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Chapter 11 Selling Counterfeit Medicines

Above the sky, blue sky and white clouds.

Li Fuyanluo's slender and toned beautiful body stood indifferently, motionless like a mountain, and an invisible aura enveloped all directions.

Thousands of mountains and rivers are shaking.

Birds and beasts were all crawling on the ground, trembling with fear.

In the entire wasteland, in the depths of the souls of all living beings, a valiant and valiant figure emerged.

"Is this the real God?"

Countless creatures trembled.

At the foot of Mount Yi, hundreds of thousands of cultivators had already knelt down under invisible pressure.

Even human emperors such as the Fire Emperor and the Stone Emperor are no exception.

"What kind of realm is this?"

Fire Emperor, Stone Emperor, Witch, Yuechan and others were extremely shocked,

They watched the white tiger gods and other ancient divine mountain gods and countless ancient relics, and suddenly lost all their vitality and fell like puppets.

They didn't see the White Tiger Divine Sovereign being attacked, but they all died strangely in an instant.

Such means make them fearful.

The four terrifying beasts, Qiong Qi, Swallowing Sparrow, Suzaku, and Zhu Yan, were also in awe and inexplicable. They knew that Li Fuyanluo was very strong and unimaginable.

But this kind of murder is really weird.

Ignoring everyone's fear, Li Fuyanluo looked at two beautiful and moving figures.

A person is as cold as the moon, holy as a fairy, with a veil on his face, and his temperament is cold, like a snow lotus in the Tianshan Mountains.

One person has bright red lips, a graceful figure, and a long silver-white fox tail on the back, which is charming and attractive.

The moment the two looked at Li Fuyanluo, a great terror rose in their hearts, and they felt as if they had been stripped naked and placed in front of each other, and all their secrets had been seen through.

Their proud talents, all kinds of trump cards.

It's useless at this moment.


Such a thought arose in their minds at the same time.

follow closely.

Their bodies flew uncontrollably towards Li Fuyanluo.

"Mending the sky to teach Yuechan, I have seen Li Fuxing Master."

Yuechan calmed herself down, slightly bowed her hands to Li Fuyanluo, behaved politely, and moved out of her backstage at the same time.

"Hehe, I come from Jietian Sect. I have a nickname called Fairy Tianhu, and some people call me a witch. I have seen Fairy Li Fu."

The witch smiled slightly, with a cunning and quirky look.

In fact, I was panicking inside.

But blessing is not a disaster, it is a disaster that cannot be avoided.

"Do you know why I'm looking for you?"

Li Fuyanluo asked.

While speaking, her divine power carried the two of them to walk in the void, and it was dozens of miles away in one step.

"Also ask the seniors to make it clear!"

Yuechan arched her hands.

She had many guesses in her mind, but none of them were sure.

She knew too little about Hongmeng Sect and Li Fuyanluo.

Impossible to speculate at all.

"I want to sacrifice you to my Lord!"

Li Fuyanluo went straight to the subject and got straight to the point.

The expressions of the two women changed slightly.

They thought about a lot of possibilities.

The only thing I didn't expect was that this terrifying Valkyrie actually coveted their bodies!

The witch smiled lightly and said in the same voice as Yuechan: "Senior is joking, our posture of Pu Liu, our mana is low, how can we be worthy of the Lord of Hongmeng."

Li Fuyanluo's expression did not change, and he said lightly, "You really are not worthy of it."

Witch: "..."

Yuechan: "..."

They were a little resentful.

Even in the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm, they are one of the best daughters of the heavens.

They were just polite, but you took it seriously.

Li Fuyanluo's face was still calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

She continued: "You want to be jealous of my lord's body, but it's not that easy, even if I haven't been blessed by my lord."


Yuechan and the witch were a little surprised.

Could it be that the Lord of Hongmeng can't do it?

Li Fuyanluo is powerful and beautiful, and the heroic spirit between his eyebrows is something that many women do not have.

It is easy to arouse a man's desire to conquer.

They couldn't figure out why Li Fuyanluo told them this.


They remained silent.

"Do you know how I became my lord's subordinate?" Li Fuyanluo asked.


The two of them moved in their hearts. They were not stupid. Thinking of what Li Fuyanluo said before, a bold guess appeared in their minds.

"Senior was sacrificed?" Yuechan and the witch asked.

Li Fuyanluo was so strong that he was sacrificed to the Lord of Hongmeng.

