Become a God and Join the Chat Group

Chapter Thirty-eight Bump Man beats monsters (second update)

"Ding, boil the big bone into soup and join the chat group."

"Big bones boiled into soup? Could it be..."

Hong Meng listened to the prompts in the chat group, thinking deeply.

If he hadn't guessed, the big bone was boiled into soup, his real name was Yuan Dagu, Ultraman Tiga, childhood memories...

That year, I also became the light.

Just as the sun shines through the night, the dawn slips across the sky.

Whoever's figure shuttles between reincarnations, the road to the future is at your feet.

Don't be sad, don't be afraid, look forward to tomorrow with confidence.


Inexplicably, the familiar melody appeared in Hong Meng's mind, and it suddenly felt like a world away.

He consciously looked at the chat group.

With newcomers joining the group.

The crowd became lively.

Head of Huashan: "A newcomer has joined the group, welcome. (Smiley.jpg)"

Tu Shan's second leader: "This time there is only one newcomer in the group. Could it be that there were three last time, so there are fewer people this time?"

Demon Queen: "Oh, the name of the newcomer is interesting!"

Xuansi fell asleep Xiaolongnv: "Could it be that the newcomer is a cook?"

Holy Maiden of the Voice of Wuhun Palace: "Welcome newcomers, this is the chat group of the heavens, the group leader is the supreme Lord of Primordial Mist, if you don't understand, you can read the group files, read them in your heart, you can view files, make speeches, post pictures, Post a video."

Big bones boiled into soup: "???"

The big bone boiled into soup: "Dig the well, is this the result of your new research? It's amazing that you can transmit information directly to your mind."

Iron Egg God Hou: "..."

Empress of Huanyinfang: "..."

Tu Shan's second head: "Did the newcomer listen to what Sister Bi said? Check the group files. This is the Tiantian chat group."

Big bones boiled into soup: "???"

In the world of Ultraman, the Far East Headquarters of the TPC Earth Peace United Organization, Dagu looked at the information in the chat group with a hellish expression, and his eyes were full of horror.

"Are...are you kidding? How can there be gods in this world?"

Dagu's face was filled with astonishment and disbelief.

As a member of the Victory Team of the Far East Headquarters of the TPC Earth Peace United Organization, and receiving modern higher education, it is difficult for him to believe in the existence of gods.

"Although these videos look amazing, the images can be processed with special effects. Even though the neuron technology has not clearly appeared in the world, it is not non-existent."

Compared with the gods in this world, Dagu believes that this is a high-tech method.


Before he could think too much, the base alarm sounded.

Dagu immediately came to gather outside, and he and Lina were ordered to drive the Victory Flying Swallow to investigate.

in the chat group.

Descendant of the Dayan royal family: "Why doesn't the newcomer talk anymore? Don't you believe me?"

Gouzi of Shangshen: "Newcomers may encounter plane crashes or encounter monsters and cannot be distracted."

Tiedan Shenhou: " Surprised.jpg"

I don't want to be Zhao Gao: "Is that the beast that masturbates on the roof of the building for the woman I love?"

Demon Queen: "What is an airplane? Curiosity.jpg."

Just when Yinhou was curious about what the plane was, Dagu and Lina had already driven the plane over Mongolia.


Mysterious forces surged, the earth cracked, mountains and rivers shook, and a huge monster about 100 meters high emerged from the ground, roaring to the sky.

"Ah, what is this?"

In the Victory Swallow, Lina exclaimed.

"It's scary!"

Dagu was shocked, looking at the huge monster that drilled out of the ground, he didn't believe in gods before, and he somehow believed it.

Monsters have appeared, and it seems that it is not surprising that there are gods.

After he and Lina lured the monster away and the monster disappeared into the ground, Dagu Consciousness looked at the chat group and was startled.

Big bone boiled into soup: "How do you know there are monsters?"

The monster just appeared, and everyone in the chat group knew there was a monster before the monster appeared.

Overlord of the Tianxiahui: "Look at the group files yourself."

"Group file?"

Dagu really paid attention to the chat group this time, and began to carefully check the files and various chat records of the chat group.

The heavens and worlds, the supreme immortal god, the primordial master...

The world where most of the group members live is some comics and film and television works of the world where God's dog lives?

He knows my news because this world is also a work for him?

Dagu's heart was overwhelmed, and he felt that the three views had been subverted.

He did not continue to speak in the group.

He needs time to think calmly.

Even if there really are gods?

Is this god good or bad?

With a heavy heart, he and Lina brought the meteorite that landed before back to the Far East Headquarters of the TPC Earth Peace United Organization.



Ju Jianhui, Dagu and other members of the victory team gathered together, looking at the black meteorite about the size of a stone pier with curiosity.

Dr. Jiancun, a research woman in a white coat, cut the meteorite with a laser knife.

"This meteorite is not naturally formed, but man-made."


said the doctor.

"What? Artificial?"

Jujianhui, Dagu and others were shocked: "This meteorite came from outside the sky, and it hit the earth."

However, after they opened the cut meteorite, even if they couldn't believe it, they had to believe that it was man-made.

Because inside the pitch-black meteorite, a golden spire-like sphere was exposed.

It's obviously man-made.


At this moment, a square opening suddenly opened in the middle of the metal sphere, everyone was startled and retreated one after another.

I saw a three-dimensional projection emerge.

This is a woman with gray hair and a face that does not look old.

The woman opened her mouth and spoke a mysterious and complicated language.

Obviously, this is not the language of Earth.

"Maybe it can be translated."

Digging the well immediately connected to the translation equipment, and with the piercing sound of electromagnetic waves, a faint voice came out:

"Everyone, I am You Lian, the head of the Earth Guard. The arrival of this time machine on the earth means that the earth will undergo many great changes one after another."

"The first sign is the resurrection of Gorzan, the monster that shakes the earth, and Melba, the monster that cracks the sky."

"Monster Gorzan? The monster that appeared in Mongolia is Gorzan!"

Dagu exclaimed.

"The only ones who can protect the earth from catastrophe are the giants in the pyramids."

"Only by resuscitating the giants can the planet be saved."

"The way to revive the giant..."


At this moment, there was another electromagnetic piercing sound, and with the piercing sound, Youlian's projection disappeared without a trace.

"is this real?"

Xincheng and other victorious players swallowed their saliva, feeling like a dream.

Hui Dai, the captain, frowned, and said in a dignified voice:

"If this is true, wouldn't it be necessary to believe that 30 million years ago on the earth, there were still super ancient civilizations that were more developed than ours?"

"Gulu! This is really unbelievable."

Digging the well couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, as if everything in front of them had exceeded their logical imagination.

Suddenly, Dagu said:

"Captain, do you believe that there are gods in this world?"

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