Become a God and Join the Chat Group

Chapter 2 The wandering little broken ball, only the gods can save the world

"Ding, the wandering little broken ball joins the chat group."

Tu Shan's second boss: "Welcome newcomers!"

Holy Maiden of the Voice of Wuhun Temple: "Newcomers are welcome. If you don't understand, you can read the group files and read them in your heart. Then you can view files, speak, post pictures, and post videos."

The lecherous fairy of Hama Mountain: "Newcomer, do you want a book to make love to heaven? I have worked hard and spent three months, the latest masterpiece, let me know about it?"

Head of Huashan: "Welcome newcomers!"

Descendant of the Dayan royal family: "Old Yue, I heard that you have returned to the world of Xiaoao? Are you finished preaching in the world of Yue Nu?"

Demon Queen Yin: "Master Yue is a man with a family. I miss Xia Ning, so I must come back and have a look!"

The lustful fairy of Hama Mountain: "If I had a beautiful wife, I wouldn't dare to go out for too long!"

Shangshen Gouzi: "There is a kind of love called letting go, and giving up for love lasts forever..."

God's dog: "I can't give you the happiness you want, so I choose to quit, because I love you, so I let you choose a better destination..."

The Lecherous Immortal of Hama Mountain: "..."

Toad Mountain's lecherous fairy: "Don't talk nonsense, Tsunade and I are innocent, my lord is above, and now I just want to spread the glory of my lord, so that everyone in the world can bathe in the glory of my lord!"

Head of Huashan: "Thanks to my lord's grace, I learned that there is an extraterrestrial demon coming and possessing Linghu Chong, and now I have killed him. Thank you, my lord!"

Ye Tiandi: "I'll go, Master Yue killed an extraterritorial demon without making a sound, envy.jpg."

Demon Queen: "Envy, envy!"

God's Gouzi: "Fuck, Linghu Chong is possessed by an extraterrestrial demon. Is this the once-popular teacher-wife system?"

The lustful fairy of Hama Mountain: "Master..."

The lustful fairy of Hama Mountain: "Why is there an inexplicable excitement, drooling. jpg."

The overlord of the Tianxiahui: "Is Lao Yue okay? Can sheep be kept on his head?"

Head of Huashan: "..."

Sleeping silk Xiaolongnv: "You guys will scare the rookie, but the rookie's name is so special!"

I don't want to be Zhao Gao: "Could it be a ball?"

Demon Queen: "What ball?"

The king of demon kings: "Could it be that he jumped out of a stone like this king?"

The overlord of the Tianxiahui: "Newcomer Bao Zhao, report your background!"


Wandering earth world.

Astronaut Liu Peiqiang sat in the living room, his eyes were constantly changing, and his face was very exciting.






All kinds of emotions are constantly playing on his face.

The Tiantian chat group inexplicably appeared in his mind, which completely overturned his three views and broke his cognition.

Decades of accumulated knowledge fell apart at this moment.

All heavens and all worlds.

Lord of Hongmeng.

Immortal God.

Are these people real?

Are the files in the group real?

Are these people really from a different world?

Are there really great and unpredictable gods in this world?

Could it be that you have been under too much pressure recently and have hallucinations?

In recent years, scientists have discovered that the sun is rapidly aging and expanding, and the entire solar system including the earth will be swallowed by the sun in a short time.

In order to save themselves, human beings put forward a bold plan called "Wandering Earth", that is, to build tens of thousands of engines and steering engines on the surface of the earth with all the efforts of the world, to push the earth out of the solar system and rush to its new home in 2500 years.

Ordinary people don't know that the end is coming, but as an astronaut, Liu Peiqiang is about to go to space and become the navigator of the Wandering Earth Project.

He is well aware of all this.

Regardless of whether this plan is successful or not, it will be a huge disaster for mankind.

Once the plan is officially implemented, the surface of the earth will not be suitable for human survival, and the earth will fall into eternal polar day and polar night.

The side facing the sun became extremely hot.

The side facing away from the sun became icy cold.

The oceans are frozen.

The earth is burned.

Only those selected by the coalition government can hide underground to survive, and the remaining billions of people can only stay on the ground and wait to die.

Although cruel, there is no way.

The underground cannot hold as many people as the surface of the earth, nor can it feed too many people.


If this can save the human fire, that's all.

But the biggest problem is that the earth is going to wander in space for 2,500 years. Who knows what will happen in such a long time?

Moreover, the energy needed to use the earth as a spaceship is terrifying, and the resources of the earth cannot afford to consume it, let alone 2,500 years, even 250 years is enough.

What's more, can the quality of the earth itself withstand such a big impact?

Maybe it fell apart before leaving the solar system!

Anyway, there are countless problems with this plan.

The chances of success are almost zero.

But there is no way.

If you don't fight hard and stay where you are, there is only one result, the complete extinction of human beings.

Compared with 100% complete annihilation, they can only choose the only slim hope, fight hard, maybe there will be a miracle.

"The chat group of the heavens, is it real?"

"If it's true, the Lord of Primordial Mist is so great, he can open up countless worlds with his breath, and many members of the group can capture stars and moons, and destroy galaxies. Isn't it easy to save the earth?"

