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Chapter 13 If you don't worship the emperor, your life is lost


"Don't be reckless!"

From the rear, there was a loud roar, and they were very anxious. Those creatures were all terrified, and they all retreated to the back of the island, avoiding something.


In the next moment, the sky was torn apart, and ghosts were crying. This place was like the end of the world, and the black chain of order turned into a storm.

It is said to be a hurricane, but it is actually a law, an order, and a symbol of the avenue. All kinds of rune ripples gather together, and then go crazy and ravage the world.

Even the Immortal King can't stop this storm!

It originated from the back of the dam, and there was a force of taboo in the shock, oppressing people to suffocate.

Butchers, chicken breeders, and counterfeit medicine sellers are all facing the enemy, with immortal light shining on their bodies, endless runes flashing, and they instinctively want to resist.

Yuechan and the witch were pale, and even with Li Fuyanluo's shelter, the terrifying aura still made them terrified and horrified.



Hard to imagine.

In that black storm, there are Immortal King weapons floating, blowing out of the sea, and then bursting in the void, completely destroyed.

It is conceivable that too many things have happened in the past billions of years. A group of the most powerful creatures have come here, but they have died tragically.

Even their weapons sank into the sea!

too strong.

The horror of this avenue storm, the weapons of the giants in the fairy king can't stop it, and it will shatter here, which means that the king's flesh and blood cannot bear it.

The creatures hiding on the island are miserable one by one. If the island is not special and it is a natural barrier, they will all die.

Even so, some people's faces turned pale, the dark storm, the avenue symbols were densely packed, and some of them eroded the island, which was a fatal threat to them.

"Is this the power of the emperor?"

Butchers, counterfeit medicine sellers, and chicken keepers were overwhelmed, and they found it hard to resist the force.


However, just when they were about to resist desperately, Li Fuyanluo, who was walking at the forefront, took action.

She didn't move.

Beautiful red lips softly spit out a word.

This word is like the sky, like the earth, like the universe.

The avenue storm was instantly suppressed.

Even the storm that the Immortal King was about to fall was suppressed by a word and dissipated invisible.


The three of the butchers who were about to do their best were stunned, as if they had punched cotton, and their eyes were full of horror.

"This is……"

"An emperor?!"

The creatures hiding behind the island were equally shocked, staring at a pair of terrified eyes of vicissitudes, and their hearts turned overturned.

Is this God?

So terrifying.

Some creatures wanted to follow him, but Li Fuyanluo wrapped the butcher and a few people, took one step, and stepped onto the dam.

The terrifying avenue storm resurfaced, but before it got close, it was suppressed and annihilated by an invisible force.

Immortal king-level creatures rushed up from the rear, but they were torn apart by the storm on the avenue, turned into a cloud of blood, and disappeared between heaven and earth.


Seeing this scene, countless creatures who wanted to follow him sighed and gave up the idea of ​​following up.

behind the dam.

dark place.

True to its name.

It was pitch black.

There is no end in sight.

It seems to be outside the edge of the universe.

There is no life here, and there is no flow of essence. It is dead and dead, like a country of death.

The most terrifying thing is that the law of the Great Dao has changed. If other Immortal Kings come here, although they will not lose their way, they will also encounter big trouble.

If you want to adapt to this place, you need to try hard and sense the rules of the avenue here.

Otherwise, its own legal body may collapse!

But these are not worth mentioning to Li Fuyanluo, the pinnacle of God Emperor.

She walked in the dark place with butchers, chicken breeders, counterfeit medicine sellers, Yuechan and witches. No matter it was dark creatures or dark forces, nothing could get close to her.

She was surrounded by divine light, invincible, sacred and majestic.

Butchers, counterfeit medicine sellers and chicken breeders have never been to this dark place.

At this moment, they are like curious babies, carefully comprehending the laws of the Great Dao and the changes in the world.

The vast black territory is boundless, and everywhere is bare, and there is no trace of vitality.

Boundless, hundreds of millions of miles of territory, disappeared under Li Fuyanluo's feet.

She has long hair and a shawl, a jade hairpin on her head, her hands are light white, and her body is slender and slender, like a jade-carved fairy goddess.

The divine light shines, and the heroism is beautiful.

A pair of star eyes, like an endless starry sky, deep and beautiful.

"This is……"

Suddenly, the butcher saw the buildings in front of them, magnificent and huge.

I don't know which era it was built in. It is majestic and shocking, but all living beings will be suppressed when they come here, and they can't help but surrender and bow down.

