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Chapter 14: Calming the Darkness with One Hand

In the depths of the ultimate ancient land, the blazing light fills the sky, sacred and dazzling, illuminating eternity, cutting through the long river of time, and the emperor's prestige emerges.

"Disturb my sleep!"

A deep voice shook the universe.

Then, an unparalleled creature was born, an ancient chariot, extremely splendid, radiating brilliance, circulating, suppressing the four poles of heaven and earth.

The chariot was rumbling, and in the rush of the nine-headed ancient beast, it pulled it at a high speed.

The nine-headed ancient beasts exude immeasurable coercion, each with ferocious horns and thick scales. They look like real dragons, but they are not, they all belong to a race that has never been seen before.

The nine-headed ancient beast walked on the long river of time, and came to kill with the nine-color immortal gold chariot.

Above the chariot, an emperor erupted, and then a sacred light rain filled the air, and an emperor stood up and looked down in this direction.

He carries a pair of sacred wings, and his whole person is strong and holy, like a flawless supreme powerhouse, and his whole person has evolved to the most perfect state.

"Another quasi-immortal emperor!"

The butcher, the counterfeit medicine seller, and the chicken breeder gasped. They were not scared, but shocked.

In countless epochs, they have never met a quasi-immortal emperor, and they are not even sure if there is an emperor.

But now, the quasi-immortal emperors appeared one after another.

Simply incredible.

How many quasi-immortal emperors are hidden in the dark place?

Is there a real Immortal Emperor?

"Huh? Not good!"

Emperor Yu woke up from his deep sleep and came to take a look when he sensed that there was movement here, but he didn't expect to see an unforgettable and horrifying scene in his life.

Emperor Cang and Emperor Hong, who were both immortal emperors with him, were crushed to death by someone.

all of a sudden.

A chill surged from the soles of the feet to the sky.

Emperor Yu didn't hesitate at all, turned around and fled.

The butcher, the counterfeit medicine seller, and the chicken farmer's eyes widened, feeling that the three views were overturned.

Looking down on the reincarnation of the era, even the quasi-immortal emperor who is not qualified to see the immortal king escaped without making a move?

Say it, who will believe it?

But it's normal to think about it.

Li Fuyanluo was too terrifying.

Too strong.

Killing a quasi-immortal emperor is like killing a chicken cub.

Even if the quasi-immortal emperor saw him, he would be terrified.

No surprises.

Li Fuyan and Luo Yu stretched out and squeezed, and Emperor Yu followed in the footsteps of Emperor Cang and Emperor Hong, and died.

Looking at Emperor Yu's body, the butcher and the others showed no expression at all.

They are already numb.

To Li Fuyanluo, the Quasi-immortal emperor was like an ant, and he could easily crush him to death.

And they are also ants to the quasi-immortal emperor.

this moment.

They more deeply realized the power of Li Fuyanluo.

"The strength of each one is not good, but the pretence is very 6!"

Li Fuyanluo put away Emperor Yu's body, and couldn't help thinking of the information about this world that Hong Meng told her before she came.

Cang Emperor, Hong Emperor and Yu Emperor are not the ones who can pretend to be the most forceful in this world.

But a fairy king.

The king cannot be humiliated.

Whoever praises my true name will see eternal life in reincarnation!

You can try it out! Hmph, can't deceive my real body to come?

Even if I carry Tian Yuan on my back, I need to hold the Primitive Imperial City in one hand, and I am as invincible in the world as An Lan!

If you dare to take a step forward, the world will be turned upside down!

The top of the immortal, proud of the world, if I have Anlan, there will be heaven!

The red-blade spear, the immortal shield, slay the immortal king and destroy the nine heavens!

Reincarnation, I look down on the ages, I am used to life and death! Who is reincarnating?

What the Immortal King cut off is all dung, who would dare to reincarnate in front of me?

Reincarnation is just a beautiful joke.

Really strong, never believe in reincarnation!

With Li Fuyanluo's strength, he would naturally not care about Anlan.

Quasi-immortal emperors like Emperor Cang, Emperor Yu, and Emperor Hong were all crushed to death by him, not to mention An Lan of the Immortal King Realm.

She is interested in An Lan's last classic sentence:

Yu Tuo, save me!

The focus is on Yu Tuo.

This is another immortal king in a foreign land. If he can become an immortal king, he must carry a great fortune, and even carry a part of his destiny.

Thinking of this, Li Fuyanluo reached out and grabbed it in the air. The butcher and others looked curiously, only to see Li Fuyanluo's jade-white palm passing through the layers of time and space to come to a foreign land.

follow closely.

A supreme immortal king was caught without any resistance.

Butcher and others did not have any accidents.

Li Fuyanluo even pinched the Immortal Emperor to death.

It is not easy to catch a supreme immortal king.

"I don't know what the seniors ordered?"

