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Chapter Twelve The Butcher's Shock

"Who are you?"

The dignified little man with Baoxiang stared at Li Fuyanluo, his eyes dignified and excited.

Although he is now in a bizarre state of nirvana.

The body is divided into six.

This is just a clone of him.

The strength is greatly reduced.

Even the strength of the Immortal King is difficult to exert.

But his body is a giant at the peak of the Immortal King.

Almost one foot entered the realm of quasi-immortal emperor.

It can be called the ceiling of combat power in this world.

His knowledge and perception are extraordinary.

Li Fuyanluo gave her a feeling that could not be described in any words.

Also dangerous.

Even if his six major avatars are unified and return to their heyday, it is estimated that he is not an opponent.

Could it be that this is... an emperor?

The idea is too scary.

He couldn't believe it for a moment.

"Li Fuyanluo, the messenger of the Lord of Hongmeng."

When the voice fell, the dignified little man with Bao Xiang shrank his pupils, and a storm surged in his heart.

He couldn't determine Li Fuyanluo's realm, and he didn't know whether the other party had broken through to the legendary emperor realm.

But even if there is no breakthrough, the other party is a giant immortal king who is not weaker than him.

Such a strong man turned out to be the subordinate of the Lord of Hongmeng.

How powerful should the Lord of Hongmeng be?

Is it God?

Only the emperor can control such a legendary powerhouse, right?

"Is it Immortal Emperor?"

Li Fuyanluo knew the obsession of the strong in this world with the emperor.

She couldn't help thinking of another immortal king peak giant with the same name as the counterfeit medicine seller in front of her - a chicken breeder.

The strength of the cultivation base reaches a level, and the luck itself is extremely powerful and terrifying, which can be called destiny.

Like Zhetian World, those great emperors and ancient emperors can be said to have extremely strong luck and can be called the destiny of walking.


This immortal king peak giant who raises chickens is also comparable to the daughter of destiny.

Li Fuyanluo was very interested in her.

And the counterfeit medicine in front of him is equivalent to a top-grade magical medicine, or a top-grade magical medicine that carries the destiny.

"Want to see God?"

Li Fuyanluo said lightly.

"Who? Could it be the Lord of Hongmeng?" The man selling fake medicine asked in a deep voice.

"My lord is not Dikobi!"

With awe, admiration, and admiration in Li Fuyanluo's eyes, he said, "I will take you to see the emperor of your world!"

The voice fell, and the power of the Dao that could not be described in any words fell on the seller of fake medicine, and the seller was shocked.

He instinctively wanted to resist, but he felt that the power was like an emperor, vast and unbelievable.

In front of this power, his power is like firefly and sun and moon.

He wants to recall his other five clones, and then the six clones fuse and return to their peak.

But he failed.

He couldn't sense other clones.

"how can that be?"

The counterfeit medicine seller was shocked. He lived one era after another, overlooking the eternal cycle of reincarnation and pursuing the road above the Immortal King.

Except for the end of the world, that dark place, he dare not set foot in, there is no secret to him in the world.

Unexpectedly, one day, he will be under the hands of a mysterious powerhouse, without the slightest resistance.

"This is... this is the realm?"

Suddenly, the fake medicine seller saw the surrounding scene clearly, and his eyes were full of horror.

Unexpectedly, Li Fuyanluo brought him from the barren realm of the lower realm to the realm of the realm in an instant.


The witch and Yuechan were also brought over. The two women's beautiful big eyes looked around curiously, like curious babies.

The world is full of turbulent waves, and a single wave is a broken world, carrying the breath of billions of years, and the two of them are dazzled and dazzled.


Suddenly, an unparalleled aura burst out, sweeping across the four directions, causing shocking waves in the sea of ​​​​boundary.

One after another, the immortal king-level antiques were disturbed, and the horrified eyes forgot to come.

"It's him!"

"Selling fake medicines!"

"What does he want to do when he appears here?"

