Become a God and Join the Chat Group

Chapter 4 My Monkey King's Strongest Cub

"Give this world the sun and regain its vitality!"

In the sky, the rays of light are endless, and the clouds are hundreds of millions of miles away.

on the ground.

Everything recovers, a hundred flowers bloom, and the lush vegetation rises in the wind.

Dirty rivers become clear, and schools of fish jump in the rough sea.

In the blink of an eye, this earth has a new look, is full of vitality, and is full of vitality everywhere.

Everyone is healthy, as if soaking in the ocean of life.


Don't wait for them to cheer excitedly.

Covered by colorful clouds, the gorgeous sun suddenly trembled, shining brightly, and the warm and warm sunshine shone everywhere.

this moment.

The people don't know what happened to the Tai ** body, nor do they understand the changes, but they just have a feeling...

The sun 'comes to life' again!

It's like rejuvenating from old age, full of vitality and vitality.

Everyone was shocked and excited.

The power of the gods is so terrifying.

Words follow the law, and even a single sentence makes the sun return to 'young'.



"Thanks to the great Master of Primordial Conception!"

Liu Peiqiang, Grand Commander and others thanked excitedly.

Not only them, everyone in the world saw it, and they shouted in unison: "Thank you, the great Lord of Primordial Conception!"

The vast and majestic power of faith is like a bright galaxy converging towards the Kingdom of God.

Yao Xi stopped in the void, overlooking the surroundings.

The golden decree in her hand fell, and all believers were bathed in the divine light, free from all diseases, their physique soared, and all living beings thrived.

"I hope you will continue to work hard, and don't disappoint my lord's high expectations."

Yao Xi disappeared into the sky with the divine light and all the sacrifices.

The sky returned to calm.

a long time.

a long time.

All the people got up from the ground and felt the clear and natural smell in the air. Everyone burst into tears and cheered.

"Thanks to the great Master of Primordial Conception!"

"My terminal illness was cured!"

"Thanks to the Lord of Primordial Origin, not only saved the sun, but also made the pollution of the earth disappear. This fresh air is really refreshing!"

"I want to erect a statue to worship the Lord of Primordial Origin, and worship day and night!"

A joyous atmosphere enveloped every corner of the earth. Liu Peiqiang, the Commander, and other high-level officials of the Yan Kingdom looked at the cheering people around them, and their eyes were full of relief and joy.

"The Lord of Primordial Mist is really great and generous, thank you Lord of Primordial Conception!"

The commander-in-chief said with deep emotion.

Before the sacrifice, he was also a little worried.

In case the Lord of Primordial Mist is an evil god...

But they have no other choice.

The sun is about to be destroyed, and the possibility of the success of the Wandering Earth Project is very small, it is better to give it a go.


They bet right.

The Lord of Primordial Origin is really a great, immortal and kind god.

none of them.

Liu Peiqiang felt joy in his heart, and he completely relaxed.

The end is over.

The Lord of Grandmist is too great.

It's so unpredictable.


He consciously entered the chat group.

Wandering little broken ball: "Thanks to the great Lord of Primordial Conception, the disaster is finally over, meeting God is the luckiest thing in my life!"

Sect Master Yunlan: "What Lieutenant Colonel Liu said is true, meeting God is also the greatest luck in my life. My greatest wish now is to preach for my Lord, so that I can ascend to the kingdom of God and serve God!"

Tu Shan's second head: "Hey, I want to serve the gods too!"

Demon Queen: "Add one."

Xuansi Sleeping Little Dragon Girl: "Add one."

God's son: "A superficial woman, you know how to be greedy for my master's body..."

Tu Shan's second in command: "Gouzi, say it again? Threatening little eyes.jpg."

Sect Master Yunlan: "Threatening little eyes.jpg."

Demon Queen: "Threatening little eyes.jpg."

Gouzi of Shangshen: "Hey, ladies and sisters, I made a mistake, I kowtow to beg for mercy.jpg."

The overlord of the world will: "Goofy, you are really embarrassing us men, you have softened so quickly, you despise .jpg."

Ye Tiandi: "Has the dog ever been tough? Do you have any questions?"

Lustful Immortal of Hama Mountain: "It's not very harmful, but it's extremely insulting."

The King of the Demon King: "It's not very harmful, but it's extremely insulting."