Yu Tuo looked at Li Fuyanluo who caught her, and his heart was filled with endless shock.

She was in retreat and practiced, but a jade hand stretched out and grabbed her.

The countless king-level formations in her retreat did not respond at all.

Simply unimaginable.

Even an immortal king like the butcher could not do it.

If she hadn't experienced it personally, she would never have believed that someone could do it to such an extent?

Is it the legendary emperor?

So she was very sensible and did not resist.

"not bad!"

Li Fu

Yan Luo looked at Yu Tuo, who was beautiful, graceful, and extraordinary. Even if he was suddenly arrested, he quickly calmed down.

A person who can become an Immortal King is indeed extraordinary.

Yu Tuo's real name was Yu Feihong, and he once had the title of Fairy Jinghong.

However, as she became an Immortal King and became the ancient ancestor of Yu Tuo who overlooked the reincarnation of the era, the names of Yu Feihong and Fairy Jinghong have long disappeared, and almost no one remembers them.

"Senior has been awarded."

Yu Tuo breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Although he did not understand Li Fuyanluo's purpose, for the time being, it seemed that the other party did not have much malice.

At this time.

Only then did she notice butchers, counterfeit medicine sellers and chicken breeders.

As the supreme fairy king.

Naturally, she had heard about these three terrifying Immortal King Overlords.

She did not expect to see these three Immortal King Overlords under such circumstances.

"Is there a real emperor in this world?"

Suddenly, an ancient sea of ​​vicissitudes penetrated the realm, slow and low, and Yu Tuo, the butcher and the others felt a sense of horror when they heard the words.

It seemed that some great terror was coming.

"This is……"

Yu Tuo was terrified. She, who had been looking down on the reincarnation of the era, felt extremely small at this moment, like a lonely boat in the sea that could be destroyed at any time.

At this moment, in the silent universe, a corpse was floating, with its eyelids twitching, about to open.

The voice just now came from his mouth.

At this moment, the corpse opened his eyes suddenly, and the brilliance shot out penetrated the universe, and the two beams were more intimidating than the fairy sword, too sharp.

From a distance, it was like two lightning bolts bursting out in the dark, breaking the silence.

After he opened his mouth, he slowly got up, staring indifferently in one direction, the whole dry body gradually glowed with vitality, with vital signs.

He has only one leg, the other leg is missing the sole of the foot, and is one-armed.

He is very incomplete, and the hair on his head is withered and yellow like weeds.


He raised his only arm, shook the universe, and then pointed in one direction.

With a bang, in the depths of the dark land, in a bloody ancient land, an arm moved and suddenly rose into the air, passed through the boundary wall, and appeared here.

Then, with a bang, the dry arm docked with the old man's body, and the reorganization was completed.

At the same time, in the depths of the boundary sea, the waves were raging, and a broken leg with blood ripped apart the sky and disappeared here.


In this lonely universe, the old man got a broken leg.

Then, the boundless void exploded, forming one terrifying black crack after another, and it was unknown where it was connected.

With a bang, a foot flew from there and received it with his stump, so far his body was complete.

On his body, there are old black clothes, even if the body is broken, I don't know how many epochs floating in this universe, the black clothes are also there.

There were bloodstains and holes on it, and he looked very old. At this time, as his body recovered, the rags began to hunt, and then a monstrous black mist erupted.

In an instant, the universe was covered with black clouds.

That is the power of the dark source that cannot be dissolved.

In the darkness, his body was almost invisible, there was only one outline, thin and tall, but his eyes became more and more fiery, and there were two small suns in the darkness, dazzling and terrifying.

The next moment, he stepped forward, penetrated the void, smashed the boundary wall, and descended into the boundary sea with boundless coercion.

In an instant, the sea of ​​the world boiled, and then the waves overflowed and rolled toward the sky.

At the place where the old man landed, the sea water burst open and was forced to rush in all directions. The place was almost dry and there was no more sea water. His black clothes moved, breaking all obstacles.

A cloud of black light lingered, and his breath was extremely terrifying.

It is because of this that there is no object near him, and even the boundary sea in the area below will be evaporated to dryness!

The old man is coming, coercing Liuhe Bahuang!

"Is this the emperor?"

Yu Tuo's beautiful big eyes were full of horror, and her delicate body couldn't help trembling. Even if she was the supreme Immortal King, she still had the urge to kneel down and bow her head.

"Is this the Immortal Emperor?"

Butchers, chicken breeders, and counterfeit medicine sellers were equally horrified. The old man in front of them was far more powerful than the Cang Emperor, Hong Emperor and Yu Emperor they had just met.

They suspected that the old man was the real Immortal Emperor, not a quasi Immortal Emperor.

"The old man who destroys the world, his body is Jiuyouyi, he once failed to attack the Immortal Emperor, and he is still in the realm of quasi-immortal emperors, but he is much stronger than the quasi-immortal emperors of Cang Emperor."