An extremely ancient fairy king giant recognized the identity of selling fake medicine, widened his eyes, and was extremely horrified.

I saw five terrifying and mysterious fairy lights falling from a distant unknown place, and finally landed on the counterfeit medicine seller beside Li Fuyanluo.

this moment.

Li Fuyanluo let go of the ban on selling counterfeit medicines, and the latter's five clones were instantly summoned.


The fusion of the six clones, the terrifying aura of the Immortal King's peak swept the sky and the ground, sweeping the eight wastes and six together, and the universe would be overturned.


Yuechan and the witch's beautiful red lips were wide open. Although they were sheltered by Li Fuyanluo, they also felt an unparalleled pressure from selling fake medicines.

If it wasn't for Li Fuyanluo's protection, they would probably have already knelt down.

Involuntarily, from the surrender of the soul, I bowed to him and bowed to him.

Even if they didn't want to, they couldn't help it, their legs were weak, their souls were trembling, and they wanted to kneel down.

This is a kind of coercion, just like a weak beast seeing a beastmaster, born in awe, and has to surrender.

"This is the

The fairy king you were talking about? "

"It's so scary!"

The two were horrified and inexplicable. They saw that the seller of counterfeit medicine merged with the six clones into one, with a terrifying fairy light shrouded in the body, and the symbols of the avenue were bright and dense, guarding their own bodies.

That kind of terror and power, indescribable, indescribable.


Suddenly, in front of the counterfeit medicines, two figures appeared and landed.

"Butcher, chicken breeder!"

Someone screamed.

These two creatures are also very powerful, with a terrifying fairy light shrouding their bodies, and the symbols of the avenue are bright and dense, shaking the eternal cycle of reincarnation.

"What’s wrong with you?"

The butcher looked at the counterfeit medicine seller with some doubts.

This is a burly man with bronze skin and messy hair. He is carrying a bow and arrow on his back.

This person is stronger than other giants, and he is only a little short of becoming a quasi-immortal emperor.

Even, his body was surrounded by a layer of brilliance that surpassed the level of the Immortal King, protecting him from extinction.

It's a pity, after all, it's a thin line, unable to really set foot in the field of the quasi-immortal emperor.

Selling counterfeit medicines is similar to him.

According to the information he has learned, the other way to sell counterfeit medicines is to divide the body into six pieces and turn them into six magical medicines, imitating different methods in the world, hoping to break through the bottleneck in this way.

Now the six clones who sell fake medicines are unified, but their cultivation has not improved at all. Is it because they are in danger?

While speaking, the butcher's eyes fell on Li Fuyanluo.

He couldn't see through Li Fuyanluo's cultivation, but as a giant at the peak of the Immortal King, he faintly felt an extremely dangerous aura.

"Who are you?"

The chicken breeder also looked at Li Fuyanluo and asked the question that the counterfeit medicine seller had asked before.

This is an absolutely beautiful woman.

She seems to stand in the long river of time, hazy.

Unparalleled elegance and inviolability.

The runes of the avenue are incomparably bright and dense, submerging them, with a majestic coercion, people can't help but feel awe, and they can't help but want to kneel directly and worship them devoutly.

Li Fuyanluo did not answer.

The counterfeit medicine seller hurriedly sent a voice transmission to the two of them, saying:

"She called herself Li Fuyanluo, the messenger of the Lord of Hongmeng, and said she wanted to take me to see the emperor. Her strength is terrifying, and she can easily isolate the induction between each of my clones..."

The counterfeit medicine seller told the butcher and the chicken breeder about everything he met with Li Fuyanluo.

The two were equally shocked!

"You want to go to the dark place?"

The butcher looked at Li Fuyanluo in surprise. As the supreme overlord among the immortal kings, they knew that there was an emperor in the dark place at the end of the world.

But they never dared to go there.

They thought that Li Fuyanluo was a creature eroded by darkness, but they didn't feel the breath of darkness, but instead had a majestic, domineering, holy and holy temperament.

