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Chapter 5 I am the Master (3rd watch)

"Eternal Immortal Body!"

"Desolate ancestor body!"

"Endless Light Body!"

"Tai Ling Eucharist!"

"Ye Shen ancient body!"

"Impossible! How could the five original dharma bodies be here?"

"My clan's original dharma body never left the clan land at all, it's absolutely impossible!"

Seeing the five original Dharma Bodies, not to mention Mahetian, even the Lord of Immortality, the Sword Master in Green Shirt, Futuxuan and other human sages and gods were stunned!

Especially the powerhouses of the five ancient clans such as Mahatian and Futuxuan.

They are the guardians and owners of the five original dharmakayas.

They clearly remembered that the five original dharma bodies were still in the clan.

How could it be here?

Only Tu Shan Rongrong, Yun Yun, Tu Shan Honghong, and Tu Shan Yaya were able to remain calm.

They knew that the Emperor Xitian was a time traveler, so he might have a system, and it was normal to have other channels to get the five original dharma bodies.

The mysterious and ancient light curtain connects the sky and the earth, and under the sky chart, five figures are surrounded by spiritual light, shining like five suns, illuminating the world.

Xitian Zhanhuang stood in the center of the five avatars, and the ancient Zhanhuang Dharma body behind him seemed a bit weak in comparison.

But he didn't pay attention, all the spiritual power surged in his body, and then gathered at his fingertips. Suddenly, that finger became dazzling, and a terrifying wave emanated from it.


At the same time, his five avatars also formed seals with one hand, urging their own spiritual power without reservation.

In the next moment, five torrents like a galaxy burst out from their bodies and gathered on the finger of the Western Heaven War Emperor.

Such majestic and vast power gathered together, and the fingers of the Western Heaven War Emperor trembled slightly.

At this time, with just a slight movement of his finger, a lower plane will be easily erased by him.

Feeling the terrifying power gathered at the fingertips, the Emperor Xitian was full of vigor and pride, and suddenly raised his finger to write a pen, facing the sky chart, and suddenly dropped it.

The Lord of Immortality, the Sword Saint in Green Shirt, Qin Tian, ​​Maha Tian and other saints raised their hearts suddenly, feeling both excited and apprehensive.



They don't know how many years they haven't felt this emotion.

It's like riding a roller coaster, with violent ups and downs.


As the huge finger of the Emperor of the West landed on the sky list.

An indescribable sense of oppression erupted from the sky list, filling the sky and the earth.

Under this kind of oppression, all the Supreme Beings, even the Immortal Lord and the Sword Master in Qingshan, who were in the late stages of the holy rank, all changed their complexions drastically.

Under such pressure, they found that they could not even move their fingers...

Only the Xitian Zhanhuang remained calm, his thick and long fingers kept sliding, the sky chart trembled faintly, and the sound of thunder almost echoed throughout the great world.

At this moment, in every corner of the Great Thousand World, all the creatures felt something. They raised their heads and looked in the direction of the Bailing Continent.


On the sky list, the spiritual light became more and more intense, and in that spiritual light, everyone could clearly see that an ancient font as vigorous as a horned dragon was gradually taking shape.



"The Battle Emperor of Western Heaven successfully left a surname, reaching the same level as the Immortal Emperor!"

The Immortal Lord and others were pleasantly surprised.

Today, the Great Thousand World is still facing the threat of demons. With a strong man like the Immortal Emperor sitting in charge, they can feel at ease and relax.

"What is the immortal emperor? This emperor will leave his full real name today."

Xitian Zhanhuang felt disdainful, and the five clones following him suddenly burst into infinite aura, and then merged into his body one after another.

"What? The Emperor of the Western Heavens actually merged all his avatars?"

"Then there are five original dharma bodies, can they be integrated?"

Everyone was stunned.

Avatar fusion is nothing.

But the key is that those avatars have cultivated the five original dharma bodies.

This is the most powerful dharma body in the universe.


At this moment, as the five avatars of the Western Heaven War Emperor merged into each other, a storm of spiritual power so powerful that it changed the color of the world suddenly burst out from his body.

The previously trembling fingers of the Emperor Xitian suddenly fell down.


At the moment when his fingertips fell, there seemed to be a buzzing vibration, which directly permeated the entire Great Thousand World.

At this time, on the sky list, the light is sometimes strong and sometimes dim, as if it is making the final obstacle.


However, this kind of obstruction only lasted for a few breaths before it was declared broken, accompanied by a crisp broken sound.

Everyone saw that on the sky list, a ray of spiritual light began to condense.

The Xitian Zhanhuang swiped his fingers, and each swiping was like a thousand weights, like a pen flying a dragon and a snake.

