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Chapter 37: Dagu Boils It into Soup


In the fighting platform.

Divided into three mutually independent spaces.

Dancing with the wind, holding the life weapon, Hun Xi, standing indifferently.

After being amplified, Soul Xi, the life tool, has now become the natal magic weapon that dances with the wind, and its power is comparable to the innate treasure.

This is a long knife.



Dance with the wind holding the long sword Soul Xi, staring at Hu Ao with sharp eyes, quite a queen demeanor.

Even Huao, who is the arrogance of the tiger clan, feels the pressure.


Huao also uses a long knife. People of the Tiger Clan mostly follow the domineering route, and the weapons they use are mostly knives, spears, spears, Fangtian painted halberds and other powerful spiritual treasures.

"Two Realms Knife."

Hu Ao slashed the golden long knife in his hand, the sharp light of the knife seemed to divide yin and yang, and cut off the world.

The sword of two realms, the sword is divided into two realms.

A world of death.

A world of souls is destroyed.

"What a domineering knife."

Donghuang Yunxi's pupils shrunk, this knife is nothing to her, but there are absolutely few god kings who can block it.

Even a sword can kill the king of gods.

"That's right, this Dao of the Sword supernatural power has reached 20% success!"

The Black Tiger Sage caressed his beard with a smile in his eyes.

In his opinion.

As soon as the Two Worlds Sword comes out, Dancing with the Wind is bound to lose.


The light of the knife fell, dancing with the wind. The left side of the god's body was annihilated, and the right side was intact, but his consciousness seemed to have been severely cut.


At the same time, the remaining power of the knife light fell in the forest behind.

The Wudoutai is a world of its own, and it is not empty inside. There are also mountains and waters, flowers and trees, and it is no different from the real world.

I saw the light of the knife falling, and the mountain forest was divided into two.

On the left, no matter flowers and trees, insects, ants, birds and animals, or dirt and stones.

All are annihilated.

Turn into powder.

It was as if it had been erased abruptly by some force.

And on the right, everything is intact.

Whether it's trees or flowers.

and weeds on the ground.

All intact.

Only those beasts, insects and ants.

But it fell down without a sound.

No wounds.

The breath of life has already dissipated.

Turned into a cold corpse.

Those beasts, insects and ants seemed to have their 'spirit' or 'consciousness' wiped out.

Even though the body is intact, there is still only a soulless shell left.

One left and one right.

It's like two completely different worlds.

The name of the Two Worlds Sword.


The knife is divided into two realms.

A world of death.

A world of souls is destroyed.

Looking at the dead body dancing with the wind, Hu Ao was rather complacent, and proudly said:

"It's your honor to die under the knife of my two realms...uh..."

"It is also your honor to die under my phantom spirit knife array."

A cold voice resounded, Hu Ao's chest had been pierced by Hu Ao's chest, and the terrifying power of the Dao of the sword annihilated his Dao and vitality.


Hu Ao's eyes widened, feeling the rapid loss of vitality, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

He actually lost.

It's so frustrating to lose.


Dancing with the wind drew out Hunxi, without looking at Hu Ao, he left the fighting platform directly and returned to Hong Meng, like a personal bodyguard.

"It's amazing, the phantom spirit sword formation, the phantom spirit body is like a real body, even the god emperor can hardly distinguish it, let alone the god king!"

Donghuang Yunxi praised.

She thought that Dancing with the Wind would be defeated, but she turned against the wind and beheaded Hu Ao.


Seeing Hu Ao's body, the Black Tiger Sacred Venerable looked very embarrassed.

Not only because Huao was killed.

Even more because they lost another game.

Make him look bad.

"There are Hu Soul and Hu Mie, as long as they win..."

The Black Tiger Saint prayed in his heart, but when he saw the situation on the fighting platform, he was dumbfounded again.

The battlefield between Gu Yuena and Tiger Soul.

I saw nine avenues emerging from Gu Yuena's body, including top avenues such as light, darkness, space, destruction, and creation.