Head of Huashan: "Demon King, how is your world preaching in Wu Gengji?"

Descendant of the Dayan royal family: "I'm envious of the boss who found the new world!"

King of Demon Kings: "Humans, Hades, and Protoss all believe in my god, and are preparing to sacrifice to my lord!"

Head of Huashan: "Congratulations to the Demon King, you have preached another world."

Lord of Great Qin: "Congratulations to the Demon King, you have preached another world."


Wu Gengji world.

Holy area.

A huge altar rose from the ground.





The king of demon kings, Sun Wukong, stands in front of the altar

, eyes full of excitement.

Behind him are the protoss, the underworld powerhouses, and countless believers of the two races.

at the same time.

The picture here is also projected over Chaoge City through the great supernatural power.

A sacrificial altar was also built in Chaoge City, and Emperor Yi of Shang led numerous believers of the human race to sacrifice together.

"The auspicious time has come, let's offer sacrifices!"

Following the sound of Monkey King, the king of demon kings, the warriors of the Protoss and Hades will put the sacrifices they have prepared on the altar.

"I don't know if the Lord of Primordial Mist will come? If so, what kind of style will it be?"

Heilong looked at the majestic altar in front of him with complicated eyes and mixed feelings in his heart.

After he was defeated by Monkey King of the Demon King, he thought he would surely die, but unexpectedly, Monkey King of the Demon King did not kill him, but instead made him believe in a god.

If it were just him, he wouldn't give in.

But he still has the White Dragon.

He has worked hard for 100,000 years, and seeing that Bailong is about to be completely resurrected, he doesn't want Bailong to die with him again before he is fully resurrected.


He has no choice.

What's more, Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, told him that as long as he believed in the Lord of Hongmeng, he could completely resurrect the white dragon.

He is very curious about the Lord of Primordial Origin.

Although I saw it when I recited "Visual Thoughts", seeing it with my own eyes and seeing it with my consciousness are completely different things.

The white dragon looked calm, standing quietly beside the black dragon, graceful and elegant.

Because of the battle between the black dragon and the king of monsters, Monkey King, she also woke up.

However, due to time constraints, she has not been fully resurrected.

It won't be long before he dies.

And because of the early awakening, even the black dragon couldn't save her this time.

Whether he can survive or not depends on the Primordial Master.

"Dancing with the wind..."

Walking against the sky and watching the dancing with the wind walking up to the altar, I feel a little complicated.

He knew that Dancing with the Wind agreed to Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, to save him.

But that's all.

They can't go back on their word.

What's more, Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, wants to dance with the wind, not to enjoy himself, but to sacrifice to the master of primordial origin.

If it is true as Monkey King, the king of demon kings, said, offering sacrifices can result in a huge transformation, a skyrocketing cultivation base, and ascending to the Kingdom of God, which is not bad.

Among the Ming clan, Xing Xingyou Tear, who walked up to the altar with Dancing with the Wind, didn't care.

After them are the God Clan Angel Sage King, the High Priest Xinyuekui, and the Shenyin Department Xinyuehu, Peacock and Alan.

Finally, there is an ordinary-looking human girl——Cabbage.

"There doesn't seem to be anything unusual about this human peasant girl, she is the daughter of destiny!"

Black Dragon, White Dragon, Xuanfeng Sacred King, Zhenchan Sacred King, Walk Against the Sky, Iron Blood Warriors and other powerhouses of the gods and ghosts looked at the cabbage with curiosity in their eyes.

They were not surprised that Xinyuehu was the daughter of destiny.

But whether Cabbage's cultivation, temperament, or birth ability, which one can compare with the powerhouses of their gods and ghosts?

Angel Saint King, Xinyuekui, Peacock, Dancing with the Wind, Indifferent, Star Tears, any one of them can hang and beat her.

"Perhaps this is the gap!"

They didn't see the strangeness of the cabbage, it could only be attributed to their lack of strength.

After all, it is impossible for Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, to lie to them about this kind of thing.

What's more, there is no benefit in lying to them.

"The sacrifice begins."

"Everyone follow me to pray to the supreme and great Lord of Primordial Conception!"

Watching Xinyuehu, Tianshen Wang and others walk up to the altar, Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, said excitedly.

He seemed to have seen the reward of the Primordial Lord beckoning to him.

"After today, my king of demon kings, Sun Wukong, will be the strongest boy in the chat group!"


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