Countless lines of sight stared fixedly at the top of the sky list. Behind the swaying word "Thunder", the aura condensed, and each stroke took shape out of thin air...


When that last brushstroke trembled across, the whole world fell silent at this moment.

Xitian Zhanhuang, real name Lei Zhan.

On the sky list, spiritual light bloomed, illuminating every corner of the Great Thousand World.

All eyes were looking there in disbelief.

On it, a complete real name fluttered and floated, as if possessing some kind of indescribable majesty, so that everyone who saw it couldn't help but kneel down.

Boundless and endless aura radiated out, enveloping the Western Heaven War Emperor.

At this moment, the Western Heaven War Emperor could feel that his perception seemed to permeate the entire Great Thousand World.

A real sense of control welled up in my heart.

This made Dexitian Zhanhuang feel strange.

It seems that the whole world is in his hands.

This feeling is like domination.

Xitian Zhanhuang slowly clenched his palms together, and said with pride: "From now on, above the holy rank, it shall be the master realm."

It is as if you have Tianxian in your mouth, so name it.

He raised his head, looked at the high golden font on the sky list, and then uttered a soft voice, the voice was like a grand bell, echoing in the ears of every creature in the world.

"In the vast world, ten thousand ways contend, and I am the master."

Between heaven and earth, spiritual light blooms.

And under the sky list, the figure of the Western Heaven War Emperor seemed to be filled with an indescribable majesty at this moment, and his gestures and gestures aroused the mighty power of the world.

"Congratulations to the Emperor of War, you have achieved mastery!"

On the Bailing Continent, countless strong men cheered, their voices were like thunder, resounding through the heaven and earth.

Even the Immortal Lord, the Sword Saint in Green Clothes, and Qin Tian and other saint-grade Heavenly Supreme late-stage powerhouses bowed their hands in worship, with impassioned voices.

The Western Heaven War Emperor stood proudly in the void, looking down on the world like a supreme ruler.

this moment.

He looked at Tu Shanhonghong and the others, like a lofty emperor, condescendingly said:

"Tu Shan Honghong, Tu Shan Yaya, Tu Shan Rongrong, Yun Yun, Qing Yanjing, this emperor is now the master, are you willing to enter our Zhan Palace as concubines?"

At this moment, all the strong men looked at Tu Shanhonghong and the other five girls.

They didn't expect that after the Western Heaven War Emperor became the master, the first thing he did was to accept five beauties as concubines.

But they were not dissatisfied in the slightest.

Some are just envious and jealous.

This is the supreme master beyond the immortal emperor.

Being able to become his concubine is simply a blessing from Baishixiu.

When the Great Elder of the Futu Ancient Clan heard Qing Yanjing's name, he was overjoyed, and quickly sent a voice transmission: "Qing Yanjing, don't thank His Majesty Zhan Huang for your kindness."

As for the marriage contract with Mahetian, it is a fart in front of the Western Heaven War Emperor who is now the ruler.

Mahatian's face turned ashen.

In front of him, to accept his fiancée as a concubine was to rub his face against the ground with a man's dignity.

But he dared not attack.

Not to mention any complaints.

Even when the Western Heaven War Emperor asked, he had to obsequiously agree to present his fiancée.

no way.

The fist is the truth.

The Western Heaven War Emperor has become the ruler, and he is not something that the ancient Maha clan can afford to offend.

Qing Yanjing's face was pale at the moment.

She saw everything just now.

If it was Mahatian, she would still dare to run away and regret the marriage.

Because the Futu ancient clan is not afraid of the Maha ancient clan.

She can bear all the consequences of escaping and regretting the marriage.


The ancient Futu clan could not afford to offend the current Emperor of the West.

If she angered the other party, the ancient Buddha clan would be destroyed in an instant.


Even if she didn't want to, she couldn't be selfish enough to let the ancient Futu clan be buried with her for her own sake.

"Qing Yanjing, Xie Zhanhuang..."

Qing Yanjing's beautiful eyes were shining brightly, her white teeth clenched her red lips, and she wanted to thank her.

"What are you? Are you worthy of us as concubines?"

Before Qing Yanjing could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Tu Shan Yaya's indifferent and arrogant voice.

When everyone heard the words, there was an uproar.

There are still people who dare to speak to the Western Heaven War Emperor like this. Are they really not afraid of death?


Palace Master Beixuan didn't know that his son was killed by Xitian Zhanhuang, so he was eager to show his performance at this moment, so he stood up immediately and yelled loudly:

"His Majesty Zhanhuang is willing to accept you as his concubine. It is the blessing of your third life. You don't know how to be grateful, but contradict His Majesty Zhanhuang. You really don't know what is good or bad!"

