Become a God and Join the Chat Group

Chapter 2: Tushan Rongrong, Honghong, and Yaya (second update)

Kingdom of God.

Red Dust Heavenly Palace.

Hong Meng lay lazily on a huge throne, with his head resting on Feng Xi's white and round thighs, and he opened his mouth to eat the amethyst grapes fed to his mouth by Liu Shen next to him.

Yu Tuoyu held the jug in his hand and poured wine to Hong Meng's mouth.

Leisurely life, so happy.

"Ding, a change has been detected in the overlord's world, and an extraterritorial demon has invaded. The group leader, please eliminate the extraterritorial demon as soon as possible, and reward a million points."

Suddenly, a reminder sounded that only Hong Meng could hear, and his heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect another traverser to appear again!

Still rule the world.

No one is in the crowd to dominate the world.

But Yun Yun and Lin Dong are both dominating the world.

With the thought together, Hong Meng sensed everything about Yun Yun and Lin Dong.

"War Emperor of the Western Heaven? It's interesting that a traverser actually crossed over to the Emperor of the Western Heaven!"

The corners of Hong Meng's mouth slightly raised, revealing a look of amusement.

"My lord, what is there to be happy about?"

Feng Xi peeled off the skin of the Zijin grapes with her jade hands, and fed the pulp into Hong Meng's mouth, with a world-famous smile on her beautiful cheeks.

"I'm thinking about how to eat you."

Hong Meng smiled lightly, and a blush suddenly appeared on Feng Xi's fair and pretty face, and she said angrily, "My lord knows how to bully others."

"How did I bully you?"

Hong Meng reached out and took Feng Xi into his arms, bowed his head and kissed her deeply.

The days of the gods are so simple and unpretentious.


While flirting with Feng Xi and the other three, Hong Meng also modified the tasks of the chat group and distributed them to the group:

"Ding, a change has been detected in the overlord's world, and there are foreign demons invading. Please group members eliminate the foreign demons as soon as possible, and reward you with a top-grade innate spirit treasure."

Head of Huashan: "The extraterrestrial demons have appeared again!"

The Lord of Great Qin: "The Great Master's world is the world where Sect Master Yun and Martial Ancestor are located."

Sect Master Yunlan: "I think I should have encountered an extraterrestrial demon!"

Martial Ancestor: "Sect Master Yun has already encountered an extraterrestrial demon? Where is it?"

Sect Master Yunlan: "It's in the Bailing Continent, so it should be the Emperor of War in the Western Sky."

Tu Shan's second head: "Sister Yun, do you need help?"

Sect Master Yunlan: "I don't know the opponent's strength yet, but it should be very strong."

Tu Shan's second head: "Sister Yun, I want to come and see the Great Ruler of the World, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to snatch the extraterritorial demons, I'm just curious!"

Demon Queen: "Trust me, you ghost, you can't believe what a fox says."

Tu Shan's second head: "You old devil, you can't believe what you say."

Sect Master Yun Lan: "Sister Rong Rong wants to come, of course it's no problem, you are very welcome."

Empress of Huanyinfang: "Sister Yun, can you open the live broadcast so that I can open my eyes?"

Empress Shui Yunji joined the group relatively late, and she is in the world of martial arts, so she is very curious about other fantasy worlds.

In fact, she also wanted to go and have a look, but she knew that she was too weak.

The aftermath of the battle is not something she can bear.

But at a distance, she couldn't see it with her strength.

Weak in strength, not even qualified to watch the battle.

Sect Master Yunlan: "No problem."

As the live broadcast started, everyone saw a stalwart golden figure exuding a terrifying aura of dominating the world.

Ye Tiandi: "Seeing this aggressive appearance, I knew he was taking pills!"

I don't want to be Zhao Gao: "My son Wang Teng has the appearance of a great emperor!"

Gouzi of the God: "The summit of the immortal, proud of the world, if there is me, An Lan, there will be heaven."

The world will be the overlord: "Who is calling invincible, the one who dares to say that he is invincible, will not be seen in the era of emperors!"

Favorite drink of animal milk: "..."

When the members of the group are in the water, the big dominates the world.

Bailing Continent.

A petite figure suddenly appeared beside Yun Yun.

She has a pair of fluffy fox ears lying on her stomach, green hair, small squinted eyes, and two marks on her face.

"Tu Shan Rongrong?"

Seeing the sudden appearance, the Emperor Xitian widened his eyes and exclaimed.

This figure is too recognizable.

It's just that he couldn't believe that Tu Shan Rongrong would appear here.

"You really are a time traveler!"

When Yun Yun heard the words, she immediately affirmed the guess in her heart.

Extraterrestrial demons, for real.

"How do you know about the traversers?"

Xitian Zhanhuang's golden eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt unusual at this moment.


Yun Yun shouldn't be here at this time.


It is even more impossible for Tu Shan Rongrong to appear here.

Could it be that they can travel through the heavens and worlds?

"The dead don't need to know that much."

Yun Yun entrusted Qing Yanjing to Tu Shan Rongrong's care, a powerful aura permeated the air, and her cold eyes fixed on the Emperor of the West.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say anything, no matter how tight your mouth is, the emperor will have a way to pry it open."

The Western Heaven War Emperor smiled, and his fiery eyes swept across Yun Yun's plump and exquisite jade body, his face was wretched, which was very different from his previous appearance.

Obviously, this is his true face.


