Become a God and Join the Chat Group

Chapter 3 Give the Sun Life (2 more)

The conference room suddenly became silent.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

His eyes were full of regret and sadness.

Every space station navigator of the Wandering Project is carefully selected, one in a million talents.

Both physically and mentally.

Regardless of knowledge or ability, they are all outstanding.


It was such a navigator who went crazy.

If you are not crazy, how can you say such a thing?


Isn't this a joke?

From ancient times to the present, who has seen the gods?

If there are gods, will the world still be destroyed?

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu, do you know what you are talking about?" Someone asked.

They didn't expect that the method Liu Peiqiang said was to ask the gods.

Had they known this was the case, they would not have wasted their time.

Faced with everyone's doubts, Liu Peiqiang took a deep breath and continued: "I know you think I'm crazy."

"If it was before, I would think I was crazy!"

"But it's different now, there really are gods in this world!"

Liu Peiqiang blushed and said excitedly: "I saw the Immortal God, the omnipotent God!"

"Only a true God can save the world, and only a true God can truly bring us hope."

The more everyone listened, the darker their faces became, and they became more determined in their hearts.

"This Liu Peiqiang is absolutely driving me crazy."

"Oh, it's a pity, such a good young man, he didn't expect to have a mental problem!"

"The end is coming, the terrifying pressure is like a mountain, suffocating people, maybe one day we will go crazy, and we will pin our hopes on the gods!"

"Even if there are gods, so what? The world is almost destroyed, and there is no shadow of a god!"

"Even if there are gods, they won't help us!"

"We are like ants on the ground in the eyes of the gods. Whether we are destroyed or die, it has no effect on them!"

"Besides, there is no god in this world!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and most of them felt sorry for Liu Peiqiang's change.

It was also very angry.

They scolded angrily: "Liu Peiqiang, have you forgotten your identity and responsibilities?"

"At this time of human life and death, you are wasting everyone's time for entertainment, and you still say demagogic words like gods, are you still a soldier?"

While speaking, the surrounding guards were already walking towards Liu Peiqiang.

Obviously ready to suppress Liu Pei.

"I know you don't believe it, but I have evidence!"

Liu Peiqiang spoke passionately, glanced at everyone in the conference room, and said loudly:

"I have scriptures handed down by the gods here!"

"I hope that all the leaders will recite this scripture before making a final judgment!"

"If it is false, I am willing to accept any punishment."

"Leaders, please give me and all mankind a chance."

Liu Peiqiang took out the "Viewing Ideas" he had printed out a long time ago, and looked at the commander with firm and expectant eyes!

A guard handed the "Thinking Thoughts" to the Grand Commander.

The commander-in-chief looked carefully, and it was just an ordinary prayer.

But since Liu Peiqiang said so, he would naturally verify it, and it wouldn't take much time anyway.


A guard chanted under everyone's gaze.

The Grand Commander and everyone else stared at the guards closely.

The same is true for Liu Peiqiang.

"Lord of Primordial Mist, bless you!"

Liu Peiqiang recited the meditation method, and the members of the group also said that no matter who it is, as long as you pray, you will have divine grace.

But Liu Peiqiang has not verified it.

He wondered if others prayed as he did.

if not the same...

The consequences are serious.

Fortunately, what the members of the chat group said was true. He saw the face of the praying guards change drastically.

this moment.

He knew he had succeeded.

The surrounding guards tensed up instantly, waiting in full battle, looking at the praying guards warily.

After a while.

The praying guards opened their eyes, eyes filled with shock, horror, excitement, and frenzy.


There is a God!

When everyone saw this scene, their hearts rose to their throats.

The commander-in-chief was very excited, and quickly asked: "What did you see? Is what Lieutenant Colonel Liu said true? Are there really gods?"

"Commander, the Lord of Primordial Mist is real, I have seen it, and I can clearly sense that my strength has increased by at least ten times!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the pot exploded.

"Is there really a god?"

"Just praying once, at least ten times stronger, how is this possible?"

There were exclamations one after another.

Even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, the commander-in-chief who did not change his face couldn't help but get short of breath.

The Lord of Primordial Mist may be real.

Earth may indeed be saved.


The commander-in-chief and the others continued to find someone to verify, and at the same time gave a comprehensive inspection to the guards who had recited the "Concept Method".

Two hours later.

They finally confirmed the authenticity of the Primordial Lord.

Even the great leader recited "Visual Thoughts".

"The Lord of Primordial Mist is really great and generous!"

"If the Primordial Lord can make a move, we will be saved!"

Everyone was excited, the commander looked at Liu Peiqiang, and said in a deep voice:

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu, thank you for notifying us of this matter as soon as you obtained God's Favor, which gave us another possibility to survive, thank you!"

"This is what I should do."

Liu Peiqiang straightened his body and said solemnly.

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu, how can we ask the great Lord of Primal Origin to save the earth?"

Everyone looked at Liu Peiqiang with burning eyes.

This is what they care about most.

The Lord of Primordial Origin is real.

But if the other party doesn't help, they end up with the same end result.

"Preaching and offering sacrifices."

Liu Peiqiang told them one by one the information he learned from the chat group.


The entire high-level federal government believes in the Lord of Primordial Origin.

Order after order was issued, and the whole world boiled.

"What? The sun is really going to be destroyed?"

"No wonder the federal government has been formed in the past few years, and all kinds of big moves have been made. It turns out that the end is coming!"

"My God, the sun is going to be destroyed, it's terrible!"

"If you want to save the earth, the only way is to ask the Lord of Primordial Meng to help?"

"The Lord of Primordial Mist is a great immortal god?"

"Is there really a god in this world?"

