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Chapter Three Wang Yuwang

"Pray to God?"

Seeing Yun Yun's movements, Xitian Zhanhuang sneered, and said mockingly, "If praying to the gods is useful, why do you still practice?"

Even though he said so, the Western Heaven War Emperor did not let down his vigilance in his heart.

He knew that it was impossible for Yun Yun to do meaningless things.

Nine times out of ten it is to find a helper.

But what about looking for help?

He is the emperor of Western Heaven, the emperor of a hundred battles, and his fighting power is invincible.

He consciously glanced at his sign-in system panel:

Host: Emperor of the West

Cultivation level: half-step dominance

Supreme Dharma Body: Ancient War Emperor Dharma Body, Desolate Ancestor Body, Ye Shen Ancient Body, Tailing Holy Body, Eternal Immortal Body, Endless Light Body

Skills and supernatural powers: Great Emperor's Internal Canon, Six Paths of Reincarnation, War Emperor Glazed Sky Finger, War Emperor Spirit Fist, War Spirit Invincible Cauldron, Eternal True Seal Ball, Eternal Immortal Hand, Immortal Ancient Sutra, Great Sun Glazed Fist...

It has been ten years since he traveled here.

For ten years, relying on the sign-in system, he obtained various treasures and magical skills, especially the six avatars that can be cultivated including the real deity.

Each avatar is like the real body and can be cultivated by itself.

After that, he signed in and obtained the five primordial supreme dharma bodies that ruled the world. He made five clones, each of which cultivated one.

Now it has been fully cultivated.

As long as all the avatars are united, he can break through the half-step domination realm and become a real dominator just like Mu Chen in the original book.

It can be said.

He dominates the world and is already invincible.

"Senior, what is Fairy Yun doing? Can she deal with the Emperor of the West?"

Qing Yanjing was a little puzzled and curious, and couldn't help looking at Tu Shan Rongrong.

Although she couldn't see Tu Shan Rongrong's cultivation level, she could vaguely feel that the other party was at least the Supreme Being of Heaven.

"My name is Tu Shan Rongrong. Both Sister Yun and Sister Yun are followers and emissaries of the great Lord of Primordial Conception. Now Sister Yun is asking for the arrival of the heroes under my Lord's command."

While speaking, Tu Shan Rongrong passed on his thoughts to Qing Yanjing, saying:

"This is the scripture passed down by my lord. You can feel the stalwart immortal body of my lord after you recite it once, and you can also get the grace of my lord. It's easy to recover from injuries."

"Thank you, senior."

Qing Yanjing thanked her, and immediately looked at the thoughts in her mind.

This look.

The corner of her mouth couldn't help twitching.

She thought it was some magical technique.


This is the result?

Isn't this just a piece of praise to the gods and prayers?

If I recite it once, I feel so ashamed.


You can't believe what the fox says.

This fox demon is cunning and cunning at a glance, and has a dark belly.


Just when Qing Yanjing was speechless, above the sky, thunder exploded.

A thunderbolt ripped apart the sky like a candle dragon.

Endless white holy light poured down, condensing into a huge white jade portal.


Xitian Zhanhuang raised his head and looked at the white jade portal, feeling an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

"what is that?"

"The vision of heaven and earth, is there a treasure born?"

Countless experts in Bailing Continent raised their heads, looked at the white portal in the sky, their eyes lit up, and they rushed over with their magical powers.

Bailing Palace.

"What is this? Is there a treasure born?"

A young man holding a beautiful woman up and down his arms paused, his eyes burning.

He was wearing a golden robe, with a slender body and a rather handsome face, but his slightly narrow eyes gave him a hint of femininity.

It is the ruler of the Bailing Continent, the Bailing King.

"Everything in the Bailing Continent belongs to this king, no matter what kind of treasure it is."

King Bailing pulled out his hand, threw the beautiful woman in his arms to the ground, and immediately rushed towards the location of Baiyu's gate with his strong men.

But when the strong men from the Bailing Continent shook and rushed over one after another, the holy and dazzling light of the white jade portal in the sky suddenly lit up.

All the strong men watching the portal couldn't help but close their eyes.

When you open your eyes again.

Two tall, plump, peerless figures stood in the void.

These two figures.

She was dressed in a delicate and beautiful long dress of pink and lavender, with a pair of long fox ears with light pink fluff on both sides horizontally, which was unique.

A head of golden orange waist-length hair hangs down, with two bells hanging from the end of the hair, tied with a red bow.

There are two red bows with two bells hanging from the belts on both sides of the clothes, a pair of bare feet, exquisite and perfect, and foot bell rings with golden bells on the feet.

She stood quietly in the void, with a slender and tall figure, elegant and domineering temperament, and the temperament and demeanor of a king leader.

Like a nine-day goddess, she is peerless.

Another figure was wearing a long blue dress, one side was sleeveless and the other side had wide sleeves, outlining an endlessly stalwart and broad mind.

She is also barefoot, with loose hair, fox ears, and a furry white scarf like a fox tail around her neck. Her indifferent and arrogant eyes are like an iceberg queen.

"What a nice view……"

The Bailing King and the two subordinates of the Earth Supreme Being had just arrived when they saw two figures appearing in the sky, their eyes widened,

The corners of the mouth are drooling.

"Such a woman must be worthy of this king. Before, she was such a rouge and vulgar fan!"

Bai Ling Wang's eyes were extremely hot, as if he wanted to swallow them all in one gulp.