The green-clothed swordsman frowned, although he was a little ashamed of the Western Heaven War Emperor forcibly robbing beautiful women, but he was powerless to stop him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Your son's bones are not yet cold. If you, a father, ran off to be someone's dog's leg so quickly, you are not afraid that your son will know and die?"

Tu Shan said sarcastically.

"What? My son..."

The bodies of Beixuan Palace Master and Baihua Sect Master trembled, but their bodies were frozen into ice cubes while they were still speaking.


The ice shattered and finally turned into powder, and the two heavenly beings, the master of Beixuan and the master of Baihua sect, disappeared in front of everyone.


Everyone took a breath, their eyes full of horror and awe.

They didn't see who made the move, and they instinctively thought it was the Emperor of the West.

After all, the Emperor Xitian killed the two sons, so it is normal to kill them to avoid future troubles

"Okay, now it's time to

it's your turn! "

Tu Shan's Yaya voice sounded again, and his eyes fell on Xitian Zhanhuang.

"What? She actually killed Palace Master Beixuan!"

Everyone was shocked.

Even the Immortal Lord, the Sword Saint in Green Clothes, and Qin Tian and other Saint-Rank Heavenly Supreme late-stage powerhouses were stunned.

They watched the whole process just now, but they didn't realize how Tu Shan Yaya made the move.

They all thought it was the Emperor of the Western Sky who made the move.

"She should be a member of the fox clan. When did the fox clan have such a strong person?"

All the Heavenly Sovereigns were puzzled.

However, they were not optimistic about Tu Shan Yaya's provocation.

No matter how strong Tu Shan Yaya is, it is absolutely impossible for him to be the opponent of the Western Heaven War Emperor who left his full real name on the Sky Ranking.

However, the West Heaven War Emperor's eyes became serious at this moment.

He found that he underestimated Tu Shan Yaya.

Even with his current cultivation level, Tu Shan was only aware of the Yaya attack just now.

What does this mean?

It shows that Tu Shan Yaya may be stronger than him.

Therefore, the Western Heaven War Emperor smiled lightly and said:

"Goddess Yaya, I really admire you and want to get married with you. If you don't want to, I promise I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do."


Everyone's eyes were full of astonishment, the Emperor Xitian was aggressive just now, how come he has become righteous and awe-inspiring now?

Could it be...


They have not left their names on the sky list, no matter how strong they are, they are no more than holy rank Tianzun, and they cannot be stronger than Xitian Zhanhuang.

Everyone put aside the unrealistic idea in their minds,

It's just that I still can't figure out why the Emperor of the West Heaven suddenly changed his sex.


Tu Shan Yaya stopped talking nonsense, and stretched out her crystal jade finger, pointing at the Emperor of the West.


"How dare she attack His Majesty the Emperor?"

"Does this mean you don't want to live?"

Just when everyone had this thought, a scene of horror that they will never forget appeared.

The high-spirited West Heaven War Emperor, who had just been promoted to master, showed a look of panic.

It seemed to have seen some great horror.

The world shook.

The sky list trembled.

The Western Sky War Emperor wants to use the power of the Great Thousand World to stop it.

But Tu Shan Yaya has a supreme power that transcends everything. This is the mighty power of the god king, the power that transcends time and space.

Even if the Western Heaven War Emperor has the world power of the Great Thousand Worlds, he can barely touch the power of the God King.

Facing Tu Shan Yaya, who was at the peak of the god king, was like a celestial celestial being meeting a celestial celestial being, completely powerless to fight back.

"How is it possible? How can it be so strong?"

"I have just become the master, so I just died like this?"

Xitian Zhanhuang struggled desperately, but in the face of absolute strength, everything was futile.

Tu Shan's elegant and slender jade fingers were like an ancient sacred mountain, under pressure, his body couldn't bear the pressure, and began to crack inch by inch.

Once he falls, he will definitely die without life.


The Lord of Immortality, the Sword Master in Green Shirt, and other saints, the Heavenly Sovereigns, were stunned.

As promised in the Great Thousand World, how about I be the master?

You can't handle even one move?

"No...Goddess Yaya, I was wrong, please forgive me, I don't dare to dream again..."

The Western Heaven War Emperor was frightened and begged for mercy loudly.

He himself is just a time traveler, he would rather die than surrender.


Tu Shan Yaya remained unmoved, and with a single pointing finger, she pierced through the eyebrows of the Emperor of War in the Western Heaven.

The terrifying power of the Great Dao instantly wiped out all the vitality of the Western Heaven War Emperor.


The Xitian Zhanhuang stared unwillingly, and hit the ground heavily, losing all breath.

The crisp landing sound was like a heavy hammer, striking hard in the depths of everyone's hearts.

It makes people shudder.



"The West Heaven War Emperor, who was just promoted to master, died like this?"

The world was dead silent.

All the strong men stared wide-eyed and couldn't breathe.


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