Become a God and Join the Chat Group

Chapter 40 Yun Yun: You Can't Grasp It (Second Update)

"Big bones boiled into soup."

Dagu was dumbfounded.

who I am?

where am i

What should I do?

Tu Shan's second boss: "Big bones are boiled into soup? What does this mean? Did you stew the newcomer?"

Demon Queen: "Don't foxes like to eat chicken? Have you changed your taste?"

Tu Shan's second boss: "Old woman, climb for me!"

Demon Queen: "Little fox, believe it or not, this queen will slap you!"

The big bones boiled into soup: "God's dog, senior, I'm stupid and still don't understand, can senior explain it more clearly?"

Dagu was anxious, the monster was already on its way.

Be there in a few minutes.

Gouzi of Shangshen: "Big bones boiled into soup, in fact, you become light."

Gouzi of Shangshen: "I know you will definitely ask how to become light. The easiest way is to drive the Feiyan towards the monster and let the monster shoot it down. After the plane crashes, you can become light."

The big bone boiled into soup: "Ah...the plane crashed?"

Dagu was dumbfounded.

become light?


He won't die immediately, will he?

If Gouzi knew what he was thinking, he would definitely scoff at him.

Crash chance death?

is it possible?

You are the crash prince.

In the original plot, after he turned into Tiga, every time a monster appeared, he would find various opportunities to crash the plane in a fancy way, so as to deceive people and transform into Tiga.

According to relevant statistics, there are 52 episodes of Dijia's feature film, and Dagu crashes no less than 20 times, which can be called a crash maniac!

So scary.

"Ding, God's dog uploaded a file Ultraman Tiga."

Just when Dagu was thinking about whether to crash the plane, a reminder came from the chat group.

After reading the group files and chat group records, Dagu immediately guessed that this might be the plot of his world.

Without hesitation.

Dagu downloaded Ultraman Tiga.

The Empress of Huanyinfang downloaded Ultraman Tiga.

I love to drink animal milk and download it...

After a while.

in the chat group.

Head of Huashan: "The big bones are boiled into soup, and the ancients are turned into light. So that's how the newcomers got their names!"

Favorite drink of animal milk: "Yeah, Bumpman fights monsters, but why does Bumpman turn defeat into victory every time he is almost killed by monsters?"

Toad Mountain is like a fairy: "Newcomers may have special hobbies, and they can only explode if they are beaten!"

The overlord of the world will: "The lecherous fairy has a lot of experience!"

Hama Mountain Lust Immortal: "I don't! You're talking nonsense! I'm not!"

The big bones boiled into soup: "God's dog, thank you senior, but I don't have any treasures right now, so I will thank you senior later."

Demon Queen: "Actually, it will be enough in the future!"

Shangshen Gouzi: "Sister Zhu, you are speeding!"


Ultraman Tiga world.

Dagu knew the way to become an Ultraman, and without hesitation, he drove the Victory Feiyan directly to the monster rushing towards the pyramid.

"Big Gu!"

"Da Gu, what are you doing? Come back!"

The members of the victory team were stunned to see Dagu rushing towards the monster.

The Victory Swallow was not loaded with offensive weapons, so it couldn't hurt monsters at all.

"Dagu, I order you to return immediately!"

At the Far East Headquarters of the TPC Earth Peace Alliance, the captain of the victory team, Ju Jianhui, was shocked and immediately issued an order.

"Captain, don't worry!"

After the voice of the old man fell, he rushed towards the monster without hesitation.


Seeing the Victory Flying Swallow, Gurzan, the earth-shaking monster, let out a deafening roar, and shot a beam of plasma light over it.

"Da Gu, don't..."

"Stop it!"

Lina and other members of the victory team exclaimed, with a heart in their throats.

However, no matter how they shout.

It's too late now.

The Victory Feiyan driven by Dagu was hit by a monster beam and fell from the sky.

"Dagu, skydive!"


Xincheng, Zongfang and the others yelled, but they didn't get a response. The plane fell straight down, and a ball of brilliant sparks erupted on the ground.

"Big Gu!"

Just when everyone thought that Dagu had died and was distraught, the giant in the pyramid revived.

"It's a giant!"

"The giant has recovered!"

Lina exclaimed, looking in shock at the giant who appeared in front of the monster.

"I've become a giant!"

Dagu felt the changes in himself, felt the powerful power in his body, and excitedly killed the monster.

No surprises.

The monster Gorzan escaped, and Melba was killed by him.


The winning team cheered, but the joy of defeating the monster disappeared at the thought of Dagu.

One by one the mood became heavy.

At this time.

The crowd noticed the giant walking towards them.

"The giant is coming towards us!"

"what to do?"

Zongfang, Xincheng and others were a little nervous.

After all, it was the first time I saw a giant.