"Young master, they are the supreme beings in the sky!"

An old man in a black robe who is the supreme Dzogchen is about to step forward when he sees the king of larks. Knowing that the king of larks is lustful, he hastily reminded him.

Although he couldn't see the specific cultivation level of the other party, he was definitely the Supreme Being of Heaven.

"What about the Supreme Being? Is this king not worthy of the Supreme Being?"

The Bailing King snorted coldly, and with a flash of his figure, he walked directly towards the two peerless goddesses in the sky.

"Tu Shan Hong Hong! Tu Shan Ya Ya!"

On the other side, the Western Heaven War Emperor directly recognized the identities of the two, his eyes were full of surprise and excitement.

He thought Yun Yun would call some helper, but that's it?

Although Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Yaya did not know why they became much stronger than in the original book, but he was not afraid.

"Tsk tsk, now the three sisters are together, so cool!"

Xitian Zhanhuang was delighted, his eyes looking at Yun Yun became more and more intense, and he said loudly: "Yun Yun, just the two of them are not enough, if there is any helper, let's call together!"

The Western Heaven War Emperor was full of anticipation.

Maybe Yun Yun could give him a little surprise.

It's unknown how many more beauties will be called.

"Hiss! I didn't expect there are three beauties here!"

Hearing the voice of the Western Heaven War Emperor, Bailing King turned his eyes away from Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Yaya, and immediately saw Yun Yun, Qing Yanjing and Tu Shan Rongrong.

"My king is lucky today, and I can't stop it!"

The Bailing King became excited, if these three vixens and two beauties were put on his big bed in Bailing Palace, what would it be like?

Thinking of this, King Bailing suddenly had a rush of blood rushing to the top of his head, and his gloomy eyes suddenly looked at the Battle Emperor of the West Heaven:

"No matter who you are, I will protect these fairies, and those who are sensible will get out immediately!"

This kind of thing of showing off in front of a beauty, the King of Larks is best at it.

If it weren't for the fact that Xitian Zhanhuang is a supreme being, he would not have let Xitian Zhanhuang go, but let his subordinates beat him to death.


Xitian Zhanhuang snorted coldly, and a powerful breath hit Bailing King's chest.


Bai Ling Wang spewed out a mouthful of blood as if he had been hit hard, and his whole body fell from the sky like a kite with a broken string.

"Young master!"

The two old men in black robes who were the Supreme Beings of the Great Perfection were shocked, and hurriedly stepped forward to catch King Bailing: "Young Master, are you alright?"

"Do I seem to be okay? Trash!"

King Bailing pushed the two away forcefully, furious.

"My lord, a good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses, the other party is the supreme being, let's withdraw first!"

The two old men in black robes hurriedly advised.

Earth Supreme and Heaven Supreme are completely two realms.

Even if they are the Earth Sovereigns and Dzogchen, they are not a one-shot enemy when facing the weakest spiritual level Heavenly Sovereigns.

"Just know how to withdraw! Useless trash! What use is this king wanting you!"

King Bailing kicked the two old men away, becoming even more angry.

He was beaten before he even finished pretending, or in front of a few goddesses, if he left in such a despondent way, where would he put his face?

What's more, if he left, wouldn't these goddesses be taken away by the other party?

He can't go!

"You dare to hit me? Do you know who I am?"

The Bailing King glared at the Western Heaven War Emperor, and said proudly: "This king's father is the master of the Beixuan Palace, the Heavenly Sovereign in the early stage of the Immortal Grade, and this king's mother is the Suzerain of the Hundred Flowers Sect, and the Heavenly Sovereign in the early stage of the Spiritual Grade."

His voice was proud and proud.

Although he is only a low-level earth supreme, he has a father who is an immortal heavenly supreme.

He didn't believe that the person in front of him would be the Supreme Immortal.

Beixuan Palace, in the northwest direction of the Great Thousand World, has a good reputation, and it has four continents under its command.

And this Bailing Continent is one of them.

It can be said that Beixuan Palace is the well-deserved overlord in this vast area.

Although the Hundred Flowers Sect is not as powerful as the Beixuan Palace, it still has the Supreme Being in charge, and it is also the overlord.

With this kind of status, the Bailing King is unscrupulous in this area, and he is not afraid of the sky and the earth.

"Is the Immortal Supreme Heavenly Supreme really powerful?"

Xitian Zhanhuang frowned slightly, he didn't expect this brat to pretend to be with him.

"Of course it's powerful. A celestial celestial being like you can crush to death a spiritual celestial being like you with one hand..."

Bai Ling Wang raised his head, but before he could finish speaking, he saw a golden fighting spirit crushing towards him.

"you dare!"

"My lord, be careful!"

The Bailing King and the two old men in black robes exclaimed, and they were about to stop them with all their spiritual power.

However, in the face of absolute strength, all their resistance is futile.

Bang bang bang!

The bodies of Bailing King and the two black-robed old men exploded, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

"Hiss! The Bailing King has been killed!"

"This is too bad! Maybe the whole continent will have to be buried with King Bai Ling!"

"It's over!"

Seeing the killing of the Bailing King, countless strong men in the Bailing Continent were terrified.

Bailing Continent can be said

It is the playground and back garden given by the master of Beixuan Palace to King Bailing.

Now that King Bailing is dead, no one can bear the anger of Palace Master Beixuan.

"I don't know who this senior is, but he dared to kill King Bailing even after knowing Palace Master Beixuan, that's too courageous!"


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