"Everyone must worship the Lord of Hongmeng devoutly, and sacrifice to the Lord of Hongmeng at twelve o'clock three days later, and ask the Lord of Hongmeng to save the earth?"

Countless people were shocked, bewildered, terrified, and puzzled...

All kinds of emotions came to mind.

Before the implementation of the Wandering Earth plan, ordinary people did not know that the sun was about to be destroyed in order to avoid turmoil.

Although the action of the coalition government has made many people realize that it is unusual.

But I never thought that it was caused by the imminent destruction of the sun.

Now that the news of the doomsday is coming suddenly, everyone is shocked and terrified.

But what made them even more confused was that the top leaders of the coalition government actually asked them to believe in gods, saying that gods can save the world?

It's hard for them to believe, but they have to.

It's impossible for everyone in the coalition government to go crazy.

"Can you feel the mighty power of the Primordial Lord and gain divine grace by reciting "Viewing Thoughts"?"

"real or fake?"

Everyone looked at the "Viewing Ideas" that appeared on their mobile phones or even on the big screen, and they were dubious in their hearts!

However, in view of the mentality of giving it a try, many people can't help but recite it.

After they recite it once.

Everyone was shocked.

There is really a god.

God is so great.


There are gods, and the destruction of the sun is a fart.

Countless worlds are opened up in the breath of the gods.

Recreating a sun is easy.

In this Internet age, information travels very fast.

It took less than ten minutes for the news to spread.

Ninety-nine out of ten people in the world believe in the Lord of Primordial Mist.

After all, as long as one person recites "Visual Thoughts" and proves that the gods really exist, it will be able to drive everyone around to recite.

Time flies.

It was noon three days later.

Thirty-six large altars were built around the world.

Three animals and six animals, rare treasures, various classics, airplanes, tanks, submarines, warships and countless other sacrifices were sent to the altar.

Everyone in the world prays and sacrifices together.


Kingdom of God.

"Ding, a ray of power of faith has been detected, this time it has been multiplied by a million times, and you have obtained a million strands of power of faith."

"Ding, your believers sacrificed three animals, six animals and five grains to you. This time, you will get a multiplier of hundreds of billions, and you will get a divine beast..."

"Ding, your believers have sacrificed a large number of scientific classics to you, and the overall gain has been multiplied by 500 billion times, and you have gained the aura of technological civilization."

"Ding, your believers sacrificed 5,000 tanks to you, and the overall increase was 500 billion times, and you received 5,000 god-level tank fighters."

"Ding, your believers sacrificed 5,000 fighter jets to you, and the overall increase was 500 billion times, and you won 5,000 god-level aircraft fighters."

"Ding, your believers offer sacrifices to you..."

"Oh? Liu Peiqiang? The action is really fast!"

Hong Meng opened his eyes from the chest of the ruthless empress Wei'an, with a burst of fragrance in his nostrils.

Liu Peiqiang's efficiency is not surprising. After all, the end is approaching, and his mobility is naturally extraordinary.

What's more, the world of Wandering Earth is a modern technological world, whether it is preaching or building altars, it is very fast.

"Although there are no special treasures, it is not bad to have a group of mechanical troops and seven billion believers!"

Hong Meng sent Yao Xi to the world of Wandering Earth through sound transmission.


Wandering earth world.

Yan country.

before the huge altar

Liu Peiqiang stood at the officiant position.

The Grand Commander and others stood behind him.

Everyone is nervous and looking forward to


They stared fixedly at the altar.

"The Lord of Primordial Mist must appear holy!"

"Praise you, the great master of primordial conception, you must bless us!"

All hearts pray.


Suddenly, the altar lit up with holy rays of light.

Three animals and six animals turned into beasts, and tanks and planes turned into terrifying steel giants!


Everyone was startled, their eyes glazed over.

Livestock turned into mythical beasts, airplanes and tanks turned into steel giants?

Am I dreaming?

Is this the mighty power of the gods?

Attunement to all things?

Can you give life to dead things?

"God...a miracle!"

"The Lord of Primordial Mist has manifested!"

"We are saved!"

"Lord of Primordial Mist, bless you!"

All believers keep kowtowing and prostrating.





Amidst their prayers and cheers, a thunderbolt exploded between heaven and earth.

Everyone raised their heads involuntarily.

A round of bright moon hangs high.

Holy moonlight pours down.



Like a gorgeous galaxy.

Everyone held their breath and widened their eyes.

God, has it come?

The moonlight is like water.

A graceful figure appeared above the bright moon.

She seems far away.

But no matter from which corner of the earth, everyone can see her figure.

She is like the center of heaven and earth.

The hazy and graceful figure came under the moonlight, and stood on the galaxy evolved from the altar, exuding a hazy and holy light all over his body.

Can't see clearly.

It's like looking at flowers in a fog.

But the looming graceful figure, the snow-white skin like jade.

Even if you can't see her face, you can already imagine what kind of a fairy and goddess this is.

Everyone looked up at the sky with astonishment in their eyes.

Is this the Lord of Primordial Origin?

Yao Xi stood in the void and looked down at the earth, like a nine-day goddess coming to the dust, peerless.

A golden dharma object slowly unfolded in her hands, and a majestic and grand voice sounded:

"The believer Liu Peiqiang has meritorious service in preaching and offering sacrifices, and he is bestowed with the position of a god envoy in this world. He has been cultivated for ten thousand years, and has three skills and supernatural powers."

Liu Peiqiang said with all his heart that what he wanted was not these.

But he didn't speak. The gods are all-knowing and omnipotent, so they should know that he wants to save the earth, right?

The Great Elder and others next to him also raised their hearts to their throats.

Extremely nervous.

Just when they couldn't help but want to ask the gods to save the earth.

Yao Xi's voice continued to sound:

"Give this world the sun and regain its vitality!"


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