Liu Peiqiang's eyes are full of endless expectations. Compared with the Wandering Earth Project, which has little hope and almost zero, he hopes that the chat group is real.

Wandering little broken ball: "Hi seniors, I am Liu Peiqiang. I am in a doomsday world where the sun is about to be destroyed. I wonder if there is any way for seniors?"

The overlord of the world will: "Hey, the newcomer is bubbling, won't the sun be destroyed? Give it a cure or replace it, it's fine!"

Tu Shan's second head: "I'm speechless!"

Wandering little broken ball: "@天下会总主, can senior cure or replace the sun?"

Liu Peiqiang's eyes lit up, and his heart rose to his throat.

The overlord of the world will: "Destruction is easier than creation. With the strength of this old man, changing the sun should be able to do it!"

I don't want to be Zhao Gao: "The leader of the Xiong Gang is domineering!"

The overlord of the Tianxiahui: "Which one of our group above the tenth rank can't catch the stars and take the moon?"

The wandering little broken ball: "Master Xiong, I don't know what conditions are needed, can you help our earth change a sun?"

Tianxiahui Overlord: "Actually, you don't have to ask us for this kind of thing. As long as you believe in my lord all over the world, hold a grand sacrifice and offer generous sacrifices, my lord will naturally protect you."

Holy Maiden of Wuhun Temple: "Newcomer, take a closer look at the group files, and you will naturally understand!"

Wandering little broken ball: "Okay, thank you seniors."

He only read a profile just now.

I am eager to know whether the chat group really exists, and I have not had time to read many files.

this time.

Liu Peiqiang carefully read all the files, videos, and even the chat records, and was shocked in his heart.

It turned out that the leader of the Xiong Gang just now was called Xiong Ba, and he was originally just a leader in the world of martial arts. Although his martial arts are good, it's just that.

But after meeting the Lord of Primordial Mist, Xiong Ba's strength skyrocketed, becoming an existence comparable to a fairy god.

The same goes for the rest of the chat group.

"Would you like to watch?"

With anticipation and apprehension in his heart, Liu Peiqiang began to recite according to "Visual Thoughts".

If there is a divine favor.

Well it's all true.

Not hallucinations.

When the last word was uttered, Liu Peiqiang's body trembled.

He saw it.

To see a great deity that is indescribable, indescribable, and nameless.

The gods stand at the center of chaos.

A galaxy of stars flowed through his hair.

Universes were born around him.

He is the origin of all things.

He is the center of chaos in the universe.

He is the Father and God of all living beings.


"There really is a god!"

Liu Peiqiang opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were shocked and excited, he was so excited that he punched the table, and the solid wooden table was smashed instantly.

"What a powerful force!"

Liu Peiqiang didn't care.

He is more concerned about saving the earth!

The planet does not have to abandon billions of people on a hopeless wandering.

The Lord of Primordial Mist is so great and terrifying, saving the sun is not easy?

"Preaching and offering sacrifices..."

Without hesitation, Liu Peiqiang immediately applied to the higher authorities. He has a new way to save the earth.

As the navigator of the space station of the Wandering Earth Project, Liu Peiqiang's application quickly gained the high attention of the Yan Kingdom's high-level officials.

He was taken to a conference room.


The high-level officials and even the great commanders of the Yan Kingdom were there.

With Liu Peiqiang's arrival, all eyes turned to him.

Even Liu Peiqiang felt the pressure.

With a straight body, he walked into the conference room with firm steps and gave a military salute.

"Colonel Liu Peiqiang, you said you found a better way than wandering the earth, what kind of way?"

The Grand Commander smiled.

In fact, they don't quite believe it.

The Wandering Earth Project is a plan formulated by the coalition government with the top wisdom of all countries. They don't believe that Liu Peiqiang has a better plan.

They were willing to listen to Liu Peiqiang's plan, just in case of hope.

What if there really was a better plan?

As long as they are a little bit stronger, or they can improve the Wandering Earth plan, they will not give up.

They all know that the Wandering Earth Project is too cruel and hopeless.

Standing in front, Liu Peiqiang held a microphone in his hand, looked at the countless expectant and suspicious eyes around him, and solemnly said:

"The Wandering Earth project is too dangerous, and the success rate is too low. Even if it succeeds in the end, how many people can survive?"

Liu Peiqiang's words made the atmosphere in the meeting room tense.

these things.

How could they not know.

But they dare not think about it.

Because they have no choice.

The only way to stay is to wait for death.

There is still a ray of hope for the Wandering Earth Project, maybe it can leave a ray of fire for human beings.

this moment.


Everyone looked at Liu Peiqiang nervously and expectantly. Did Liu Peiqiang really have a better plan?

"The Wandering Earth project doesn't work!"

"I want to save the world!"

"Only relying on the gods"


The meeting room was dead silent.

Everyone was dumbfounded and stunned, never expecting Liu Peiqiang to say such ridiculous words.

It's ridiculous.

Fortunately, they still have great expectations.


this one?

Is this what a navigator should say?


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