They don't know whether the giants are good or bad, and what their attitude towards them humans are.

"You try to communicate with the giants, try not to conflict!"

Jujian Hui also saw the giant walking towards the members of the Victory Team, and hurriedly ordered.

"Giant, hello, thank you for eliminating the monster, do you have something to tell us?"

Zong Fang said bravely.

The fifty-meter-tall giant stood in front of him, the oppression was too great.

Dagu looked at the little Zongfang in front of him in the form of a giant, and he was filled with emotion.

He didn't fly away like the original plot, but chose to stay because he saw the future plot given by Gouzi.

Every time a monster appears, many people die.

Although he was able to defeat the monster in the end, the price he paid was too great.


Through this incident, he felt that the gods in the chat group were not like evil gods.

the most important is.

After experiencing monsters and transforming into Tiga, he has completely believed in the existence of gods and the horror and power of the Lord of Primordial Origin.

Such a powerful existence, if he wants to harm him, he has no power to resist.

Since it is impossible to resist.

Then just lie back and enjoy.

With the help of the gods, fighting monsters will not be as difficult as in the original future.

"Don't know me?"

Dagu's joking voice sounded, and then changed back to Dagu's appearance in front of Zongfang and other members of the winning team.

"Ah... Dagu!"

"Dagu, are you alright?"

"You turned... into a giant?"

Zongfang, Xincheng, Lina and others were stunned.

Mouth opened wide.


Dagu turned into a giant?

"Go, let's go back and talk!"

Dagu smiled and joined the chat group. He can transform into an Ultraman at any time, and he is not afraid of being caught and sliced.

In other words, he is fearless.


TPC Far East headquarters base.

"Unexpectedly, there are really gods in this world!"

"Dagu, you are so lucky. Not only can you transform into Dijia, but you have also obtained the favor of a god. You have taken over all the good things in the world!"

After Zong Fang and other members of the Victory Team listened to Dagu's explanation and recited the concept, everyone's eyes were filled with emotion.

Ju Jianhui pondered and said: "Dagu, you are right, we cannot rely on your strength alone, your strength alone is limited after all, and believing in the Lord of Primordial Mist can make us all human beings stronger!"


The news here spread to the headquarters of the TPC Earth Peace Alliance organization.

There are miraculous scriptures that visualize how prayers can make you stronger.

The headquarters of the TPC Earth Peace Alliance passed the decision to believe in the Lord of Primordialism without much hesitation.

Ideas quickly spread across the globe from top to bottom, and soon spread to everyone.

Prayer makes you stronger.

No one can resist this temptation.

It can be said that in less than a day, more than 70% of the people in the world have believed in the Lord of Primordial Origin.

Those who have no faith are those who do not have access to the Internet.

After the whole world believed in the Lord of Primordial Origin, the headquarters of the TPC Earth Peace Alliance began to build an altar under Dagu's guidance and prepare for offering sacrifices.

"At that time, catch a few monsters and sacrifice them to my lord."

Dagu thought to himself.


at the same time.

Big dominates the world.

Bailing Continent.

In a vast and boundless original stone forest, there are towering ancient trees, roaring beasts, and scary birds leaping past from time to time.

"Sure enough, it's here."

A cold and moving whisper sounded, the space was distorted, and a beautiful figure stepped out.

This is a woman.

A breathtakingly beautiful woman.

A set of tight-fitting brocade robes inlaid with gold and purple vividly outlined her plump and delicate body.

Three thousand blue silks as black as ink scattered down like a waterfall, hanging down to the slender waist, like a nine-day galaxy.

The beautiful and moving face is calm and peaceful, but it reveals a touch of grace and nobility that cannot be concealed.

She stands quietly in the void, with terrifying consciousness covering thousands of miles in a radius, every plant and tree in the forest, insects, ants, birds and beasts are all visible.

Her beautiful, deep eyes looked ahead.

There was a beautiful woman who was consummated but seriously injured.

The woman was unable to move because of her injury, and the spiritual energy in her body dissipated, attracting countless spirit beasts around, trying to devour her.

Not far from the woman, a young man heard the movement and came towards here, and soon he could see the injured woman.

"This is Mu Feng, the father of Mu Chen, the son of Destiny who rules the world, right?"

The beautiful woman standing in the void looked at the young man and whispered in her heart.

She is none other than Yun Yun who ascended from Dou Po World.

According to the information provided by Gouzi, she came all the way to Bailing Continent, and found out that Mu Feng came here to practice.

So she came quickly.

"Qing Yanjing, the saintess of the ancient Futu tribe, the Supreme Earth Dzogchen, the water here is too deep, you can't grasp it

, let me do it! "

Seeing that Mu Feng was about to arrive at the place where Qing Yanjing was, Yun Yun's plump delicate body moved, and in an instant, she crossed thousands of meters and came to Qing Yanjing.

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