The next moment, a strong and terrifying breath came from the void

The sky is filled with air, and the battle is mighty, filling the sky!

A towering figure emerged behind the West Heaven War Emperor!

That figure is as high as ten thousand feet.

Behind the giant shadow's head, there are three balls of light floating.

The ball of light continued to rotate, and an indescribable sense of terror and pressure, like a storm, erupted from the body of this giant shadow.

It directly caused this space to be distorted and broken.

"This is the ancient war emperor dharma body ranked twenty-fourth on the list of ninety-nine supreme dharma bodies!"

Qing Yan looked at this dharma body quietly, with a dignified voice.

It is rumored that in ancient times, there was a peak powerhouse named Zhandi. His original spiritual power of war combined fighting will and spiritual power, and his combat power was astonishing!

With the help of this, even in the ancient era when there were so many strong men, that ancient war emperor could be ranked among the top strong men in the world.

Later, the ancient war emperor fell, and the inheritance was lost, and was later acquired by the West Heaven War Emperor by chance. With the help of the growth of his inheritance, he achieved the name of the current Emperor of Hundred Wars and the invincible battle power of the West Heaven War Emperor!

"This is the Dharma Body of the Ancient War Emperor, the 24th on the Ninety Nine Supreme Dharma Body List."

The fighting spirit in the eyes of the Xitian Zhanhuang looked down at Yunyun, with pride on his face, and the ancient Zhanhuang dharma body stood behind him, with a powerful fighting spirit fighting the sky and the earth.

Against the backdrop of this supreme dharma body, he is like an ancient war emperor, with incomparable divine power!

"Twenty-two, not number one!"

Yun Yun curled her lips, holding the Qinglian sword in her palm, and directly struck.

"Qinglian Sword Song."

Blossoming green lotuses emerged, and each green lotus was filled with infinite sword energy, which seemed to be able to cut through the universe and tear apart chaos.

Thousands of sword qi swept down like the Nine Heavens Milky Way.

"Small tricks, dare to show your ugliness!"

Xitian Zhanhuang's hands suddenly formed a seal, and in a short time, a vast golden light rose from his body like rounds of golden scorching sun!

In each round of the golden scorching sun, one after another faint figures emerged.


The golden scorching sun vibrated, and a vast spiritual power rippled out, causing the sky and the earth to tremble.

The battle spirit formula, the fusion of fighting will and spiritual power, is mysterious and unparalleled.

This is also the means of fame of the Emperor of the West Heaven!

Yun Yun looked at it, and saw that rounds of golden sun condensed together and turned into a golden cauldron!

On the golden cauldron, there are countless figures engraved, like an elite army, full of fighting spirit!

"War Spirit Invincible Cauldron!"

The West Heaven War Emperor had a solemn face, and with a low shout, the golden cauldron was directly suppressed towards Yun Yun, and wherever it passed, the void was suppressed and solidified!

The sword energy that swept towards him was shattered and disappeared invisible under the suppression of the cauldron.

"Sister Yun, be careful."

Tu Shan Rongrong exclaimed, and quickly retreated with Qing Yanjing.


The golden cauldron fell, and Yun Yun vomited blood and flew backwards.

Her strength is still much weaker than that of the Western Heaven War Emperor.

"That's it?"

Xitian Zhanhuang looked smug and relieved, thinking that Yunyun had something to rely on, but it turned out to be just an embroidered pillow.

"You three obediently go back to the palace with me, otherwise, don't blame me for not being sympathetic, and it would be bad if I hurt you!"

Xitian Zhanhuang was excited, even excited.

Although Tu Shan Rongrong is petite, she was also the goddess of his previous life.

Today is really lucky, and I can't stop it.

One by one, the beauties sent them into his arms.

Is this the benefit of pig feet?

When he pries Yun Yun and Tu Shan Rongrong's little mouths open, he might be able to go to other worlds, at least going to the world of fox demons will be no problem.

There are many goddesses in the world of fox demons.

Fox-eared lady Tu Shan Honghong, Tu Shan Yaya, Huandu Luolan...

in the chat group.

Shangshen's dog: "Damn, how dare you hit me, sister Yun, you'll be so damned!"

Demon Queen: "Sister Yun, come on!"

Overlord of the Tianxiahui: "This extraterritorial demon seems to be a little bit stronger!"

Monkey King: "My old grandson can beat him to death with one stick!"

King of Demon Kings: "Brother Monkey is mighty!"

After a friendly exchange with Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, Sun Wukong has recognized him as his elder brother.

Xuansi Sleeping Little Dragon Girl: "Sister Yun, come on!"

Although Yun Yun was defeated by one move, everyone in the group was not worried.

No one even offered to help.

Because Yun Yun, who has the imprint of the gods, cannot be killed.

However, this is reserved for their life-saving use by the Primordial Master, and it is generally not used lightly.

Even if you encounter an enemy you can't beat.

They can ask the heroes and warriors of the Kingdom of God to come.


Yun Yun knew that she was not an opponent, so she didn't bear it to the death, and directly asked the heroes of the Kingdom of God to come.


Red Dust Heavenly Palace.

"Since you like beauties so much, I'll send you two more."

"Unfortunately, if you fail to grasp it, you will die."

Hong Meng stared at Yun Yun and Xitian Zhanhuang with a ray of divine sense, and with a twitch in his heart, he ordered Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Yaya, who were at the peak of the God King, to go to the Great Ruler World.


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