, the strength of Lingshan will definitely increase."

"Where did these beasts come from?"

The Jade Emperor sat in the void dragon, and the law of the great way circulated in his eyes. At his level, the Three Realms rarely had any secrets for him.

But he had never heard of such a powerful python.


Just when Tathagata, Jade Emperor and others were shocked and confused, a thunderbolt appeared out of thin air in the sky.

Thunder exploded.

The starry sky swayed.

The mountains and rivers trembled.

Everyone felt their ears ringing.


The second thunderstorm was even more terrifying.

A thunderbolt looked like the legendary Thunder Dragon, covering the sky and the sun, and it traversed the sky for tens of thousands of miles.

The thunder sounded, and the entire Three Realms and Six Paths seemed to be trembling and whining.

for a while.

The powerhouses of the three realms all gave birth to a special induction.




That is the emotion from the three realms, the emotion from the world.

Will the world be tense?

Will be afraid?

The Jade Emperor, Tathagata and others looked solemn, this scene was beyond their comprehension.

Even with their strength, it is impossible to make the world feel fearful.

Is there some great horror coming?


Before they could think too much, the third thunder exploded.

This thunder seemed to tear the dam of the Tianhe River, and the endless divine light poured down from a distant, unknowable and unfathomable place like a tide, and the entire sky was dyed golden by the divine light.

"This is……"

The Jade Emperor, Tathagata, Old Mother Lishan and others held their breaths and looked with sharp and horrified gazes!

A figure shrouded in divine light came slowly.

She seems to come from ancient times, crossing time and space.

The green lotus behind her swayed, pierce the chaos, open up the world, the scene is astonishing.

Around her, there is a rain of flowers flying down.

There are Yaopai, Qirui, and Qiongye, which are shiny, translucent and shining, as if carved from colorful gems, but have the fragrance of orchids and musk deer.

Enveloped by the rain of flowers, her whole body is hazy and magnificent, holy and sacred, her slender legs are soft and light, like a masterpiece of painstaking efforts from the heavens.

The peerless demeanor that sets off her proud figure while swinging makes all the flowers lose their color.

There was a halo of light under her feet, and it turned into a fairy flower, supporting her jade feet, one step at a time, one step at a time, one step at a time, with infinite grace and beauty to the extreme.

The most regrettable thing is that no matter what she looks like, she can't be seen clearly or see through. The fairy air is fluttering, like a hazy veil, blocking her face.

Even so, her celestial face is not visible, and her jade posture is half hidden, but she is also full of charm. People can't help but sigh that in this vast world, in this world of mortals, there are such moving women.

But Tathagata, Jade Emperor and others didn't care about her beauty.

Their eyes are solemn and their hearts are heavy.

The other party came slowly, like a peerless fairy.

But it gave them the feeling as if a big universe was crushing it, making them tremble physically and mentally, and couldn't help but feel a sense of worship.

"Who is this person? Could it be the Primordial Lord whom these people worship?"

Tathagata looked at Yan Ruyu secretly, he was both shocked and angry, Jinshan Temple was his Buddhist site, and the monks below were also his Buddhist followers.

But now it was snatched away by the Lord of the Primordial Mist!

If he didn't feel that the opponent was very strong, he would directly suppress it.

"Amitabha, I do not know

Where did this benefactor come from? The monks in the Jinshan Temple below are all followers of my Buddhist school. It would be too much for the benefactor to keep silent and rob me of my Buddhist disciples! "

Tathagata clasped his hands together, and a golden body of six feet behind his back manifested, blocking Yan Ruyu's coercion, and asked lightly.

As the most powerful person in the Three Realms, even if he felt that Yan Ruyu was very strong, he couldn't directly admit that he was weak.

Once you admit it, Buddhism will be over.

"I am the Lord of the Primordial Mist, sit down and envoy Yan Ruyu, all living beings believe in freedom, they are willing to believe in my Lord, what does it have to do with you?"

Yan Ruyu lowered her beautiful eyes, and glanced lightly at Tathagata.

The calm voice is domineering and domineering.

The Jade Emperor and other great powers from the Three Realms felt a sudden shock in their hearts, this is the rhythm of a fight.

There was some anticipation in their hearts, even excitement.

The Tathagata relied on his advanced cultivation, he was rampant and domineering, and the influence of Buddhism was also expanding day by day, they had long been disgusted with it.

Just let Tathagata try this goddess who suddenly appeared.

If the Tathagata wins, they have nothing to lose, and they can still follow suit.

If the Tathagata is defeated, they can also understand the other party's details and prepare for the next countermeasure.


Regardless of whether the Tathagata wins or loses, it will benefit them and not harm them.

Tathagata's expression turned cold. It has been many years, and no one has dared to disrespect him like this. Do you really think he is made of mud?

The clay figurine also has three fires.