This shows that Li Fuyanluo is not a creature eroded by darkness.

"Don't you want to see the emperor too? Just today I will take you to see and see."

Li Fuyanluo's voice was calm and indifferent, but it was filled with a will that could not be violated.

"The horror of the dark place is not something you can imagine. Even if you are invincible in the Immortal King Realm, wherever you go, you will die without life..."

The butcher wanted to say something, but found that his body was wrapped in a mysterious and terrifying force towards the end of the sea of ​​​​boundary, which is the source of darkness.

Not only him, but also the chicken breeder, the counterfeit medicine seller, Yuechan and the witch were all taken.

" this the power of the emperor?"

Butchers, chicken breeders, and counterfeit medicine sellers were extremely shocked. Originally, they felt that Li Fuyan was stronger than them, but they didn't expect it to be so much stronger.

They didn't even have the slightest resistance.

Especially those selling counterfeit medicines.

At first he thought that he didn't have the power to resist before because he was not full of strength, just a clone.

Unexpectedly, after all the clones were united, he still had no resistance in front of Li Fuyanluo.

Even they couldn't understand how powerful that was.


"This must be the Emperor!"

"Only the emperor has this kind of power."

The butcher, the seller of counterfeit medicines, and the chicken farmer were not panicked at the moment, but rather excited.

This is a god.

Hard to find.

Even if they live one epoch after another, they have come to an end in the Immortal King Realm and can be called the overlord of the Immortal King Realm.

But never saw God.

"No wonder she dared to enter the dark place, so she has become an emperor!"

"And she turned out to be the subordinate of the Lord of Hongmeng, and the Lord of Hongmeng must also be an emperor, these are two emperors!"

Butchers, chicken breeders, and counterfeit medicine sellers get excited. They hate the dark place, and every time the dark turmoil is a disaster.

The bones became a sea, the blood flowed into a river, and endless creatures fell.

If they can solve the dark place, even if they die in battle, they will die without regrets.

Not to mention being able to fight side by side with the Emperor.

What kind of honor is this?

Time and space turn.

Li Fuyanluo walked with the five butchers over the Boundary Sea like a leisurely court.

Even the immortal king giant is afraid of the storm of fear to her like a breeze,

No impact at all.


Suddenly, time turns, the world changes, and it seems to come to the end of the sea.

A gray dam lies ahead, and it really comes to this end of the world!

Li Fuyanluo fell into the sea of ​​​​boundary, stepping on the sea, staring ahead.

A huge embankment became a barrier, and there seemed to be a vast expanse of territory behind.

However, it was pitch black there, and even the quasi-immortal emperor could only see a vague outline. The laws here were different, and it was not simple.

Butchers, chicken breeders, and medicine sellers looked at the dyke ahead with awe and complexity in their eyes.

There were islands far behind them, dotted with dots, reefs, and boulders, standing on the sea.

Where are some creatures hiding.

But without exception, they are all terrifying powerhouses of the Immortal King level.

"How is it possible, what age is this master, why is there a terrifying sense of oppression?"

"That's the butcher, the chicken breeder, and the counterfeit medicine!"

"Why are there two mortals?"

On the islands, there are creatures who open their eyes suddenly. They are a bit terrifyingly old, and they don't know how many epochs they have been sitting here.

At this time, they all woke up one after another, staring forward in shock.

Looking at Li Fuyan Luo's six-member group, his eyes were full of shock, doubt and puzzlement.

The three butchers are the overlords of the Immortal Kings, and many of them know each other.

But no one knows Li Fuyanluo, but no matter from Li Fuyanluo's position or his temperament, he can feel absolutely terrifying.

Stronger than the three butchers.

It's just the two 'ants' in the human realm, Yuechan and the Witch, that make them extremely puzzled.

It's like two kittens mixed in with a group of tigers.

It's kind of weird.

Li Fuyanluo ignored the creatures around him, and didn't even pause. As he walked forward, he was about to step on the dam.


"Don't be reckless!"


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