"There are rumors in the world that you have to cross the dark place to see the ultimate ancient land. Is that a legend or a historical fact?"

The butcher, the chicken breeder, and the counterfeit medicine stared at them, they felt a kind of oppression here, and they wanted to make him surrender and kneel down!

If it wasn't for Li Fuyanluo's support, they wouldn't be able to handle this kind of power at all.

There is no doubt that this is the power of the emperor!

As they approached, their hearts were shocked, and they saw a stele, covered in blood, with two big characters written: Heavenly Court!

The blood is black, and the stone tablet carries the rune fragments of time, flowing with the power of the source of darkness.

"Dark Heaven!"

The three butchers trembled, and they were both frightened and excited.

Every cell trembled.

Yuechan and the witch were trembling with fear, and the two of them hugged Li Fuyanluo's arms tightly, otherwise they would have collapsed to the ground long ago.

What I saw today was terrifying.

They can't even dream of it.


Li Fuyanluo's expression remained the same, and he continued to lead them forward.


A voice sounded in this empty palace complex. The voice was ancient, vicissitudes, and compelling, making the butcher and the others awe-inspiring and trembling.

"Pilgrims, be devout and sincere, kowtow one step at a time. If you want to see this seat, why don't you kneel?"

"Who is this?"

The butcher asked in horror.

Li Fuyanluo did not answer, but a word came from the opposite side:


There is only one word, but it is extremely terrifying, like an unparalleled emperor questioning and looking down, enough to make all the souls in the world tremble, and the body and spirit will turn into powder in his single thought.

There is a creature here, only himself in the huge group of palaces, calling himself the emperor!

He is aloof, majestic and sacred, yet before showing his form, he just flows out of the invincible aura that overlooks eternity.

A real emperor, here?

The pupils of the butcher, the chicken breeder, and the fake medicine seller shrank and looked solemn.

They glanced at Li Fuyanluo, but the other party was still calm, as if nothing could shake her Gujingbubo's heart.

It is like everything in the world, all beings in the world, even the emperor, can't let her be shaken.

"Just a quasi-immortal emperor!"

Li Fuyanluo led them forward, and an indifferent voice came from her mouth:

"In your world, above the Immortal King is the Quasi Immortal Emperor!"

"After the quasi-immortal emperor is the real immortal emperor."

The butcher, chicken breeder, counterfeit medicine seller, Yuechan, and the witch heard the words and were horrified.

They followed as they walked, looking around.

In the central giant palace, majestic voices reverberated, rumbled, and the palace shook, becoming more and more solemn, sacred, and inviolable.

"If you don't worship the emperor, your true destiny is lost. There is your name on the reincarnation monument. You bow your head one step at a time, and half of the sins on the road to life will be cut to protect your true spirit."

The voice was loud and resonated with the heavens and the earth, and the vast earth trembled violently, as if an immortal emperor had descended to oppress the world.

Even if the butcher and the others were supported by Li Fuyanluo, they felt extremely frightened, and their souls were shaken.

If it were someone else, the dozens of words just now, just one sentence, would be enough to be shaken out of the true soul, and thus set foot on the cycle of reincarnation.

This is really too powerful. If you recite the mantra, you can send the peerless immortal king to life and lose the true life of immortals.

"Pretend to be a ghost."

Li Fuyanluo's eyes were burning with disdain.

A quasi-immortal emperor who is not even a god king, dares to pretend to force her here.


In the dusty ancient palace, there was a scolding, with anger, killing intent, and endless dark symbols, that creature shot.

A gray palm, almost withered and covered with bones, slapped forward slowly and heavily, driving the mighty emperor's might.

In that palm finger, the sun and the moon rotate, the stars are endless, the universe is opening up, chaos is lingering, and there is even a reincarnation looming.

The palm looks small and the size is very ordinary, but he controls everything in the world. He has opened up the world and mastered reincarnation, which is really terrifying!

"This... is this the Quasi Immortal Emperor?"

Butchers, chicken breeders, and fake medicine sellers were horrified. Under this big palm, every cell in their bodies was shaking, and they couldn't move at all.

It's so strong.

It's still just a quasi-immortal emperor, how terrifying would be the real immortal emperor?

They can't imagine.

If it wasn't for what Li Fuyanluo just said, this is just a quasi-immortal emperor, they would never doubt that this is a real immortal emperor.

"Who is arrogant?"

Li Fuyanluo's voice was loud, his clothes fluttered, his immortal appearance was peerless, his elegance was peerless, and his jade-like hand stretched forward.

this moment.