"What kind of freak is this?"

Black Tiger Sacred Venerable was dumbfounded.

Needless to say, with these nine avenues, Hu Soul is no match at all.


After a few moves, Tiger Soul was defeated.

However, God Emperor level powerhouses are not easy to kill, so Tiger Soul is only injured, not dead.

Look at the God Emperor Battlefield again.

The black tiger sage suddenly had black lines and his face was ashen.

Although Hu Mie performed better than Hu Po and Hu Ao, he was also suppressed by God King Gouli at the moment.

God King Gouli had ten azure blue fox tails, each of which contained a powerful supernatural power, and he had no temper when he beat the tiger.

Needless to say, Hu Mie will also lose.


After half an hour.

The tiger was defeated.

Black Tiger Sacred Venerable lost completely this time


If you add the round of Angel Yan, it is equivalent to four rounds, and there is no victory in any round.

Think here.

The Black Tiger Sacred Venerable was very angry.

But even more fearful.

Although he didn't make a move, the God King, God Emperor, and God Emperor Realm all sent out the clan's pride, and it turned out that they were no opponents at all.

The strength of the younger generation is actually a symbol of whether it is powerful or not.

The power that can cultivate so many geniuses is absolutely extraordinary.


Although the black tiger sage was very unwilling, he did not dare to attack.

"Mr. Hong's subordinates are really full of talents, today they really opened my eyes."

Sage Black Tiger squeezed a smile on his face, and said: "However, the true pride of our Tiger Clan has experienced in the battlefields of the two worlds. When Mr. Hong goes to the battlefields of the two worlds in the future, he can learn from each other."

"I won't bother you today, goodbye!"

The Black Tiger Sacred Venerable was ashamed to stay behind, and quickly left with Hu Ao's body and Hu Soul Hu Mie.

"Hong Meng, you are so powerful that even the Black Tiger Sacred Venerable has retreated."

Donghuang Yunxi hugged Hong Meng's arm, her face was full of joy.

"It's considered interesting for him, otherwise I don't mind keeping him."

Hong Meng said calmly.

Although the Black Tiger Sacred Venerable was a little arrogant before he came, he didn't attack the Yaochi disciples, which was one of the reasons why Hong Meng spared his life.


Hong Meng would be in trouble if he killed the Black Tiger Sacred Venerable.

The Tiger Clan is the top clan in the Eternal Continent, and its ancestors can be traced back to the first white tiger that created the world.

Not to mention gods, there are even strong ancestor gods.

If he killed the Black Tiger Sacred Venerable, he would definitely provoke the appearance of the ancestor god of the tiger clan.

Although Hong Meng is not afraid of the ancestor gods.

But if he provoked a strong man of this level, he would be exposed to countless strong men in the Eternal Continent.

A tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind.

He didn't want to show off.

If it provokes the existence of taboos above the ancestor gods.

He can only run away.

low key.

Wretched development is king.


If the black tiger sage was aggressive, Hong Meng would not be relentless.

Should be killed or must be killed.

"You can even keep the Black Tiger Sacred Venerable?"

Donghuang Yunxi stared at Hong Meng with wide eyes at this moment, her head was buzzing.

The Black Tiger Saint is a god.

It is not easy to keep the Black Tiger Sacred Venerable.

"Do I have to lie to you?"

Hong Meng smiled lightly, and pinched your beauty's fair and tender cheeks.

"It's true that the deeper I get in touch with you, the more unfathomable I feel."

Donghuang Yunxi sighed endlessly.

"Me too."

Hong Meng said with a smile.

Donghuang Yunxi was taken aback for a moment, then her pretty face suddenly turned crimson, and she said angrily, "I'm telling you the truth!"

"Where am I not serious?"

Hong Meng looked aggrieved, and just wanted to tease Donghuang Yunxi again, but a reminder from the chat group sounded in his mind.

"Ding, boil the big bone into soup and join the chat group."


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