This is too scary.


Li Fuyanluo nodded: "Actually, when I was sacrificed, my cultivation was probably equivalent to killing me in your world or escaping."

"What? Kill me or escape?"

Yuechan and the witch widened their eyes.

They knew that Li Fuyanluo was strong, but they didn't expect it to be so strong.

The realm of this world is divided. Above the Venerable are Shenhuo realm (pseudo-god), Shinichi (true god), holy sacrifice (transition realm, can be skipped), god of heaven (those who have passed the holy sacrificial god-king robbery are called god-king), and the virtual way (the leader), behead

I (full name is Zhan I Mingdao Realm), Dunyi, Supreme.

The Heavenly God Realm is already a big man in the three thousand states of the upper realm, and he can easily kill hundreds of millions of living beings.

The Void Dao Realm, that is, the leader level, is even more terrifying. It is the ancestor of a sect and is a real giant.

Slash Me Realm, this is in the upper realm, it can be said to be an overlord, a giant among giants.

As for the escape, in this era when the Supreme Being does not exist, it is almost synonymous with invincibility. It is regarded as taboo, cannot be offended, cannot be desecrated, and is extremely noble.

The final Supreme Realm is too ethereal, and even in the Upper Realm, there are endless years without the Supreme appearing.

According to rumors, the Diguan in the borderland of the three thousand states has a supreme authority.

They are from the great sect of the upper realm, and their sect master is only in the virtual realm.

They even wanted to use their background to suppress Li Fuyanluo before.

It's ridiculous.

They did not suspect that Li Fuyanluo lied to them.

They were like ants in front of Li Fuyanluo, and there was no need to lie to them.

"No wonder I felt that the other party was more terrifying than the leader, but I didn't expect it to be so."

Yuechan and the witch were secretly shocked.

With a new understanding of the Lord of Hongmeng, the other party is likely to be a supreme, or even a legendary fairy.

"It's really nothing."

Li Fuyanluo looked at Yuechan and the witch, as if he saw himself back then.

"As long as you make sacrifices, under the supreme power and gift of my lord, your cultivation will soar to a level that you can't imagine."

"Becoming an immortal is only the most basic. With your aptitude and background, you can at least become an immortal king in your world, and even a quasi-immortal emperor and immortal emperor is not impossible."

"Immortal King?"

Yuechan and the witch suddenly felt dizzy.

Immortals are already legends, let alone the immortal king who is aloof.

As for the quasi-immortal emperor and the immortal emperor, they had never heard of it.

But it can be guessed that it must be a terrifying existence above the Immortal King.


They seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Li Fuyanluo.

Li Fuyanluo seemed to know what they were thinking, and said, "Thanks to the gift of my lord, my current cultivation level is probably equivalent to that of the Immortal Emperor in your world."

"Above the Immortal Emperor?"

These four words sounded like a thunderbolt in their minds, and an inexplicable chill surged through them.

It's like touching a taboo.

The word Immortal Emperor seems to be taboo.

Can't mention.

Can't even think, can't think.

"how can that be?"

Looking back, Yuechan and the witch were unbelievable.

Li Fuyanluo said that she was killing me or escaping. Although they were shocked, it was not unacceptable.

But after offering sacrifices to the Lord of Hongmeng, the cultivation level skyrocketed to the level of the Immortal Emperor?

They can't imagine.

It's also hard to believe.

"When Sister Yan came to our world, she told me about sacrificing my lord, and I had the same expression as you."

"Thinking about it now, sacrificing to my lord is the luckiest thing in my life, no one!"

Li Fuyanluo said with emotion.

"Senior, is the Yan sister you said the same messenger as you are now? You were the same as we are now? What kind of realm is that Yan sister?"

The witch and Yuechan asked curiously.

"Yes, the world I was born in and your world are completely different worlds, not the relationship between the lower realm and the upper realm, but two completely different worlds, separated by an infinite chaotic void!"

"Sister Yan is not from our world. She was actually sacrificed, and then came to our world as the messenger of my lord."

"Sister Yan's cultivation base is probably equivalent to the Immortal Emperor in your world, but in our world, she is an invincible existence!"

While speaking, Li Fuyanluo had brought the two daughters to the Fire Nation, a mysterious valley near Yaodu.

In this valley, there are countless arrays, and it is suspected that there is a sacred ancient medicine planted in the center of the array.

