Become a God and Join the Chat Group

Chapter 39: The Monster Attacks

"Captain, do you believe that there are gods in this world?"

Dagu's voice made the originally noisy space quiet, and everyone looked at Dagu in disbelief, as if they were looking at a fool.

"There are no gods in this world, we have to believe in science."

Captain Ju Jianhui was stunned for a moment, but immediately came to his senses and said decisively.

As the captain of the victory team, she absolutely does not believe in gods.

"The captain is right, Dagu, there are no gods in this world. Even if what You Lian said is true, it only proves that there is an ultra-ancient civilization."

Xincheng said.

"I don't believe that 30 million years ago on the earth, there really existed an ultra-ancient civilization that was more developed than ours. Compared to an ultra-ancient civilization, I would rather believe that there are gods in this world."

Zong Fang couldn't help complaining.

Dagu was not surprised by everyone's reaction, because he was still skeptical about the words of the gods.

Not to mention intermediary benefiting them.

He thought for a while and made up his mind:

"Captain, I seem to have encountered a god..."

Dagu told Ju Jianhui and the others in detail about his meeting in the chat group, because with the appearance of the monster, he had another worry.

He was worried that the chat group would be related to monsters?

Could it be related to the ultra-ancient civilization that You Lian mentioned?

This matter is very important.

As a member of the Victory Team of the Earth Peace United Organization, it is necessary for him to tell the captain about this.

"Hey, I don't have a fever!"

Zong Fang reached out and touched Da Gu's forehead, feeling that Da Gu was talking in his sleep.

All heavens and all worlds.

The supreme immortal god?

is it possible?

You say that aliens are more reliable.

Ju Jianhui looked Dagu up and down, and some wondered whether Dagu had a mental problem because of the appearance of the monster.

"Dagu, do you know what you're talking about?"

Ju Jianhui asked solemnly.

"Captain, I know what I'm talking about, I know it's unbelievable, and I don't want to believe it, but it's all too weird."

Dagu looked at the captain Ju Jianhui and said:

"Captain, I want to try that conception. If you can get divine grace, it means that there is a god. If not, it means it is fake."

"No way, no way, Dagu, do you really believe that by reciting that thing you can gain divine grace and see gods?"

Zong Fang looked at Da Gu as if he was looking at a fool.

"Okay, Dagu, then you can try it, anyway, it's just chanting once."

Ju Jianhui thought about it and agreed.

She knew that if Dagu didn't give it a try, this matter would stick in Dagu's heart like a thorn.

With consent, Dagu began to pray under the strange eyes of everyone.

"Is this how we can see God?"

"Are you kidding me?"

None of Zongfang, Xincheng and others believed it.

Any religion can come up with eight or ten prayers of this kind.

"Big Gu!"

However, they soon noticed that Dagu's expression had changed, and they were shocked.

But they didn't know what happened, and they didn't dare to bother.

"What's wrong with Dagu?"

"Is there some kind of curse in this prayer?"

"Maybe Dagu really saw the gods!"

Just when everyone was discussing and worried, Dagu opened his closed eyes, which were full of shock.

"Dagu, what's wrong with you?"

Captain Ju Jianhui quickly asked: "You don't really see the gods, do you?"

Lina, Zongfang and other members of the victory team were very curious.

Are there really gods?

"I saw a god!"

There was awe, admiration, and fanaticism in Dagu's eyes: "That is the real god, the supreme immortal god."


"Beep beep!"

At this moment, a rapid siren sounded in the center of the base, accompanied by red and blue lights flashing, and the huge screen was quickly replaced by a huge monster.

"It's the monster Gorzan!"

"No, there is another one. This must be the monster Melba that You Lian said is causing the sky to crack!"

With the appearance of two monsters, Ju Jianhui and others couldn't take care of the gods.

Digging quickly came to the computer, and according to the trajectory of the two monsters, he said loudly: "The two monsters are moving rapidly. According to their speed and direction, they will meet in half an hour."

"The location is here."

Everyone looked at the big screen with some doubts.

Ju Jianhui said, "What are the two monsters doing there? Is it just a simple encounter?"

"Captain, I found that the location of the pyramid may be here!"

"What? Here is the pyramid?"

"Is the monster trying to destroy the giant in the pyramid?"

Ju Jianhui and the others immediately thought of what You Lian said.

"We must rush there immediately to confirm the existence of the pyramid before the monster arrives. If it exists, it means that what You Lian said is true. We must stop the monster and not let them destroy the giant!"

Ju Jianhui looked serious, and immediately ordered: "Dagu, Zongfang, you each lead the team to drive the Feiyan, and set off immediately!"

"The matter of the gods, we will talk about it later after the monster is solved."

"Yes, Captain."

Now that there is a great deal of urgency, Dagu didn't hesitate, and immediately set off on the Feiyan.

five minutes later.

Dagu, Zongfang and others arrived at their destination and began to search for the pyramid.

While searching for the pyramid, Dagu split a strand of consciousness into the chat group.

The big bone boiled it into soup: "Hi, seniors, the boy Dagu has met all the seniors."

Dagu, who wanted to see the gods and feel his physical fitness soared by chanting, now basically believes in the chat group.

He joined the group naturally because he wanted to know how to deal with the monsters.

Head of Huashan: "It seems that the newcomers have already believed in my lord!"

Descendants of the Dayan royal family: "No one can refuse my Lord's grace!"

The big bone boiled into soup: "God's dog, senior, there are scary monsters appearing here."

"A person named You Lian from an ultra-ancient civilization left behind a time machine to tell us that in order to deal with monsters, we need to revive the giant in the pyramid!"

"Senior, do you know where the pyramid is and how to revive the giant?"

Overlord of the Tianxiahui: "Scary monster? How terrifying?"

Big bone boiled into soup: "Monster.jpg."

Demon Queen: "That's it? This monster looks so ugly!"

Xuansi Sleeping Little Dragon Girl: "This monster is so big, it looks scary."

Tiedan Shenhou: "Is this monster so strong? With the strength of Miss Long, are you afraid of this kind of monster?"

Xiaolongnv's strength is not strong in the group, but she is also a person who has sacrificed twice, and her cultivation has reached the seventh level.

Monsters like Gorzan and Merba are definitely not opponents.

Demon Queen: "It has nothing to do with strength. A girl like Longmei is born afraid of big and ugly guys."

Shangshen Gouzi: "Sister Zhu, raise your hand, you're under arrest!"

The big bone boiled into soup: "Ah, senior, you finally appeared. I found the pyramid and the giant, but I don't know how to revive the giant. Senior can tell me, if you have any request, I will die!"

Dagu has come to the pyramid at this moment, and saw three giants more than 50 meters high.

In fact, to deal with Golzan and Merba, besides resuscitating the giants, he can now ask for help from the heroes of the Kingdom of God.

But Dagu had just joined the group, so he rashly asked the gods for help, and he didn't feel very good.

in addition.

He was worried that it was easier to ask God than to send God away.

If the invited god is an evil god, wouldn't it be more terrifying than a monster?

He needs to think carefully.


He just wanted to know from Gouzi how to revive the giant, and use the giant to deal with the monster.

God's dog: "The way to revive a giant is very simple, just look at your group name."

"Big bones boiled into soup."


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