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Chapter 4 Fatten up and then kill (second update)


() "Bold? Huh?"

"Do you know who this senior is?"

"who is it?"

"Look at this senior's Supreme Dharma Body, this is the Ancient War Emperor's Dharma Body ranked twenty-fourth on the Ninety Nine Supreme Dharma Body List!"

"What! The Dharma Body of the Ancient War Emperor?"

"Isn't this the Supreme Dharma Body of the Emperor of Hundred Battles, the Emperor of Western Heaven?"

"Then... this senior is... the Emperor of the West Heaven?"

"It turned out to be the senior of the Western Heaven War Emperor. He is really heroic and domineering, and his fighting power is invincible!"

Countless people exclaimed, after knowing the identity of the Western Heaven War Emperor, everyone knew that the death of the Bailing King was in vain.

Although Palace Master Beixuan is formidable, he is still a lot worse than Xitian Zhanhuang.

With the death of the Bailing King, everyone's eyes once again focused on Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Yaya.

"These fairies are so beautiful! No wonder the Battle Emperor of the West Heaven is so tempted!"

"I heard that Xitian Zhanhuang loves beauties the most. There are three thousand beauties in the Zhanhuang Palace. I saw you today, and it's true!"

Everyone was discussing through sound transmission.

They dare not say these words in front of the Western Heaven War Emperor.

Xitian Zhanhuang ignored everyone's astonishment and comments, shooting Bailing King to death was like trampling an ant to death.

He looked at Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Yaya as if nothing had happened, and said domineeringly:

"You two beauties, if you have any means, just use them. Otherwise, if the Emperor makes a move, you will have no chance!"

For such powerful beauties, only by showing the strength to crush them can they be conquered better.

"You deserve it too?"

Tu Shan Yaya looked indifferent, did not open his mouth to speak, but spoke with the voice transmission technique of thousands of miles.

As the sound fell, the Western Heaven War Emperor felt as if he had been hit hard, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and hit the ground heavily.


Everyone who eats melons is stunned.

How is this going?

Why did the Emperor of the West vomit blood and fell to the ground in just one sentence?

Could it be that those two beauties made a secret move?

Why didn't they see it?


The Emperor Xitian got up from the pit, coughing up blood from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of horror and ferocity.

"Okay! I didn't expect your strength to be so strong!"

The Western Heaven War Emperor laughed back in anger. Although he was angry, his desire to conquer became stronger.

How would it feel if such a strong woman was conquered and crushed under him?

"If you have any means, just use it, otherwise I will make a move, and you will have no chance."

Tu Shan Yaya said indifferently and arrogantly using the voice transmission technique of thousands of miles.

She could actually kill the Western Sky War Emperor with one blow.

But she didn't.

She knew that the Western Sky War Emperor could still become stronger.

Pigs have to be fattened and killed.

Xitian Zhanhuang is a pig whose blood was sacrificed to the Lord of Primordial Mist.

Naturally, the fatter the better.

"Today, I will let you all experience the true strength of the emperor!"

The figure of the Western Heaven War Emperor slowly soared into the sky, as if his fighting spirit soared into the sky, and at the same time, five terrifying clones appeared around him.

"The emperor of a hundred battles, the power of battle is invincible!"

When the deep, majestic and majestic voice of the Western Heaven War Emperor echoed from the heaven and the earth.

In the high sky, the boundless and endless spiritual light descended like a light curtain.

Qing Yanjing and the others from the Bailing Continent and even the surrounding powerhouses all raised their heads in shock at this moment.

At this time, the spiritual power surging between the heaven and the earth reached an extremely terrifying level.

At that level, even the Supreme Being, even the Supreme Heavenly Saint, would be terrified.

Moreover, at this time, there seemed to be a trace of indescribable power in the spiritual power of that day.

That kind of power is vast and boundless, with infinite coercion, like the power of the world.


Northern Wilderness Hill.

The land of thousands of graves.

"What's going on? What a terrifying fluctuation!"

"what happened?"

Wisps of black wind appeared out of thin air.

When the black wind dissipated, there was only an old man in black robe and white hair, standing proudly in the void, looking at Bailing Continent with his sharp and deep eyes like an abyss.

This old man exuded an aura of twilight all over his body, as if the fire of life would be extinguished at any time, but under that precarious posture, he exuded an indescribable terrifying coercion.

He is the leader who guards the Northern Desolate Hill, the leader of the tomb guards, the mysterious Lord of the Undead.

"This kind of power completely surpasses the Supreme Saint of Heaven, so we must figure it out!"

The Immortal Lord pondered for a moment, then took a step forward, tearing apart the void, and headed towards the Bailing Continent.


Sword domain.


The clear sound of the sword's cry resounded through the void, and a cyan sword light seemed to break through the air.

When the cyan sword light dissipated, a middle-aged man in a green shirt and a long sword with a green edge was revealed.

He is the sword field, the sword master of green clothes.

The most powerful person in the late stage of Shengpintian Supreme.

As famous as the Lord of the Undying.

"This power..."

He raised his head, looked at Bailing Continent, then took a step forward, turned into a sword light, tore through the void, and disappeared without a trace.

at the same time.

Daqiangong Demon Slayer King Qin Tian, ​​Futu Ancient Clan Futu Xuan, Maha Ancient Clan Mahatian, Tailing Ancient Clan, Heitian Ancient Clan...

One by one, the Supreme Saints who sensed the movement rushed to the Bailing Continent as quickly as possible.


Bailing Continent.

The hanging cloud-like spiritual light poured down from the sky, causing turmoil in the world, and then gradually converged.