The witch and Yuechan saw Li Fuyanluo stop and looked at the valley curiously.

"These symbols are so mysterious, they are not weaker than the sacred mountain of my Heaven Mending Sect in the lower realm."

Yuechan frowned, deeply surprised, what the hell is this place, is it true that one of the ten murderers perished?

"The wasteland is really mysterious. There is such a valley of gods. I have never heard of it before." The witch also said in surprise.

"Of course it is mysterious here. The first spiritual root of the upper realm is here, and now it is the clone of an immortal king giant."

Li Fuyanluo said.

"What, the first spiritual root of the upper realm is here? Or is it the clone of the immortal king giant?"

When the witch heard the words, her eyes were shining, and she was about to rush in to capture the spiritual root, but when she thought of the clone of the immortal king giant, she suddenly felt cold.

Immortal King, that is the supreme existence in the legend overlooking the reincarnation of the era.

Even if it is a clone, it is terrifying.

10,000 hers added up, not enough to kill with one look.

Yuechan was also shocked. I didn't expect that there was the first spiritual root of the upper realm here, and it was also a clone of an immortal king giant?

The news was so shocking.

However, the two reacted immediately.

They looked at Li Fuyanluo with burning eyes: "Senior, you are here.


"Yes, sacrifice her to my lord!" Li Fuyanluo nodded and said directly.


Yuechan and the witch took a breath, and the giant immortal king sacrificed to the Lord of Hongmeng?

Only seniors can say such shocking words so calmly.

"Let's go in."

Li Fuyanluo walked forward with the two of them: "Although there is the ninth killing formation in the upper realm, to me, it is useless!"

"Hey! The ninth killing formation in the upper realm?"

When Yuechan and the witch heard the words, they were both frightened and their scalps went numb.

They did not expect that this divine valley was so terrifying, with such a terrifying fierce formation.

They followed Li Fuyanluo tremblingly, trembling with fear, for fear that the next moment a great formation would erupt, and they would surely die without a place to be buried.

Li Fuyanluo walked into the valley, Yuechan and the witch followed behind him.

in the valley.

Immortal mist filled the air, the spiritual energy was extremely strong, and there were many precious and strange medicines.

There are also many ancient fairy palaces, located in the mist, looming.

The eyes of Li Fuyanluo, Yuechan, and the witch fell on a mysterious plant in the middle of the valley.

This is a small tree, about a foot high, shrouded in a hazy fairy mist, filled with divine brilliance, as if surrounded by a galaxy.

There are three flowers growing on the small tree, two of which are bright and rainy.

One turned into a fist-sized little man, jumping and jumping.

The other flower is condensed into a magical instrument, very flaming, and is wrapped in a mass of light.

That magical instrument, like a tower, like a tripod, and like a furnace, is unpredictable and wonderful.

The last flower remained motionless, hanging on a branch, shrouded in layers of mist, the most mysterious.

After seeing the three of Li Fuyanluo come in, the little man who was jumping and jumping immediately turned a somersault and sat cross-legged under the small tree, motionless, as if he was cultivating, with a dignified atmosphere.


The magic weapon made of the second flower made a vibrato like a bell, penetrating the void.

The hearts of Yuechan and the witch were shocked, and they suddenly felt light and light, and their souls gradually became quiet, and they almost fell into the realm of enlightenment.

"Hey! This is the first spiritual root in the upper realm?"

Yuechan and the witch were shocked, the effect was simply too amazing.

Just hearing a figure, almost fell into enlightenment.

They were even more curious and looked at it carefully.

The little tree was silent, and the third flower above was shrouded in mist, the most mysterious.

The fist-high villain sat cross-legged under a small tree about a foot tall, as if he was enlightened.

The magic weapon made of the second flower hangs above the villain's head, and it seems to have turned into a furnace. "Magma" flows out from the furnace mouth and falls on the figure below.

It seems that he is tempering himself.

"Is this the first spiritual root in the upper realm? It's really mysterious and extraordinary."

Yuechan and the witch, staring at this scene, were amazed in their hearts.

It's just a tree, and it has such a miraculous sight, no wonder it is the first spiritual root in the upper realm.


It may also be because this spiritual root has been transformed into the clone of the fairy king giant, so there is such a magical sight.

"Who are you?"

In the eyes of the dignified little man with treasure, two bright golden lights suddenly burst out, staring at Li Fuyanluo.

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