Li Fuyanluo said lightly.

"Is this the quasi-immortal emperor?"

Yu Tuo was secretly shocked. It turned out that above the immortal king was the quasi-immortal emperor, and above the quasi-immortal emperor was the real immortal emperor.

And listening to the meaning of Li Fuyanluo's words, how many quasi-immortal emperors were there before?

There are several quasi-immortal emperors who have never been seen before, but now there are several?

"What do you mean by coming here, fellow Daoist?"

The sharp eyes of the old man who destroyed the world stared at Li Fuyanluo. The opponent could crush Cang Di and the others with a single palm. Although he was confident, he was not sure of defeating the opponent.

What's more, he felt that strong people like them had no need to fight at all.

"Just clean up a few dark fish!" Li Fuyan said.


The old man of the world roared, and he revealed a huge wolf head with thick red hair and a pair of huge horns on his head, which was extremely fierce.

It opened its bloody mouth and swallowed it towards Li Fuyanluo.

When this mouth fell, the world sea was annihilated, and all the stars in the sky fell into its mouth, which was too terrifying.

This is countless times more powerful than Taotie's magical powers, truly swallowing the heavens and eating the earth, refining the heavens and the myriad things.

The gigantic divine wolf's head, with its big bloody mouth, swallowed everything in the vicinity in one bite, emitting a black light and refining all tangible substances.

Butcher, Yu Tuo and others were all cold and full of endless fear.

Under such pressure, it was difficult for them to even move.

If it wasn't for Li Fuyanluo's protection, they would have been shattered long ago.

"The mayfly shakes the tree."

Li Fuyanluo stretched out his jade hand together, encompassing the heavens and the universe, like a Buddha country in the palm of his hand, suppressing the old man who destroyed the world with one palm.


The old man who destroyed the world roared, and nine tails appeared behind him, like nine real dragons, pitch black as ink, with a ferocious head, a huge mouth, and thick fangs.

He revealed all of his true self.

At the end of the nine tails, there is actually a dragon head!

It is Jiuyou Ying, one of the ten villains.


No matter how the old man was struggling, his body became smaller and smaller in the end.

When Li Fuyanluo took back the fair jade hand, Yu Tuo, the butcher and the others swallowed their saliva with difficulty, their faces sluggish.

I saw that Jiuyou Ying had become the size of a thumb, slamming left and right in Li Fuyanluo's palm, constantly roaring, like a cute pet.

Yu Tuo's three views were overturned.

She did not see Li Fuyanluo suppressing the three quasi-immortal emperors including Hongdi with one hand.

Seeing this scene now is even more shocking than the butchers.

Is this a real Immortal Emperor?

"The source of darkness is a corroded true Immortal Emperor, but it's nothing to me."

Li Fuyanluo suppressed Jiuyouying and said lightly.

Immediately, she stretched out her jade hand and suppressed the corpse Immortal Emperor at the source of darkness.


Chicken breeder: "..."

Yu Tuo: "..."

Immortal emperor still nothing?

Yu Tuo felt that this female senior would pretend to be more forceful than Wang Anlan.

It's just that she still hasn't figured out Li Fuyanluo's purpose for arresting her.

Is it just to witness her pacify the source of darkness?

Certainly not.

Although she is an Immortal King, she is not so arrogant that a powerhouse like Li Fuyanluo will need her to witness.

Li Fuyanluo also seemed to know her doubts, and now it is almost the same.

She took everyone back to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and said, "Do you know what my cultivation was a month ago?"

"Is it the peak of the Immortal Emperor?"

Butcher and others guessed.

Li Fuyanluo's strength clearly surpassed that of the Immortal Emperor.

Perhaps this month has made a huge breakthrough and has become a terrifying existence above the Immortal Emperor.


Li Fuyanluo shook her head, she didn't give a shit, she said directly: "A month ago, I couldn't even compare with the true immortals in your world!"

"how can that be?"

The butcher, the counterfeit medicine seller, the chicken farmer, and Yu Tuo exclaimed.

It is impossible for a person who is not a true immortal to become an existence beyond the immortal emperor in one month.

"Senior, after you sacrificed to the Lord of Hongmeng, you have skyrocketed from the realm of immortals to the realm that surpasses the realm of immortal emperors now?"

Yuechan and the witch exclaimed.

They had heard Li Fuyanluo talk about sacrificial sacrifices before, but they never thought that the skyrocketing cultivation base would be so exaggerated.

This is too scary, right?


Li Fuyanluo nodded:

"My lord is the supreme immortal true god. If you believe in my lord, you will be able to obtain good fortune, and those who sacrifice will be able to ascend to the sky in one step, ascend to the kingdom of God, and become my lord's warriors!"

Having said that, Li Fuyanluo passed the scene of her sacrifice and the relevant information of the sacrifice to Yu Tuo and the others with her divine sense.


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