"Hiss! What is this?"

The Beixuan Palace Master and the Baihua Sect Master who had just come across the void were shocked to see that in the void outside the Bailing Continent, there seemed to be an invisible curtain of spiritual power slowly appearing.

They came here in a hurry after receiving the call for help from the Bailing King, but the terrifying situation here at this moment made them have no time to care about the life and death of the Bailing King.

"what is that?"

The Lord of Immortality and the Sword Master in Green Shirt rushed over. Even though they were well-informed in the late stage of Saint-Rank Heavenly Supreme, they were looking at the curtain of light slowly unfolding in the void with shocked faces at this moment.

That light curtain gave people a vague and mysterious feeling, as if countless mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars were engraved on it, like a world.

A terrifying majesty emanated from it, and under that majesty, everyone's hearts trembled slightly, frightened by that power.

The Western Heaven War Emperor condensed the light curtain in the void, and proudly said:

"This is the will of the Great Thousand World."

"The world will of the Great Thousand Worlds?"

Everyone was shocked, even the Immortal Lord and the Sword Master in Qingshan were stupefied and full of doubts.

The Emperor of War of the Western Sky glanced around proudly, as if he knew that they did not understand what the will of the world was.

"The way of cultivation leads to the same goal. The Supreme Being of Heaven can draw the spiritual power of heaven and earth to bless oneself..."

"In this vast world, the world is pregnant with will. Only by sensing this will can one engrave one's own true spirit in the world, thereby arousing the mighty power of the world. This state is the so-called holy product of detachment."

The voice of the Emperor of War in the Western Heaven, like a grand bell resounding through the heavens and earth, was like preaching the Dharma, making the Immortal Master and the Sword Master in Qingshan mesmerized, as if a new world had been opened.

It turned out that this was the legendary holy product of transcendence.

Their minds were shaken, but they didn't dare to be distracted in the slightest, and they firmly remembered every word of the Western Heaven War Emperor in their hearts.

Because they have all reached the late stage of the holy rank, but this seems to have reached the limit. No matter how they practice, it is difficult to improve.

I didn't expect to need to sense the will of the world.

"The first person in the Great Thousand World to sense the will of the world is the Immortal Emperor."

Looking at the mysterious light curtain that covered the sky and the sun, the Western Heaven War Emperor calmly said: "And he also named the will of this world..."

"The Sky Ranking!"

"The Sky Ranking?"

All the strong men were moved, because when they heard these three words, it seemed that there was an indescribable power that imprinted it in the deepest part of their hearts, making them have the ultimate pursuit.

"Taking the world as the list... As long as you can imprint your real name on the will of this world, you will be able to gain the recognition of the Great Thousand World and master the power of the Great Thousand World."

The Emperor of War of the Western Heaven said slowly.

Everyone's heart trembled slightly, and they raised their heads, their aura gathered in their eyes, and looked at the boundless and mysterious light curtain——the sky list with a trace of awe.

On the sky list, it was hazy and mysterious, making it difficult to see, but after careful gazing, everyone finally saw that in one place of the sky list, a spiritual light suddenly condensed, and finally an ancient font gradually emerged... …


"Ye?! What does this mean?"

The sword master in green shirt and Qin Tian, ​​Futuxuan and others who followed closely behind focused their eyes.

"Ye... is the surname of the Immortal Emperor."

Beside, the undead lord said in a trembling voice.

"That's right, this is the surname of the Immortal Emperor. In the ancient times, he sensed the world will of the Great Thousand Worlds, which triggered the sky list to descend, and then left his surname on the sky list."

Xitian Zhanhuang nodded, and continued: "It's a pity that the Immortal Emperor has never been able to leave a complete real name on the sky list, but only left a surname, otherwise, there is no need to sacrifice his life. It can seal the Heavenly Evil God."

Everyone was in an uproar, and finally realized that the so-called holy rank was to sense the will of the world, trigger the sky list, and leave my real name on it, and once it was completely imprinted, it would be able to control The power of the world, the transcendent holy product...

"Even the Immortal Emperor actually left only one surname on the list of the sky..."

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, stronger than the Immortal Emperor, they couldn't imprint their complete real names.

From this, it can be seen how difficult it is to brand your real name on this firmament list.

"Today, I, the Battle Emperor of the Western Heaven, will be on the list of the sky!"

The proud and majestic voice of the Battle Emperor of the West Sky resounded in the sky, and everyone's spirits were lifted. Even the Immortal Lord, the Sword Master in Green Shirt, and Qin Tian and other saint-grade Heavenly Supreme late-stage powerhouses were also excited.

The Emperor of War of the Western Sky can move the sky list, maybe he can really make a name for himself.


All they wanted was to leave a surname like the Immortal Emperor.

As for the full real name, they didn't even think about it.

The Immortal Emperor did not remain intact. Although the Western Heaven War Emperor is amazing and talented, but in their hearts

Zhong does not think that it can surpass the Immortal Emperor.

Boom boom boom boom.

this moment.

A terrifying breath erupted.

Behind the five avatars of the Western Heaven War Emperor, there is boundless aura gathering, and in that aura, there are ancient fluctuations emanating.

Then, countless lines of sight were shocked to see that in the aura behind the five clones, there were actually five ancient lights and shadows slowly emerging.

"This is……"

"This is the eternal immortal body!"

Mahatian exclaimed, the ancient Maha clan guarded the eternal immortal body, but how could the eternal immortal body appear here?

" the Desolate Ancestor Body!"

"Endless Light Body!"

"Tai Ling Eucharist!"

"Ye Shen ancient body!"




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