Butcher and others seemed to see the Supreme Avenue.

See the ultimate mystery of the universe.

I saw my future.

The power that Li Fuyanluo showed was too profound.


But without the slightest smell of fireworks.

No earth-shattering visions.

There is no such thing as the shattering of the sky, the roaring of the avenues, and the terror of the collapse of the laws.

Road to simplicity.

Back to Basics.

Nothing more than that.

All attacks were completely eliminated by this flawless jade.


Immediately afterwards, an unbelievable terrified sound came.

The butcher and the others widened their eyes, and the whole person was petrified.

I saw Li Fuyanluo crystal clear like jade, holding a thin figure in his flawless jade hand.

He is the creature who just claimed to be an emperor!

His body was too thin and gray, somewhat abnormal, and skinny.

Only a pair of eyes is so intimidating, like two golden lamps, or more like two suns in the dark cycle, which can attract lost spirits.

He has gray hair, and even the whites of his eyes are gray, but his pupils are golden, sharp and terrifying, and the luster is enough to tear the Immortal King.

But it is such a terrifying quasi-immortal emperor.

At this moment, he was pinched by the neck and held in his hand like a chicken.

"Is this the quasi-immortal emperor?"

The butcher, the chicken breeder, the counterfeit medicine seller, the witch, and Yuechan looked at each other's embarrassed figure with a hint of disappointment in their eyes.

"Who are you? How can you be so strong?"

Emperor Cang was held by Li Fuyanluo, and the power of the quasi-immortal emperor that was enough to shatter the heavens was easily suppressed and imprisoned.

He couldn't imagine that there were such terrifying powerhouses in the world.

Is it the Immortal Emperor?

"Dead people are not allowed to know so much!"

Li Fuyanluo's arm was hard.

"Senior, save me..."

Emperor Cang roared, but before he could finish speaking, his neck was pinched, annihilating all vitality.

A quasi-immortal emperor has fallen!


The necks of the butcher, the chicken breeder, and the counterfeit medicine shrank, and a chill pierced through the sky.



This is the quasi-immortal emperor.

The supreme realm that they have dreamed of for countless epochs.

Now such a strong man was pinched to death like a chicken?

"Cangdi, what are you doing?"

At this time, a majestic and magnificent voice came, with a trace of complaint: "Can seniors be easily disturbed?"

At the end of the distant horizon, a purple-golden avenue rumbled, surrounded by golden lotuses, divine birds flying, and the vast world trembled.

A creature appeared. He wore a purple-gold crown, his face was also purple-gold, and he was tall and slender. This was a terrifying creature, and those who were oppressed would be suffocated.

Around him, the imprints of the heavens are in abundance, surrounding him.

"Emperor Cang, the more you live, the more you go back... eh?"

Emperor Hong, dressed in purple aura, stood on the road constructed by the avenue symbol, looking down at the heavens of all ages. When his eyes turned, the river of time appeared.

His breath is too strong, the air between his nose and mouth, when it flows naturally, makes the universe star sea crack, and he doesn't seem to belong to this world.

If it were born like this, it would destroy everything.

He was stronger than Emperor Cang, and his words were sarcastic.

However, before he finished speaking, he found that Emperor Cang's breath had disappeared.

Disappeared……? ? ?

how can that be?


At this moment, a perfect jade hand as crystal clear as jade stretched out from the void and grabbed it head-on.

This jade hand seems to be ordinary and unremarkable.

There is neither the oppression of the heavens, nor the terrifying aura that shatters the sea of ​​​​stars.

But as soon as such a jade hand appeared, Emperor Hong felt that he could not move.

All the mana was imprisoned.

like a lamb to be slaughtered.

at the same time.

He also saw Cang Di who was pinched to death like a chicken.

"how can that be?"

Hongdi couldn't believe it, but looked at the terrifying jade hand.

He had to believe that the whole person was dying, and he no longer had the domineering power he used to pretend to be.

"Ah...Senior, save me!"

Hongdi shouted in horror.

Endless fear flooded every cell in his body.

He had never been so desperate.

Who is the owner of this jade hand?

How is it scary?

Is it the real Immortal Emperor?

If this happens……

He was afraid to die.


Li Fuyan and Luo Yu squeezed Emperor Hong's neck, and an aura of death rushed to his face.

Hongdi was completely terrified.

"Fairy, spare your life, the younger generation is willing to be driven by the fairy to be a cow and a horse..."

Hongdi begged for mercy.

"You too?"

Li Fuyanluo exerted force with his five fingers.


A generation of quasi-immortal emperors.




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