Tathagata clasped his palms together, the light of the six-foot-long golden body behind his back rose sharply, the Buddha's light shone everywhere, and the Sanskrit voice burst out:

"Amitabha, the benefactor has fallen into a demonic barrier, why not go back to Lingshan with the little monk, accept the baptism of Buddhism, get rid of the demonic barrier, and cultivate a righteous fruit."

"If you want to do it, just say it, hypocrisy!"

Yan Ruyu stretched out her hand, and a white light shot out from her fingertips.

"Buddhist kingdom in the palm of your hand!"

The Buddha's radiance on Tathagata's body is overwhelming, and the six-foot-long golden body seems to have turned into a huge golden Buddha standing upright. The golden Buddha raised his hand and grabbed Yan Ruyu with a palm.

He felt that Yan Ruyu was very strong, so he used all his strength when he made a move.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated Yan Ruyu's strength.

The power of the god king level is not comprehensible at all for his Taiyi Jinxian cultivation base.


The white light pierced through the golden Buddha's palm without the slightest hindrance, and then pierced through the Tathagata's eyebrows like a broken bamboo.

"Big Luo Jinxian!"

Tathagata's pupils shrank, his horrified voice fell, and he lost all breath.

He never thought that Yan Ruyu was actually a Daluo Jinxian.

That is a legendary existence.

Legend has it that it transcends heaven and earth, is eternal and immortal.

If he knew that the opponent was Da Luo Jinxian, he would never make a move.

Isn't it just a few believers?

Even if they were all robbed, he didn't dare to do it.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.


All the powerful Buddhists exclaimed, their eyes glazed over.

The invincible World-Honored Tathagata in their hearts was killed just like this?

"If you offend my lord, you will be punished!"

Yan Ruyu's cold voice was like the judgment of heaven, and the Buddhist Bodhisattva turned pale with fright and his hair stood on end.

Before they could move, an indescribable terrifying force descended, obliterating their consciousness like the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

bang bang bang.

All the strong Buddhists fell to the ground in unison, dead and dao disappeared.


The Jade Emperor, the old mother of Lishan and other powerhouses were terrified. Didn't they expect the incomparable Buddhism to be destroyed like this?

Even Tathagata is dead!

this moment.

They were not in the slightest happy.

Some are just the feeling of sadness when the rabbit dies and the fox.

"Heavenly Court Zhang Bairen leads everyone in Heavenly Court to meet the envoy!"

Frightened, the Jade Emperor stepped out of the void and bowed his hands.

"Meet the angel."

All the gods bowed together.

The two of them were fighting, for fear that they would be wiped out if they were not careful.

As for resistance?

After seeing the fate of Tathagata and Buddha, they couldn't even think of rebelling.

This unbelievably perfect goddess is too terrifying.

All of them tied together can't stop a move.

Not a power level at all.

"My lord is great and benevolent. As long as you don't hinder the glory of my lord, nothing will happen."

Yan Ruyu looked at the power of the Jade Emperor's three realms, and continued: "Of course, if you are willing to believe in my lord, my lord will treat everyone equally and will not hesitate to give you gifts!"

"Remember the teachings of the envoys!"

Jade Emperor and others said in unison.

But they did not promise to believe in Hong Meng.

They are gods themselves, and they will not believe in other gods if they do not see the benefits.

Yan Ruyu nodded slightly, and said no more.

The specific missionary matters will be dealt with by Fa Hai later.

She's here for two things.

One, reward Fa Hai.

Second, kill chickens to scare monkeys.

Buddhism likes to collect beliefs, develop believers, and conflict with Hong Meng's interests.

And the Tathagata has Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation base, and his strength is not weak.

In order to make Fa Hai's preaching more smooth, Yan Ruyu received Hong Meng's suggestion to use thunderous means to kill chickens to scare monkeys!

Tathagata and Buddhism are that chicken.

Now it seems the effect

not bad.

"Meet the Angel!"

Fa Hai and others bowed excitedly.

When they saw Tathagata appear just now, many of their believers were filled with awe. After all, Buddhism has a long history and majesty.

I didn't expect the envoy to be so powerful.

It directly killed Tathagata and Buddhist powerhouses in seconds.


The Lord of Primordial Origin is invincible.

The Lord of Primordial Origin is eternal and immortal.

Yan Ruyu stood above the altar and waved her plain hand.

The corpses of Tathagata and Buddhist strongmen fell into the altar one after another, and the brilliance turned into terrifying avenues in the blink of an eye.

"Ding, your believers offer blood sacrifices to you, and this time you will get ten trillion times the increase, and you will obtain the Dao of the Great Sun Tathagata at the level of a god!"

"Ding, your believers offer blood sacrifices to many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to you. This time, you will get a 20 trillion times increase, and you will get 3,000 god-level Buddhas!"


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